USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

The transition went well. I believe because of the Clomid. Usually you notice when you in pct mode. Tired strength goes down. Lose size. I had none of the above except loss of sex drive. I just was not interested in sex at all weird for me. But I still had to satisfy my wife ;) as far a strength I have been continuing to do Dorian's Hit. With no issues so that might have something to do with it.
The transition went well. I believe because of the Clomid. Usually you notice when you in pct mode. Tired strength goes down. Lose size. I had none of the above except loss of sex drive. I just was not interested in sex at all weird for me. But I still had to satisfy my wife ;) as far a strength I have been continuing to do Dorian's Hit. With no issues so that might have something to do with it.
Dorians hit? Is that like blood and guts?
150mg of spetz hombrew tren A a day = a fucking waste of time money and pins...smh 2 weeks In. At that dose for 2wks and 2days I should b in jail by now

what can you do to fix this @usaspetz spetz
Any update on this? Looking to order tren a next, was contemplating spetz but this post is a big red flag.
OK I'm an idiot somehow i posted this in another thread, locally i realized it and deleted it within 30 secs! hope no one noticed!

anyway... Decided to swap Vendor for the Caber, you get an extra Tablet for the same price and top notch Manufacturer.

The transition went well. I believe because of the Clomid. Usually you notice when you in pct mode. Tired strength goes down. Lose size. I had none of the above except loss of sex drive. I just was not interested in sex at all weird for me. But I still had to satisfy my wife ;) as far a strength I have been continuing to do Dorian's Hit. With no issues so that might have something to do with it.
I may have missed it, did you do nolva as well or just clo?
Is this the same guy we were talking about the other day? Didn't know what the eff he was saying?
Buddy, please get your dosaging down. Last time it was 2mg a day and now it's 2ml.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
And yes, get those bloods. I would love to see "2mg a day" and "2ml here this Thursday"
