That's why they use that excuse. I posted this on another thread 2 weeks ago. It might be funny but ALL of these excuses are routinely used by sources when they go AWOL. Although the order can change a bit, in general, they tend to follow this course of events.
Customers use these type of excuses, also, when they get cold feet and want to back out of the deal they've received payment info for from the source. If customers don't follow through once they've received payment info they are rightfully labeled "Information Collectors". They will be blacklisted by the source they've fucked with and the incident should be reported to staff who should confirm the incident took place and then ban the member.
The customer and source have certain responsibilities that need to be taken care of regardless of personal crisis. It's just that simple. It's called being a grown up.
Thought I would throw that in there. Customers have responsibilities just as serious as the source.
A source that has been around and knows what he's doing would generally want to keep things like this guy has posted quiet because potential customers may shy away from making an order and sending funds because the potential for delays etc and for exactly what we see happening here. Also, it's not very professional to air personal business.
A small source I have some dealings with went through some personal issues that had his personal life a bit up in the air. His significant other was in a wreck that left her in critical condition and killed her 2 passengers. This was less than 30 days after his step son(signif others son) was diagnosed with leukemia.
He didn't plan on the info hitting the airwaves but the events were revealed by a guy that had a sizeable order he wanted to place and knew of the accident from local television news. The customer used the info he learned about the sources fiancé by making what on the surface read like a heart felt call for prayers and support for the family from the Community as an "Insurance Policy" of sorts for the product he wanted badly. The accident and all that goes with something like that had already gone down. If business was to continue it should be as it normally would. No excuses for allowing more time than agreed on because of personal issues would be acceptable.
I look upon the taking the news of the sources personal issues of his girl possibly dying while her son is in the middle of his first round of Chemo public, a responsible thing to do. It informed the Community and customers, many who would be placing orders, that the potential for even more sadness and worse news landing on the sources plate was a very real possibility.
The motive was hidden a bit under the guise of well wishes etc but was effective in getting the message out. The source ended up working out of the waiting rooms of 2 different hospitals and was shown a lot of support during that time and things worked out.
Thing is with this guy......nobody knows him....or Tiffany. I woke up this morning next to a Tiffany? She was naked and not logged on to Meso....of that I'm certain.