VOODOO Test Prop Bloods

Wow, at least have the courtesy to provide 50% but 0%? That is straight up a criminal act.

Sorry for your misfortune bud but it would be nice to see your LH and FSH levels with this one.
Could definitely be straight oil then.. Sorry man, thanks for posting though..

Edit: Just saw the other thread.
135mg/ml raw was used, so
I am curious to see these next blood tests.. and labmax

Yea, I was posting in the wrong thread,
because I was just following comments in Vodou thread..

Wow, at least have the courtesy to provide 50% but 0%?
I would believe a low number but 600ng
is natural test..
I thought China would at least give Vodou something in that Prop

BUT like I said, we will see from others
and there is no middleman here to blame, so I will know the truth

I want to know what 2 weeks of
600mg/week Prop will give on bloods.. ABOUT..
this way I can have something to base these next bloods on

I know that prop is a quick ester but is two weeks really a decent amount of time to find shit out? Not saying this because im on board with any lab just really wondering if this is long enough. I remember that we crucified @nick505 and his other lame as fuck handle when he did that sHit repeatedly. I personally don't think it's long enough.
I know that prop is a quick ester but is two weeks really a decent amount of time to find shit out? Not saying this because im on board with any lab just really wondering if this is long enough. I remember that we crucified @nick505 and his other lame as fuck handle when he did that sHit repeatedly. I personally don't think it's long enough.

It is absolutely enough time. All that matters is that the user is close to steady state levels and after 2.5 weeks of using a short half ester like testosterone propionate, he will be.
The good days are all gone. I just cant stand this shit not even new UGL's come out with good stuff anymore! Thank for the ride!

Curious to see bloods from other people running this prop

Totally off topic but everytime I see you post I click on your avi. I hope you never change it. Did you take it or off the net?
He took the pic. That's his little cross fitness princess;) Damn im on this board entirely to much to know this kind of shit. Lmfao BTW I have no social life:rolleyes: butfuck it:p Who needs one when you have a family, gym, an meso:D
He took the pic. That's his little cross fitness princess;) Damn im on this board entirely to much to know this kind of shit. Lmfao BTW I have no social life:rolleyes: butfuck it:p Who needs one when you have a family, gym, an meso:D

God damn what a lucky bastard. Im on here too much too. Better than being at the bar I guess.
God damn what a lucky bastard. Im on here too much too. Better than being at the bar I guess.
True to the first two comments lol. An ya I like to look at it this way. It can always be worse. I could be behind bars or dying from bad health or both at the same time. Yep we should be happy an grateful to be where we are at in life!!!