USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

t/a is 5-7 days, anything above this you guys are welcome to post negative comments in here.

Spetz it really seems like you are making an effort to do the right thing but it is painfully obvious that you have absolutely zero previous experience running or even managing a business.

From the start you had no clue about the necessary security until PI called you out, then you had a major packaging issue right off the bat, then you were unprepared for dealing with complications (which always arise in any business in one form or another).

To your credit you have made changes to correct those issues but then you come back from the last set of major problems announcing a "sale" which in the past in these types of situations almost always would have properly been labeled as a Going Out of Business Sale.

Now you post the above "t/a is 5-7 days above this you guys are welcome to post negative comments in here" If a guy orders from you all he wants is the product(s) he ordered within the time frame he was promised delivery. What good is posting a negative comment here for a customer.

If you have every reason to believe that t/a will be less than 7 days in virtually all cases then you should have posted something to the effect of "for anyone who doesn't receive their product(s) within 10 days I will compensate them for the inconvenience by sending them 50% of their order in free goods" Something like this gives your customers a satisfactory resolution to the issue whereas posting comments here does not.

IMO, what you should do is hire someone who is either in marketing or has actually managed a business to consult for you and I'm not talking about a guy who has managed a Sunglasses Hut. You need someone with experience to bounce ideas off of and guide you in the right direction.

Whoever you hire should never post in this thread and should be paid in cash by you not in product. I don't know who that person would be on this site or maybe it is someone from outside of this site but you need guidance.

PS- if whomever you select says that "Tiff" was a good idea immediately move on to your second choice.
Hahahah, the guy with underdosed test and bunk var can somehow get his hands on real hex raws?! AND he's going to charge $100/vial !! hahahah
No way the var was bunk I had great results I was on it for 3 months bf under 10% was 12 vascularity is amazing
So I have to say I was happy with my results.
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No way the var was bunk I had great results I was on it for 3 months bf under 10% was 12 vascularity is amazing
So I have to say I was happy with my results.

He admits it here:

Yes, as i told the guys in reddit, the results don't lie, I've been honest about who my supplier is, transparency is important to me, i use a supplier who is reliable and safe for me, the 39% spec result is not good, however im more concerned about the fillers, I havent spoken to polar yet to know if he sent in another vendor for raws other than kevin's anavar, or any other compound, we have had MULTIPLE blood results for the test and they've all been good, you guys can also check that out, one thing.... im not "bailing" or dissapearing, i have other products and a list of FDA approved meds, those are USA pharmaceutical grade
I saw that it was proven later that the test results were fake. That's a dead horse.
But honestly bro im also just telling you from my experience. 50 grams a day 25 in the morning then 6hrs later. I've never had veins pop out my delts biceps and calves. So there was something there tren and test have never done that to me.
The reason I posted it cause my results are truth. Meso deserves to hear truth for the community. My results are factual. Just like I Said I did not like the test p. It hurt way too much.
Spetz it really seems like you are making an effort to do the right thing but it is painfully obvious that you have absolutely zero previous experience running or even managing a business.

From the start you had no clue about the necessary security until PI called you out, then you had a major packaging issue right off the bat, then you were unprepared for dealing with complications (which always arise in any business in one form or another).

To your credit you have made changes to correct those issues but then you come back from the last set of major problems announcing a "sale" which in the past in these types of situations almost always would have properly been labeled as a Going Out of Business Sale.

Now you post the above "t/a is 5-7 days above this you guys are welcome to post negative comments in here" If a guy orders from you all he wants is the product(s) he ordered within the time frame he was promised delivery. What good is posting a negative comment here for a customer.

If you have every reason to believe that t/a will be less than 7 days in virtually all cases then you should have posted something to the effect of "for anyone who doesn't receive their product(s) within 10 days I will compensate them for the inconvenience by sending them 50% of their order in free goods" Something like this gives your customers a satisfactory resolution to the issue whereas posting comments here does not.

IMO, what you should do is hire someone who is either in marketing or has actually managed a business to consult for you and I'm not talking about a guy who has managed a Sunglasses Hut. You need someone with experience to bounce ideas off of and guide you in the right direction.

Whoever you hire should never post in this thread and should be paid in cash by you not in product. I don't know who that person would be on this site or maybe it is someone from outside of this site but you need guidance.

PS- if whomever you select says that "Tiff" was a good idea immediately move on to your second choice.
Thanks for your advise but i don't trust anyone so I'm going at this SOLO, so i cannot have a partner. And you're right I've never owned a business but I'm slowly learning. I'm not going out of business, I haven't even made back what I've put into this. Thanks again for your input i appreciate it and always listen to constructive criticism.
I saw that it was proven later that the test results were fake. That's a dead horse.
But honestly bro im also just telling you from my experience. 50 grams a day 25 in the morning then 6hrs later. I've never had veins pop out my delts biceps and calves. So there was something there tren and test have never done that to me.
The reason I posted it cause my results are truth. Meso deserves to hear truth for the community. My results are factual. Just like I Said I did not like the test p. It hurt way too much.

I must've missed where that got cleared up.. Find it odd that spetz readily admitted the results were probably true though..

I'm not questioning your results, who knows what you got.. The question still stands though, even if it's just underdosed test which has been shown by a few members.. How could he get real hex raws (a very exotic compound) if he can't get good test??
Only knew a few members but they no longer do it. Scoc states that if a member does this that they will be reimbursed or credited
Bro....I call bs on the fact you can get hex. That compound is theee most faked product out. It is theeee best compound ever made...