USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Something you're missing? I guess there is! I wrote this when Spetz's "problems" first began.

So far, Spetz has seen most of my prophesy come true.

His internet connection did get shut off - actually it was his neighbor's internet that was shut off - Spetz was just stealing his wifi. Apparently the neighbor didn't pay the bill, and as you can imagine, his audacity left poor Spetz in an awful predicament because there are no wifi hotspots within moped distance of Spetz's home. So of course, he was incommunicado until he found another neighbor's wifi to hack. This happened exactly as I predicted.

Also as predicted, Spetz came down with a nasty case of Ebola. Luckily, it was just the 24-hour variety so he lived, but the ensuing explosive diarrhea resulted in Spetz suffering a nasty rectal prolapse which left him much too ill to deal with petty things like anxious customers who thought that had been scammed. They were forced to wait and worry until the last of the explosive diarrhea had passed before the doctors were able to push Spetz's insides back in before put he was able to put in an appearance.

He did have the offspring afflicted with an extremely rare illness - appendicitis. And not just any appendicitis, though. Oh no, it was the kind that necessitated a very rare operation that put said offspring in intensive care for a week, leaving Spetz unable to drag himself away from his/her bedside for so much as the two minutes it would take to put up a quick post that would have alleviated his customers anxiety.

Now, I did say there's always a lesbian involved in these cases, and thus far, we've heard no reports of muff diving. So I was a "little off" on that prediction, but not too far off. I expected it would be Spetz's wife who decided she preferred dining at the Y over dining on Spetz, however, that doesn't mean Spetz's "spouse" isn't involved. Instead of a lesbian, we got the next best thing: a male tranny from Appalachia. You may know s/h/it as Hardbodygirl. Perhaps HBG was Spetz's same-sex partner before making the transition - hard to say and nobody seems to know for sure but it would help explain why Spetz was so susceptible to the rectal prolapse. It might also explain why Hardbodygirl is shilling for Spetz. But I digress. What we do know is this tranny is posing as a 51-year-old female bodybuilder with a big "clit" (sure that's what that thing is), no tits, 5 o'clock shadow, speaks with a baritone voice and has a fictitious 18-year-old little brother. 33 years younger, in fact, and supposedly has many, many years of AAS experience and benches over 500 lbs.

As far as I know, Spetz's roof has remained intact throughout the whole ordeal which is really a miracle so thanks are definitely owed to the big man upstairs for that blessing.

So as you can see, Luca, you have missed a great deal.

Hope this helps put things into perspective.


I don't know how much of this is true or embellished but I don't care cause it was such an entertaining read and great way to start my morning. Hahahha.
At 50mg per ml I would have to pin 20ml a week, that seems a bit ridiculous for the gains u will see on eq. Is it worth it for such a mild compound?
At 50mg per ml I would have to pin 20ml a week, that seems a bit ridiculous for the gains u will see on eq. Is it worth it for such a mild compound?
It looks legit. I know some body running it right now. Since its vet grade it shouldnt be underdosed so sky is the limit. Im with you tho on all the oil tho
I really do enjoy my eq and run a big cycle of it every year! I'm on it right now at 1.5g/w but it couldn't do that without having it at a higher mg
That was my concern with this stuff, it would add up to a lot of oil per week and at $140 for 50ml it's expensive and would go quick.
At 50mg per ml I would have to pin 20ml a week, that seems a bit ridiculous for the gains u will see on eq. Is it worth it for such a mild compound?
Yeah that would be a lot of oil. I have problems already with swelling from too much oil in injection sites.
The vet grade equipoise he has would be perfect for my wife at that dose. We have a lot of research to do before we decide on what she should run. I'm getting some advice from a woman who has been in the game for awhile and she said equipoise and anavar is best for a woman. Whichever we choose has to be vet/pharm grade.
Assuming you can find legit anavar.
Yeah that would be a lot of oil. I have problems already with swelling from too much oil in injection sites.
The vet grade equipoise he has would be perfect for my wife at that dose. We have a lot of research to do before we decide on what she should run. I'm getting some advice from a woman who has been in the game for awhile and she said equipoise and anavar is best for a woman. Whichever we choose has to be vet/pharm grade.
Exactly Mr. Rocks
The Pharm grade Anavar is hard for me to find. I ran some UGL anavar a few months back and I had to quit taking it. It made my back and kidneys hurt and I had a fucked up feeling that I couldn't shake. That was my first time with anavar and if that's the normal feeling and sides on Anavar then there's no way she could handle it.
Are you sure it was anavar? Did you LabMax it?
Exactly Mr. Rocks
The Pharm grade Anavar is hard for me to find. I ran some UGL anavar a few months back and I had to quit taking it. It made my back and kidneys hurt and I had a fucked up feeling that I couldn't shake. That was my first time with anavar and if that's the normal feeling and sides on Anavar then there's no way she could handle it.
My friends and I ordered 6 bottles total. One of the first three bottles that came in together we're labmaxed. My friend performed the labmax and he said that it looked like it was high purity Anavar. He even contacted labmax and showed them a few pics. Labmax said it was high purity Anavar. Three of us that took the Anavar had to quit for the same reasons. It was some heavy shit.