VOODOO Test Prop Bloods

i had prop and mast from voodoo like 5 weeks ago and my body is looking great all im running with it is pharmacom var .........i dont thin voodoo is looking to scam anyone hes not openly pushing his stuff like other shitty ugls and its hard to find a mast that is legit i did not mass it but i been getting great results just being honest
Flenser got bloods and I think another guy just posted some for test e ..

I wanna see some real prop bloods
Btw, the var and mast seem to be doing well. My chick amd I are bothbon the var, me on mast and test. I am running 1 iu of pharma growth daily
Btw, the var and mast seem to be doing well. My chick amd I are bothbon the var, me on mast and test. I am running 1 iu of pharma growth daily
Of course they are good :)

I am so glad I am standing
Where I am because I can see how hard it is to sift through all the bullshit ..

People have no idea what is
Going on beyond this board
.. that's fine with me now too
I will get bloods done on the prop. I am trying to find some good mast P that is decently priced and dosed to run with the test prop and tren.