USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Well my issue is spetz was not perfect there will never be a golden source.
1. There were never any correct bloods taken. Some members did not follow protocol. Its hard to get a feel as there needed to be more history to justify that.
2. Same with labmax it has come to a understanding that some carrier oils glow differently. Need more history.
3.There were some issues with late packages and yes he should of handled that better but everyone did receive what they were supposed too.
3. There was one mishap with a member. Neither party could show proof that payment was made.
4. Extra handles. And IP's. It would take a whole lot to figure that out not only would the ips have to be the same. But also you would also need the proof of the pc's name and serial every pc has one ingrained in the system. As far as adress you would need to have friends with LE or friends on the other side of the internet providers. Or know black hat network.
As far as tor it has not really been penetrated. You would have to watch nodes and relays for along time.
5. I believe some who want to eradicate all sources. And are willing to say or do anything for them to be gone. Those guys have private sources so it's no big deal. Then we have to many followers that followed the foot steps of these guys. Be yourself be original dont follow the mobs.
I was hoping there would be change here at meso. But we our in the same cycle over and over here. We need change.
There will never be a golden source there will be misshapen with china powder. All we can do is construct sources on how things should be some sources are willing to learn... and some are not. Some stand proud of there product as it is there hard work some dont care..
We need to watch for the ones willing to work with us.
But most just want to be internet bullies and tough guys.
We have been on a witch hunt pointing fingers and accusations. Yes we have been done wrong here. We need to find a different way of doing things. I dont care if people look down on me or think of me different. I have always stated my mind with full honesty.
That's all I have to say.
Thanks PI.

Well said PI and kudos to you for saying exactly what a lot of members are thinking but won't say because they don't want to be the next punching bag.
. He's stating that he's done because of LAW ENFORCEMENT .

LMFAO! IF LE is the problem it's HIS PROBLEM and NOT those whom are attempting to be rid this fine forum of someone whom is trying to sell illicit drugs. Really that's just one of several reasons these scamming dirt balls use to exit Meso, after screwing several people with BUNK GEAR.

What next this SOB will claim every means of compensating those who were screwed such as replacement AAS, cash refund ect is now in the hands of LE and poor Spetz USA was "busted", lol!

Yea right and I'll read all about that HUGE BUST in the Tampa Times newspaper, NOT!

I appreciate what you said. I tend to agree with you there is some witch hunting. But idk. That's kind of meso's thing.

Meso is a witch hunt. People have been burned so it's built up quite a wall. Though there were mistakes, I believe Spetz really tried, despite mesos abuse (justified or not). In my opinion, he never tried to scam anyone. Unfortunately your raws are just as good as the source who sold them to you, so no fault of your own they may be underdosed, overdosed or just plain bunk. He was here trying to make good more than half of the time and very few people wanted him to stick around for whatever reason. Some had a point, some just wanted blood and some had an open mind. I never personally had a bad experience. His supposed "alter egos", well, if that's true, I don't really care. He certainly doesn't owe me any explinations. I dunno. Is this the game we're all deciding to play? Is there any source you'd put your seal of approval on? I dunno. I hope it works our for Spetz and everyone here as well.
There is a LE problem from what I hear on darknet . Lots of sources are getting caught because WU. Transaction. Our country is on high alert. So these types of thing are watched to make sure they are not terrorist. You will see alot of sources hanging low.
I do feel that a lot of members ARE scared to post their own experiences... Mainly because if they do not align with certain other members opinions they will almost certainly be a target. I hate the feeling that someone may be holding back on posting bloods in order to stay in the cool kids section. This isn't unique to spetz thread, just in general. At times in other threads I would type something and then just delete in order to not be called a shill, or the next target.

Just my two cents, I appreciate the community here at meso, but sometimes it's discouraging to be open and honest.
Well my issue is spetz was not perfect there will never be a golden source.
Some stand proud of there product as it is there hard work some dont care..
We need to find a different way of doing things.

- A "golden source" are you joking, crap I'd just like to locate ANY source that doesn't screw Meso members by under dosed gear, mislabeled vials, vials wo ANY AAS contained therein.

- They can and SHOULD stand proud AFTER THEY have proven the gear being sold is of sound quality and legitimate concentration. Saying "I'm proud of my gear" doesn't mean shit, prove it AND I'LL support any lab that does AND so would most Meso members!

- Damn right there is a better way of "doing this"! UGLs only need to post SEVERAL CURRENT HPLCS on at least some of the AAS being sold, in accordance with EXISTING ANALYTICAL LAB PROCEDURE.

THESE UGLs need to cease being cry babies, grow up and understand if they want to circumvent all this vetting hassle, post legitimate analytical data.

Otherwise locate suckers elsewhere to sell the AAS they are so proud of!
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I do feel that a lot of members ARE scared to post their own experiences...

Just my two cents, I appreciate the community here at meso, but sometimes it's discouraging to be open and honest.

Meso is NO DIFFERENT in that regard, in fact this is one of the FEW AAS forums that does support free speech wo mods clipping, deleting, rearranging, erasing or outright banishing those whom deviate from the UGL advertisement party line!

Nonetheless it should go without saying, WHEN IN ROME DO AS ROMANS DO, or at least it's best not to swing a sword without EARNING the right to carry it, IME.

(Should one elect NOT to follow the apparent norm, then be prepared to defend your opposition with something a little more than "my opinion")
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Honestly? It amazes me how people hold on to hope. Spetz, in my life experience, is just the type of slimy motherfucker to jet with cash. You want to wait until that happens? Makes sense. Worked with gearline most recently... for those of you who need to see a ripped up asshole to prove a fucking is going on be my guest. There are FAR BETTER SOURCES ON SOURCE BOARDS. You want to fly coach stay here and sift through the garbage.
If he is confirmed as selling legit human grade test and vet grade npp along w pharm pct. why is everyone so quick to torch him?

His homebrew was underdosed from my understanding. And he stopped selling it to the best of my knowledge. So why didn't we just keep him as a pharm/vet only source? Cause he was suspected of having multiple handles? Or cause he lied about being a pharmacist?

If I'm missing something Id like to hear it (not passive aggressive, I was serious). But if he hasn't outright stolen someone's money and is supplying good gear why are we so quick to boot him?
Fake trackers. Lies about disappearance. Lies about career. Random people like tif showing up asking for customer info. Multiple handles in testing threads trying to discredit testing results. Selling underdosed gear.

Nobody I would ever entrust with my personal info or cash. You easy to forgive people? Thats nice. I'm not... but I am not the one at risk personally amd financially.
Fake trackers. Lies about disappearance. Lies about career. Random people like tif showing up asking for customer info. Multiple handles in testing threads trying to discredit testing results. Selling underdosed gear.

Nobody I would ever entrust with my personal info or cash. You easy to forgive people? Thats nice. I'm not... but I am not the one at risk personally amd financially.

And what Brute is describing is EXACTLY what is observed with damn near every UGLs that scams Meso members. Now, or in the near future, rest assured Spetz will screw Meso members, in due course!
Uhmmm, a few are still going on and on about being fucked... Elvis has left the building. Raise your hand if you were personally affected in any way. What the fuck is all the babbling about multiple IDs and mismatched socks got to do with anything at this point in the game? My hat's off for your great intentions and that's the truth, but fuck Sam, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy combined can't match these me one UGL who has.
Uhmmm, a few are still going on and on about being fucked... Elvis has left the building. Raise your hand if you were personally affected in any way. What the fuck is all the babbling about multiple IDs and mismatched socks got to do with anything at this point in the game? My hat's off for your great intentions and that's the truth, but fuck Sam, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy combined can't match these me one UGL who has.

Really noob this is the 21st century where the tests Iv'e suggested ARE READILY AVAILABLE for those interested and perhaps you should check out the NAPs HPLC/MS posts, lol!

Oh and ALL pharm grade producers are required to conduct the tests I mentioned, which means Walgreens and CVS would both have access to this information is so desired.

Moreover if I can conduct the very analyses I'm suggesting (which proves these UGLs are almost all selling JUNK) are necessary why cant these damn UGL clowns.

Finally perhaps you can find reasons to justify why UGLs "don't know" WTF they are selling or know but don't give a shit who they screw, but I CAN NOT!
Quick question: So does Dr.Jim have his Dick in Brutus mouth or ass?
Although funny, it's just their opinion and theyre entitled to it. Thats the problem with meso. Nobody respects anyone else's views unless they agree, and then it's all good. But if you do agree, then you're sucking a dick. And if you don't agree, then you're not taken seriously and it's open season to ridicule.
If this situation has taugh us anything, it's to be open to the possibilities that anything and everything can happen on meso