ventrogluteal - the sweet spot

Dont ever delete this damn post bro.. Fucking excellent. I haven't been able to hit that muscle ever.. :\

You know I had absolutely no body hair until I did my first steroids.

(Quotation for the scare press?)

Hope somebody is learning something here!


Until I was about 2 months into my cycle I couldn't grow a thick full beard. I can now, no more patches at least.
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Okay, just for educational reasons, I'm going to post these hand-made pics of exactly where the ventrogluteal muscle is. It's right on your side under the hip bone (iliac crest) and a hand-span above the hip joint (trochanter). If you press there with your hand you can feel the soft tissue muscle give, so you know it ain't hip-bone.

There's been postings asking just where this ventrogluteal sweet spot for injection is and complaining that the pics from online were no help, so I'm offering my old body as a clear direction. I have a 1.5 inch 23 g needle going in right to the hilt. Easily. No pain. No soreness later.



I just did my first shot for TRT using this method and your pics and it didnt hurt AT all. AWSOME!!!
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For some reason I feel like im injecting closer to the front of my body when I hit this spot.

Its a fairly large area, but to my unerstanding it should be done in the middle of the mucle. Everyones body is diffrent, so for you it may be closer to the front
jwad said:
Its a fairly large area, but to my unerstanding it should be done in the middle of the mucle. Everyones body is diffrent, so for you it may be closer to the front

Now I'm just getting paramoid... I've definately been hitting some type of muscle tissue in that area tho.

I'm gonna have to put a pic of myself up pointing to where i think it is.
Just noticed this.

As it says above: 23 g, 1.5" all the way in, with a 3 cc syringe.

1.5" all the way?! i only ever used a 1" for this site, 1.5" is way too much if you ask me. you should only ever need as much as 1.5" for glutes
1.5" all the way?! i only ever used a 1" for this site, 1.5" is way too much if you ask me. you should only ever need as much as 1.5" for glutes

The ventoglutes are part of the glutes. They actually run very deep, 1.5 is not too much. People who may be new to injections should listen to the thread as it is correct. Some people are able to use 1", myself included with something of a dosage of 100 mgs/ml like test p or tren a , but if you were to say use test e @ 250 mgs/ml or Deca @ 300mgs/ml you would want the higher concentration deeper into the muscle as it will yield better absorption and consequently better levels for your cycle. If you went higher to say 400mgs/ml with a 1" pin you could very easily end up with a very large and painful knot in the facia and not getting absorbed as well!! This also causes a great deal of stress to someone who is new and doesn't understand what has happened. Panic generally sets in at this point unnecessarily.
So with regard to the above, the info in the thread is correct, as people especially new people get more experience with injections and learn how they react to higher concentrations per ml can they then make a proper and informed decision about what pin they use.

Cheers REK
The ventoglutes are part of the glutes. They actually run very deep, 1.5 is not too much. People who may be new to injections should listen to the thread as it is correct. Some people are able to use 1", myself included with something of a dosage of 100 mgs/ml like test p or tren a , but if you were to say use test e @ 250 mgs/ml or Deca @ 300mgs/ml you would want the higher concentration deeper into the muscle as it will yield better absorption and consequently better levels for your cycle. If you went higher to say 400mgs/ml with a 1" pin you could very easily end up with a very large and painful knot in the facia and not getting absorbed as well!! This also causes a great deal of stress to someone who is new and doesn't understand what has happened. Panic generally sets in at this point unnecessarily.
So with regard to the above, the info in the thread is correct, as people especially new people get more experience with injections and learn how they react to higher concentrations per ml can they then make a proper and informed decision about what pin they use.

Cheers REK
man no harm, but your absorption theory is mis-information with no foundation at all. i'd like to see you back up that with scientific proof. and for a start, there are easier located muscle groups for beginners to use, quads etc. in my experience the ventro injection can be a pain in the ass and knots up easily regardless of concentration.
with reference to injecting, either your are injecting your ventroglute or your glute, they're two different areas and the ventro has nowhere near the capacity of the main glute muscle. the ventroglute isnt deep enough to require a 1.5" needle. do a simple google image search
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Take a look MAC111, this info come from Bill, our forum leader. Also I don't take harm from your comments bro, my concern is only for those who may not have all the facts.

As far as the image search, I also have a great number of ventro shots and I bury the 1.5 without issue or pain, the same shot done with a 1" and a higher concentration causes issues at time. I simply massage them out, but non the less there is a tendency for knots.

Deca-Durabolin also has a very long active life. We can see from the chart below that a 100mg shot Deca (represented by the circles) produced relatively active and stable plasma nandrolone levels until day almost 10, hence once a week shots are all thats necessary for stable levels of nandrolond Deca-Durabolinnoate (as a side note, the nandrolone phenylpropionate used in this study was active, and only experienced a severe drop off around day 5, shooting NPP every 4th day is the way to go). Youll also note that higher blood plasma levels of Nandrolone are found with Gluteal injections as opposed to Deltoid injections (this is true for all oil-based steroids I suspect).

Read more: Deca-Durabolin - Steroid .com

Cheers REK
very outdated study mate, sure now many practitioners advocate sub q shots of test, peak levels may differ slightly but the active compound gets in the system all the same. it doesnt matter how deep an intra muscular injection is, it will still get into your system. do you say that injections in small groups like triceps etc are ineffective?
With regards to the smaller groups, no, I think they are great as well, but I prefer to go into the larger groups. It is the way I was taught, but when I'm on Test P/ Tren A and injecting ED I use larger muscles first and then smaller ones afterward. I have pinned delts, triceps, biceps, calves, still haven't hit lats as that seem a little hard for me to get at and I worry about going into my ribs, LOL. I also heve never pinned chest or traps.

The beauty of the forum is we can always have our own opinions, never an issue there. I visit this forum as I feel it is an area with a fair amount of new comers and I do like to help where I can.

Cheers REK
With regards to the smaller groups, no, I think they are great as well, but I prefer to go into the larger groups. It is the way I was taught, but when I'm on Test P/ Tren A and injecting ED I use larger muscles first and then smaller ones afterward. I have pinned delts, triceps, biceps, calves, still haven't hit lats as that seem a little hard for me to get at and I worry about going into my ribs, LOL. I also heve never pinned chest or traps.

The beauty of the forum is we can always have our own opinions, never an issue there. I visit this forum as I feel it is an area with a fair amount of new comers and I do like to help where I can.

Cheers REK
you've done calves before traps/chest :eek:

lol srsly, give your traps and pecs a try out, they are the easiest to pin, ive never had any pain whatsoever from doing traps. chest can be alittle nippy but not as bad as bi's or quads can be
Of interest, see: &

Minto CF, Howe C, Wishart S, Conway AJ, Handelsman DJ. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nandrolone Esters in Oil Vehicle: Effects of Ester, Injection Site and Injection Volume. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 1997;281(1):93-102. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nandrolone Esters in Oil Vehicle: Effects of Ester, Injection Site and Injection Volume

We studied healthy men who underwent blood sampling for plasma nandrolone, testosterone and inhibin measurements before and for 32 days after a single i.m. injection of 100 mg of nandrolone ester in arachis oil. Twenty-three men were randomized into groups receiving nandrolone phenylpropionate (group 1, n = 7) or nandrolone decanoate (group 2, n = 6) injected into the gluteal muscle in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle or nandrolone decanoate in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle injected into either the gluteal (group 3, n = 5) or deltoid (group 4,n = 5) muscles. Plasma nandrolone, testosterone and inhibin concentrations were analyzed by a mixed-effects indirect response model. Plasma nandrolone concentrations were influenced (P < .001) by different esters and injection sites, with higher and earlier peaks with the phenylpropionate ester, compared with the decanoate ester. After nandrolone decanoate injection, the highest bioavailability and peak nandrolone levels were observed with the 1-ml gluteal injection. Plasma testosterone concentrations were also influenced (P < .001) by the ester and injection site, with the most rapid, but briefest, suppression being due to the phenylpropionate ester, whereas the most sustained suppression was achieved with the 1-ml gluteal injection. Plasma inhibin concentrations were also significantly influenced by injection volume and site, with the lowest nadir occurring after the nandrolone decanoate 1-ml gluteal injection. Thus, the bioavailability and physiological effects of a nandrolone ester in an oil vehicle are greatest when the ester is injected in a small (1 ml vs. 4 ml) volume and into the glutealvs. deltoid muscle. We conclude that the side-chain ester and the injection site and volume influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of nandrolone esters in an oil vehicle in men.

Bagchus WM, Smeets JM, Verheul HA, De Jager-Van Der Veen SM, Port A, Geurts TB. Pharmacokinetic evaluation of three different intramuscular doses of nandrolone decanoate: analysis of serum and urine samples in healthy men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90(5):2624-30. Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Three Different Intramuscular Doses of Nandrolone Decanoate: Analysis of Serum and Urine Samples in Healthy Men

The pharmacokinetics of nandrolone in serum and urine were investigated in healthy young men after a single im injection of 50 mg (n = 20), 100 mg (n = 17), or 150 mg (n = 17) nandrolone decanoate. Blood samples were collected before treatment and for up to 32 d after dosing. In addition, in the 50- and 150-mg groups, 24-h urine samples were collected before treatment and on d 1, 7, and 33 after treatment; in the 150-mg group, additional samples were collected after 3 and 6 months. Serum concentrations and the area under the curve of nandrolone increased proportionally with the dose administered. The peak serum concentration ranged from 2.14 ng/ml in the 50-mg group to 4.26 ng/ml in the 100-mg group and 5.16 ng/ml in the 150-mg group. The peak serum concentration was reached after 30 h (50 and 100 mg) and 72 h (150 mg), whereas the terminal half-life was 7-12 d. In urine, pretreatment concentrations of 19-norandrosterone (19-NA) and/or 19-noretiocholanolone (19-NE) were detected in five of 37 subjects (14%). In the 50-mg group, 19-NA and/or 19-NE could be detected at least until 33 d after injection in 16 of 17 subjects (94%). In the 150-mg group, who were presumed to have not previously used nandrolone, nandrolone metabolites could be detected for up to 6 months in eight of 12 subjects (67%) for 19-NE and in 10 of 12 subjects (83%) for 19-NA.


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