VOODOO Test Prop Bloods

all i ever see you do is vouch for yourself, that means absolutely nothing you need to stop it. if people have questions about your gear just answer them objectively, not "my shit is fireeeeee!!". you lose a lot of credibility when you say "oh yeah my stuff is the best", of course as a source you would say that. MW you need to be a little bit more humble and rethink how you push your gear.
I didn't get the bloods moron Bigmesc did and voodoo is not me fuckin idiot
@Fouts it would be awesome if you got bloods bro. There aren't any legitimate bloods done yet on the prop. You would be doing the community a favor, plus you'll know as well so it benefits all of us bro! So tell us you get bloods done in two weeks.. Have you done the first pin? Maybe even start a log. Tell us about pip, dosing and what you are stacking with the test. All helpful variables brother.. Doing this will take a long way here!
That is BS my friend my bloods were as REAL as they come after being on his oil for about 2 weeks came back at natural levels my friend. I am STOKED to see your bloods as well!
The Fire Tren is not from me either that was from guys who used it and get out if here you moron people wanna know about bloods not your sorry ass story ..

More humble with my foot up your ass ..

People are so fuckin tuff online .. come down to Jersey faggot
I just got done with ED pins so I really don't want to do that again but hey if it gets a better reading then I'll take one for the team. So I'll do Ed shots at 75mg like you said and get bloods. When would be the right time to get them 2 weeks in? 3? I want to try to be as accurate as possible. I haven't pinned yet been working all morning but I will as soon as I get off today.
2 weeks is MORE that enough time to have bloods taken on Prop!
That is BS my friend my bloods were as REAL as they come after being on his oil for about 2 weeks came back at natural levels my friend. I am STOKED to see your bloods as well!
We already know who you are brother .. change handles for the 4th
I just got done with ED pins so I really don't want to do that again but hey if it gets a better reading then I'll take one for the team. So I'll do Ed shots at 75mg like you said and get bloods. When would be the right time to get them 2 weeks in? 3? I want to try to be as accurate as possible. I haven't pinned yet been working all morning but I will as soon as I get off today.
As long as you know before bloods then you can get bloods very soon and see a change .. it's good I just wanna see if it's better than Bigmescs bloods ..
2 weeks is MORE that enough time to have bloods taken on Prop!
Hey nick505, urbanbitch fuck you punk!!! I don't give a shit about mh or his deals but you are the worst little cunt that ive ever seen boy!! by the way why don't you cOmment back after I asked if you were Nick
@Heisenberg did your vials look like mine? I guess we shall see in 2-3 weeks. Looks like @Fouts is gonna get bloods. If they come back decent, I will run it and I'll get bloods

Pinned about 20 mins ago have some PIP but I've had much worse! I'm gonna be running around 75mg ED give or take a little. I'll be getting bloods in 2 weeks for sure. How long after last pin should I get bloods for prop?
Not bad and I hit my glute first which turned into a bloody mess so coulda just been the way I injected.
Pinned about 20 mins ago have some PIP but I've had much worse! I'm gonna be running around 75mg ED give or take a little. I'll be getting bloods in 2 weeks for sure. How long after last pin should I get bloods for prop?

At least 12-24 hours.
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Don't worry man I'll get bloods I want em for myself just as much as for you guys. i don't want to ruin what I have planned with bunk gear
Yup 525/wk and I'm gonna shoot for getting bloods around 2.5 weeks from now and I'll make sure it's 12-18 hours after last pin. Any advice you guys got to get the best results I'll take it and follow it exactly.
@Heisenberg did your vials look like mine? I guess we shall see in 2-3 weeks. Looks like @Fouts is gonna get bloods. If they come back decent, I will run it and I'll get bloods
My vials had Dolls on them. Voodoo dolls to be exact. than he sent me out test e as a replacement. Havent even touched that crap. Afraid to even waste a LM on them.
Yup 525/wk and I'm gonna shoot for getting bloods around 2.5 weeks from now and I'll make sure it's 12-18 hours after last pin. Any advice you guys got to get the best results I'll take it and follow it exactly.
No reason to wait that long unless its for personal reason we understand.