USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Easy! You have to love fake tracking numbers, counterfeit and/or underdosed gear and not mind when he severs communications abruptly with money outstanding.

Damn is there something im missing? I know some of his homebrew was sketchy but I've had good communication and a real tracking number.

I've only bought vet and which im serisously hoping is legit. I bought a labmax so I'll be using it when everything arrives.
Easy! You have to love fake tracking numbers, counterfeit and/or underdosed gear and not mind when he severs communications abruptly with money outstanding.
You forgot to mention the occasional love note from Tiff.
Damn is there something im missing? I know some of his homebrew was sketchy but I've had good communication and a real tracking number.

I've only bought vet and which im serisously hoping is legit. I bought a labmax so I'll be using it when everything arrives.

You're not missing anything Luca... people are blowing in you're ear and telling you its windy outside! Nothing mysterious going on with Spetz, the vet grade stuff is good, and you can get a tracking number without having to sign for the package.. the sender of the pkg. simply specifies that NO signature
is required... and just for the record, he did that for me! This guy is way better than the average UGL out there supplying shit underdosed, or underfilled, low quality product! And if there is an issue... he squares it away with the buyer! The vet grade stuff is pharma grade gear! Its 100% real, and its dosed properly. I don't know what's more strange here on MESO... a woman, or a woman in the underground that uses PED's? You decide for yourself.. but it sure as hell doesn't amount to being a shill for Spetz either! I'm a woman on MESO... who has utilized AAS for years, i have utilized a source known on here, i am pleased with the overall experience, and since it's been a positive experience... i'm sharing this with you & other members... just as we're supposed to do! Spetz is not the Big Bad Wolf.. as some on here would have you believe! If it turns out that i've steered you in the wrong direction, or stated something incorrectly... then please let me know? Because i would really love to hear about it? ;)
You're not missing anything Luca... people are blowing in you're ear and telling you its windy outside! Nothing mysterious going on with Spetz, the vet grade stuff is good, and you can get a tracking number without having to sign for the package.. the sender of the pkg. simply specifies that NO signature
is required... and just for the record, he did that for me! This guy is way better than the average UGL out there supplying shit underdosed, or underfilled, low quality product! And if there is an issue... he squares it away with the buyer! The vet grade stuff is pharma grade gear! Its 100% real, and its dosed properly. I don't know what's more strange here on MESO... a woman, or a woman in the underground that uses PED's? You decide for yourself.. but it sure as hell doesn't amount to being a shill for Spetz either! I'm a woman on MESO... who has utilized AAS for years, i have utilized a source known on here, i am pleased with the overall experience, and since it's been a positive experience... i'm sharing this with you & other members... just as we're supposed to do! Spetz is not the Big Bad Wolf.. as some on here would have you believe! If it turns out that i've steered you in the wrong direction, or stated something incorrectly... then please let me know? Because i would really love to hear about it? ;)
You go Tiff!!!
You're not missing anything Luca... people are blowing in you're ear and telling you its windy outside! Nothing mysterious going on with Spetz, the vet grade stuff is good, and you can get a tracking number without having to sign for the package.. the sender of the pkg. simply specifies that NO signature
is required... and just for the record, he did that for me! This guy is way better than the average UGL out there supplying shit underdosed, or underfilled, low quality product! And if there is an issue... he squares it away with the buyer! The vet grade stuff is pharma grade gear! Its 100% real, and its dosed properly. I don't know what's more strange here on MESO... a woman, or a woman in the underground that uses PED's? You decide for yourself.. but it sure as hell doesn't amount to being a shill for Spetz either! I'm a woman on MESO... who has utilized AAS for years, i have utilized a source known on here, i am pleased with the overall experience, and since it's been a positive experience... i'm sharing this with you & other members... just as we're supposed to do! Spetz is not the Big Bad Wolf.. as some on here would have you believe! If it turns out that i've steered you in the wrong direction, or stated something incorrectly... then please let me know? Because i would really love to hear about it? ;)

Did you not say in your original post that you had only received a pak and giving a thumbs up?
Have you even ran any of his gear?
Did you not say in your original post that you had only received a pak and giving a thumbs up?
Have you even ran any of his gear?

Yes i've been running his gear.. and so is my brother! And just for the record... i've just received the 2nd pack, loaded with more vet grade stuff for me, and a bunch of other goodies for my brother! Oh happy days are here! Lol! ;)

And just as promised... Spetz tossed something in my Christmas stocking too! Plus.. if it would actually shut up some of the naysayers on here regarding Spetz's overall quality & service... i would suggest to him, to start slinging samples! However, it's theoretically impossible that a few of you on here will ever stop trashing Spetz, simply because you same guy's get you're shits & giggles that way! Some of you on here... if you had a dam CLONE you'd find something wrong with IT! Lol!
So... go ahead and pass on his gear... this way there will be plenty for me and my sphere of influence! ;)
And just as promised... Spetz tossed something in my Christmas stocking too! Plus.. if it would actually shut up some of the naysayers on here regarding Spetz's overall quality & service... i would suggest to him, to start slinging samples! However, it's theoretically impossible that a few of you on here will ever stop trashing Spetz, simply because you same guy's get you're shits & giggles that way! Some of you on here... if you had a dam CLONE you'd find something wrong with IT! Lol!
So... go ahead and pass on his gear... this way there will be plenty for me and my sphere of influence! ;)

What's "theoretically impossible" is you ever convincing anyone here that you are NOT an idiot shill for Spetz.

That said, please keep writing your worthless reviews. They not only further expose your true agenda, but I find the fact that you are wasting your time quite amusing.
@usaspetz Spetz this girl/whatever does you more damage then good. If it were me I pm it and ask it to be quiet. It wakes sleeping dogs.

Before anymore B.S. gets started.. everyone can just relax! "IT" is going to Hawaii for a month on Saturday.. so it will be real quiet
around here.. i promise! All of you here @MESO have yourselves a VERY Merry Christmas! You too Brutus! ;)
Damn is there something im missing? I know some of his homebrew was sketchy but I've had good communication and a real tracking number.

I've only bought vet and which im serisously hoping is legit. I bought a labmax so I'll be using it when everything arrives.

Something you're missing? I guess there is! I wrote this when Spetz's "problems" first began.

Where's your compassion, Johnny? The man's wife left him. That's always a bad omen for sources. The next thing you know, email doesn't work properly or the internet connection gets shut off because he "forgot" to pay the bill, making it next to impossible to log in. Then he'll need to fly his offspring half way across the country to get a rare operation for a condition so rare that only three other people in the entire world have had it. And of course, his shipper will run off with all his gear. Then, he'll have the compulsory "death in the family" - that's a given. Perhaps his roof will cave in or maybe he'll come down with a touch of the Ebola, but just the 24-hour variety. He'll live, of course, but will be far too ill to send out orders. And don't forget that some family member will turn lesbian. There's always at least one lesbian involved in these things.

So far, Spetz has seen most of my prophesy come true.

His internet connection did get shut off - actually it was his neighbor's internet that was shut off - Spetz was just stealing his wifi. Apparently the neighbor didn't pay the bill, and as you can imagine, his audacity left poor Spetz in an awful predicament because there are no wifi hotspots within moped distance of Spetz's home. So of course, he was incommunicado until he found another neighbor's wifi to hack. This happened exactly as I predicted.

Also as predicted, Spetz came down with a nasty case of Ebola. Luckily, it was just the 24-hour variety so he lived, but the ensuing explosive diarrhea resulted in Spetz suffering a nasty rectal prolapse which left him much too ill to deal with petty things like anxious customers who thought that had been scammed. They were forced to wait and worry until the last of the explosive diarrhea had passed before the doctors were able to push Spetz's insides back in before put he was able to put in an appearance.

He did have the offspring afflicted with an extremely rare illness - appendicitis. And not just any appendicitis, though. Oh no, it was the kind that necessitated a very rare operation that put said offspring in intensive care for a week, leaving Spetz unable to drag himself away from his/her bedside for so much as the two minutes it would take to put up a quick post that would have alleviated his customers anxiety.

Now, I did say there's always a lesbian involved in these cases, and thus far, we've heard no reports of muff diving. So I was a "little off" on that prediction, but not too far off. I expected it would be Spetz's wife who decided she preferred dining at the Y over dining on Spetz, however, that doesn't mean Spetz's "spouse" isn't involved. Instead of a lesbian, we got the next best thing: a male tranny from Appalachia. You may know s/h/it as Hardbodygirl. Perhaps HBG was Spetz's same-sex partner before making the transition - hard to say and nobody seems to know for sure but it would help explain why Spetz was so susceptible to the rectal prolapse. It might also explain why Hardbodygirl is shilling for Spetz. But I digress. What we do know is this tranny is posing as a 51-year-old female bodybuilder with a big "clit" (sure that's what that thing is), no tits, 5 o'clock shadow, speaks with a baritone voice and has a fictitious 18-year-old little brother. 33 years younger, in fact, and supposedly has many, many years of AAS experience and benches over 500 lbs.

As far as I know, Spetz's roof has remained intact throughout the whole ordeal which is really a miracle so thanks are definitely owed to the big man upstairs for that blessing.

So as you can see, Luca, you have missed a great deal.

Hope this helps put things into perspective.

Something you're missing? I guess there is! I wrote this when Spetz's "problems" first began.

So far, Spetz has seen most of my prophesy come true.

His internet connection did get shut off - actually it was his neighbor's internet that was shut off - Spetz was just stealing his wifi. Apparently the neighbor didn't pay the bill, and as you can imagine, his audacity left poor Spetz in an awful predicament because there are no wifi hotspots within moped distance of Spetz's home. So of course, he was incommunicado until he found another neighbor's wifi to hack. This happened exactly as I predicted.

Also as predicted, Spetz came down with a nasty case of Ebola. Luckily, it was just the 24-hour variety so he lived, but the ensuing explosive diarrhea resulted in Spetz suffering a nasty rectal prolapse which left him much too ill to deal with petty things like anxious customers who thought that had been scammed. They were forced to wait and worry until the last of the explosive diarrhea had passed before the doctors were able to push Spetz's insides back in before put he was able to put in an appearance.

He did have the offspring afflicted with an extremely rare illness - appendicitis. And not just any appendicitis, though. Oh no, it was the kind that necessitated a very rare operation that put said offspring in intensive care for a week, leaving Spetz unable to drag himself away from his/her bedside for so much as the two minutes it would take to put up a quick post that would have alleviated his customers anxiety.

Now, I did say there's always a lesbian involved in these cases, and thus far, we've heard no reports of muff diving. So I was a "little off" on that prediction, but not too far off. I expected it would be Spetz's wife who decided she preferred dining at the Y over dining on Spetz, however, that doesn't mean Spetz's "spouse" isn't involved. Instead of a lesbian, we got the next best thing: a male tranny from Appalachia. You may know s/h/it as Hardbodygirl. Perhaps HBG was Spetz's same-sex partner before making the transition - hard to say and nobody seems to know for sure but it would help explain why Spetz was so susceptible to the rectal prolapse. It might also explain why Hardbodygirl is shilling for Spetz. But I digress. What we do know is this tranny is posing as a 51-year-old female bodybuilder with a big "clit" (sure that's what that thing is), no tits, 5 o'clock shadow, speaks with a baritone voice and has a fictitious 18-year-old little brother. 33 years younger, in fact, and supposedly has many, many years of AAS experience and benches over 500 lbs.

As far as I know, Spetz's roof has remained intact throughout the whole ordeal which is really a miracle so thanks are definitely owed to the big man upstairs for that blessing.

So as you can see, Luca, you have missed a great deal.

Hope this helps put things into perspective.

Lol... although entertaining to read...this is just a wee bit magnified.
FWIW. I took a stab on some of the Bayer amps to use for a blast this winter. I can't speak for quality of the gear yet but communication was fine, as was packaging and T/A was very good. I will definitely get bloods and post when I blast.
bloods will get you more amps! or a credit.