Using GLP-1 agonists do not promote loss in facial fat??


New Member
I've used semaglutide in the past, and it appears that I lost fat mostly from my body and less from my face. By comparing photos of my face at my leanest with and without semaglutide, I can conclude that my face was leaner without it.

The only information I could find regarding this matter is Vigourous Steve. He statr=es ghrelin levels promote facial fat loss, which explains why people who use gap 1 agonists are more likely to have stubborn facial fat.

I have Trizepatide untouched due to my desire to lose facial fat the most in this cut I am currently in.

I would like the communities input.
Fat loss occurs from anywhere, depending genetics.

Starve yourself to near death for 6 months and I guarantee you will lose facial fat along with body fat and muscle.
Cant spot reduce fat, if you lose enough everywhere else you will eventually have a thinner face. Glps also make you retain some water, if you come off of it for 3 weeks you might find you did lose facial fat but we're just bloated in the face.
Fat loss occurs from anywhere, depending genetics
This, every other methods/theories like spot/target fat loss is just a bunch of bs with minimal effects at best.

It will come off, just not in everyones cards to have a lean face at 14-16% body fat. It's genetics.

Some truly need to get diced to get that face. On the other hand those guys that carry higher body fat and look good, they would look sick in their face being shredded (death face).
Cant spot reduce fat, if you lose enough everywhere else you will eventually have a thinner face. Glps also make you retain some water, if you come off of it for 3 weeks you might find you did lose facial fat but we're just bloated in the face.
Glps don’t make you retain water lol. Idk where you even got that from, in fact there’s no direct effect at all in regards to water retention
after more than a year this is the first time anyone said glps make you retain water. Don’t think that is the case.
But yes, targeted location fat loss is not possible when just dropping weight. Unfortunately you will have to go under the knife for that. I can not lose all the fat in my stomach no matter how thin I get. Very annoying.
All comes down to genetics unfortunately. The drug as others have said, just makes it so you eat a lot less, which has no specific targeted therapy in terms of fat loss.