Using HGH/GHRP as a PCT enhancement?


New Member
Howdo...I was curious if anyone as experience with using HGH/Peptides as a PCT enhancement?

To clarify...say running 400-500MG Test E/C/P, etc., HGH 5-6 IU daily & Mast/Primo; whatever dose, for 20 weeks & then dropping the HGH to 1-2 IU daily during a normal PCT (HCG/Nolv/Clo) to keep IGF levels elevated in order to provide some extra "protection" while natural test production rebounds?

It might be an incredibly stupid protocol...but any experience, suggestions or well founded ridicule is appreciated.

I used to do GH during my off cycle when I did PCT. It had positive benefits, good muscle preservation.

1-2iu is a replacement dose, more or less. I usually hovered around 4-5iu.

No interest or experience with GHRP, can't comment on that.