What's up everyone? Since I started blasting and cruising I have been using quads, but I decided I want to give them a break and try a new site. I figured ventrogluteal would be the best because it is easy to see compared to dorsalglute. I usually inject 2ccs, but today just as a test I injected .1ml of Test E into what I thought was my ventroglute. I kicked my leg out to the side and the muscle that popped was the muscle I injected in. Went in very painless, but now there is a good amount of pip with only .1ml of test, so know I am wondering if I injected in the right spot. Some people say that the muscle that pops is the ventroglute/medius while others say that is the tensor fascia lata muscle. Even using the diagrams, where you have to find the greater trochanter, iliac crest, and anterior iliac spine seem to point to the muscle that pops out. If that is so, where is the tensor fascia lata?