USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Dude, first of all change your avitar or incur the wrath of member Brutus. Second, why would you post a cycle question in a source thread?Go post this question in the steroid forum.
Hello I'm new to the site but have learned a lot from the threads I've read . But I'm looking for some advice on a cycle. I've ran a bottle of sust in the past but only one bottle. But what I'm wondering is should I stick with just Test... or would it be ok to start with a little D-bol as well or something else. I'm 33 yrs old and 170lbs work out 3-4 times a week and have a very physical job. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Hello I'm new to the site but have learned a lot from the threads I've read . But I'm looking for some advice on a cycle. I've ran a bottle of sust in the past but only one bottle. But what I'm wondering is should I stick with just Test... or would it be ok to start with a little D-bol as well or something else. I'm 33 yrs old and 170lbs work out 3-4 times a week and have a very physical job. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
This belongs in the steroid forum. Not in the underground.
Thank you for the offer, but I'm not trying to fish for free gear. I've started cutting your product with my TRT test which is in GSO. I'm hoping that will cut down on my symptoms.

While it's not common CSO allergies do exist!! you could do a small test on your skin, youtube how to do allergy tests, and you're in luck, my latest batches of prop are made using a new carrier oil, i will post a pic bellow, once you've confirmed the allergy please email me and i will replace them with this, although i thank you for not faulting me, its not fair that you paid for a product which you cannot use, so if its permitted why not pass the CSO product to another member in need (it is x-mas season) and you will get these replaced.


Four and a half weeks of running his UGL Anabolix Test E. First 10 days, I thought I had the flu. I was so tired, achy neck and back, and cold sweats at night. Started to clear up, but the day after I pinned, I would feel awful again. No appetite, back under the covers with cold sweats and some wheezing, which concerned me.

I never had a fever and the sight of the injection would get a bit red and puffy but nothing I was ever concerned about. As time went on, it would get better but 24 hours after a pin, I could count on feeling dead tired and not being hungry.

I don't think it's test flu as I've never had it before. From what I've read, the BA and BB may cause local irritation only, not systemic. So I researched the carrier oil, cottonseed. Bingo!

Cottonseed oil is a relatively common food allergy, closely related to peanuts. I believe I've been suffering from an allergic reaction to cottonseed oil.

My impressions so far: I've missed 4 workouts in nearly 5 weeks due to fatigue (slept 13 hours last night). My overall cals haven't been bumped up since I started - on average - due to loss of appetite. Weight is up 5 pounds, libido is about the same, skin is a bit oilier. Absolute strength really hasn't moved but I'm getting more reps per set. I'm a bit disappointed because I have a lot more of this product but it doesn't agree with me (through no fault of Spetz's). I'll have bloods in a week.

Cottonseed oil is used because it's cheap. In researching it, I found out that the first cases of recorded food product anaphalaxsis was due to cottonseed oil used in injections given to soldiers in the early 1900s. I'd love to see this product phased out in favor of something like GSO or Sesame oil.
While it's not common CSO allergies do exist!! you could do a small test on your skin, youtube how to do allergy tests, and you're in luck, my latest batches of prop are made using a new carrier oil, i will post a pic bellow, once you've confirmed the allergy please email me and i will replace them with this, although i thank you for not faulting me, its not fair that you paid for a product which you cannot use, so if its permitted why not pass the CSO product to another member in nee
Thank you for the offer, but I'm not trying to fish for free gear. I've started cutting your product with my TRT test which is in GSO. I'm hoping that will cut down on my symptoms.

the offer stands if you change your mind :)