I don't need to explain myself because there is (last time I looked) 10 pages of other Mesoians that already explained how we view NEW members that come here to provide good reviews.
Your understanding of Meso's underground philosophy is incorrect. I'll give you an example....
@rrippenstuff posted some comments and thought he was building a reputation and look at our responses. We told him to shut his mouth and take a break from he underground because he doesn't have the experience.
This is not a source board...."but we allow some sources here"...NO WE DONT. Read the first 10-20 pages of every source thread and you will notice a pattern...only a few was able to "survive", BUT THEM SURVIVING was due to earning the opportunity for members to try and then the rest is simply what this underground is about, reviews, discussions and questions.
If I walk into chipotle and asked "what the hell are you doing to prevent ecoli", I would expect a polite response. And if a stranger in line said "dude, it's good to go. You have nothing to worry about".
do you think I will take that strangers as the truth? Fuck no, that person line could be there to say that because chipotle asked him to and may be a free meal. And then I will get out of line and take my family to Panda Express for some greasy American-Chinese food. Now if the employee said what chipotle has and are doing to never let this happen again, I might give them a chance. But the strange aka shill fucked it all up....actually, not the stranger, but due to chipotle asking /hiring a shill.
Now do you understand?
Edit: fuck, I can't believe I just wrote a paragraph to help you understand something that you should have already known.
Explained that way yes i do , without the trash words ,it can only makes my mind easier to do so ...
As now, it seems like im dealing with someone replying constructive sentences , let me share my point of view & explain you my approach :
First and foremost , We opened that official thread in order to stop the bullshits around ,some people was commenting the quality of our products or service just on the ''
being said'' and the worst in that scenario is some new members in quest of celebrity fowarded the same bullshits anytime someone came up requesting feedbacks ..
i'd rather ask you to have me some solids proof that any Vets from meso ever tried our products and left a bad Review ? please fwd me a link ..
Our silence was understood and considered as a weakness or else .. the same way as pleading guilty !! Our Mistake !!!
Let me clarify a important point ..
YES ! we made a request to our customer to leave a review on This thread .
And YES ! i agree that all of them are new members & that's making the thing ''ODD'' or ''fishy'' .
BUT Our position was clear in our mail, ''Leave a review'' with a link to that thread, meaning it could be wether GOOD OR NOT !
But do understand a major thing that you seems unaware of..
90%-95% of the meso's traffik are guests viewers ! Ask the owner!! Our customer's could be that guest hanging around the different sections of meso since months or years without daring participate .
Dont get me wrong , is there any rules written by the admin forbidding a new menber to post his feedback here ?? Or is it you that impose these rules...?
I m not a fool, i'm AWARE and its easily understable that meso has a history of shills leading to a scam business ...is that a reason to act's like a scumbag vomiting on anything news ?
With the heavy Concurrences now a days, it wouldnt be impossible to run & last such business over a year and keep continuing scamming people !!
But for your controversary , i made some research about the Underground section , And the
majors scamm mostly involved these beloved ''DOMESTIC'' sources 100% trustable where everyone where giving their
GO !
a few of them , Quote : ''ASTRO LABS // USAPETz//mikestrong//Biologic pharma/Ascendant labs''
what was the half life of these Biz ? one Year ? no! Most of the times less than that ..
its times to make statics , yu will find out that 95% of these bigs scam are made by theses trustables US domestic sources .
Let me add it again ! Members and viewers from this site , are not only from the states !!!
Since now there is a major game changer in the market , i wanna pick up the chance to wash up all the Bs .