Waiting on these fantastic results

Check your insulin.
I do often. I get blood tests fairly regular. I lost weight because my grandmother died from diabetes complications, my dad had been diabetic for the better part of 25 years and my brother is Diabetic.

I'm very aware of where my insulin levels are.
I know...Doc is sharp as a tac....was i defending this guy? Hope not...don't wanna end up in doc's crosshairs...fuck!

Oh god. He might Internet spank you. God forbid. Why would you give a shit? Holy hell.

I know I said I was done but this is actually somewhat entertaining and I'm bored. Lol
Oh god. He might Internet spank you. God forbid. Why would you give a shit? Holy hell.

I know I said I was done but this is actually somewhat entertaining and I'm bored. Lol
I've known @Docd187123 for a few years. We respect each other. There's no fear.
It appears he picked up on something i overlooked. It happens. It takes a bit to get him involved as he is here now.
Oh well thank god he got involved. His bro science is exceptional.

I would love to hear something from some of the many formerly obese clients of his he must have coached to great success.
@JackMcnasty I know you don't want to hear it but what these guys have been telling you is pretty much spot on. There are outside factors that can change your outcome but not to the degree you are stating. As stated before your diet, training and personal medical history are off. Something is not what you think it is. Have you ever seen different doctors?
@JackMcnasty I know you don't want to hear it but what these guys have been telling you is pretty much spot on. There are outside factors that can change your outcome but not to the degree you are stating. As stated before your diet, training and personal medical history are off. Something is not what you think it is. Have you ever seen different doctors?
This guy has pretty much been picked apart and isn't being taken seriously. I don't believe the gear is an issue.
Smartmouth mcnasty should have some witty retort coming....
I do often. I get blood tests fairly regular. I lost weight because my grandmother died from diabetes complications, my dad had been diabetic for the better part of 25 years and my brother is Diabetic.

I'm very aware of where my insulin levels are.

Dunno what to tell you then, you're probably a freak or not counting calories correctly.
You internet science degree is very impressive.

Thanks! Unfortunately, anyone with a basic HS degree and willing to put the effort into studying this topic can understand it. Where's that put you since you don't?

Do you know how long it took me to lose 150lbs? How about how long it took to get to 180 without getting much fatter?

Do you know what I did to lose the 150 lbs? What diet I used? Do you know what I ate or what exercise I did to get to this point or to get to 180 at a lower bf%?

None of that matters. You did what you did and you're happy with your results. Great. Point is there are many paths to get to the same outcome.

You know so very little but you spout off internet bs about how some scientists believe the body works. None of this is fact. If you take it as fact then it's your loss. Science still knows very little about how the human body works.

Let me correct you there, YOU know very little. Don't project your shortcomings onto me just bc you happen to know so little.

Anyway, we can screen kids for future genetic diseases, we've mapped out the human genome, we can clone fucking animals, we can treat various forms of cancer, we can predict metabolic rates within a stunning degree of accuracy, etc etc. we know A LOT about how it works but admittedly not everything.

Up until a few years ago keto diets were crazy talk and you would die if you didn't eat carbs. Your heart would explode.

That's not the fault of science but of the zealots and idiots who misinterpret the science. You seem to fall into that category unfortunately.

Docs are still going crazy about good cholesterol and bad cholesterol when many are now stating that it is truly your triglycerides that matter and not your cholesterol at all.


I'm glad you feel so proud of yourself for spin all your internet research. It's never a bad thing to read. Unfortunately for every "fact" you read there is another study that contradicts it.

Studies don't always contradict each other. Again, if theirs error in he interpretation it's the layman, you in this case, that's to blame. The preponderance of the evidence suggests you're full of shit with most of your comments....

Fact still remains. I eat 1500-1700 cals a day and I'm pretty active and I Just maintain 200-210.

No, the fact is that people, the obese in particular, misrepresent these figures, mostly bc they just don't know how to accurately track them.

I'm sorry if you don't agree but my body doesn't follow your rules and my mind doesn't give a shit either way. ;)

Fortunately they're not my rules. They're the "rules", I don't like hat word but since you used it, of science. You're not a special butterfly as much as you want to believe it. Your body does follow these rules whether you admit it or not. Your mind doesn't give a shit bc it's full of shit. Not my loss nor my problem.
Dunno what to tell you then, you're probably a freak or not counting calories correctly.

Either way, phsyioogcal levels of insulin don't affect the healthy, non-diabetic, population this way. It's not his insulin nor is he a unicorn. He's just wrong on several fronts.
Thanks! Unfortunately, anyone with a basic HS degree and willing to put the effort into studying this topic can understand it. Where's that put you since you don't?

None of that matters. You did what you did and you're happy with your results. Great. Point is there are many paths to get to the same outcome.

Let me correct you there, YOU know very little. Don't project your shortcomings onto me just bc you happen to know so little.

Anyway, we can screen kids for future genetic diseases, we've mapped out the human genome, we can clone fucking animals, we can treat various forms of cancer, we can predict metabolic rates within a stunning degree of accuracy, etc etc. we know A LOT about how it works but admittedly not everything.

That's not the fault of science but of the zealots and idiots who misinterpret the science. You seem to fall into that category unfortunately.


Studies don't always contradict each other. Again, if theirs error in he interpretation it's the layman, you in this case, that's to blame. The preponderance of the evidence suggests you're full of shit with most of your comments....

No, the fact is that people, the obese in particular, misrepresent these figures, mostly bc they just don't know how to accurately track them.

Fortunately they're not my rules. They're the "rules", I don't like hat word but since you used it, of science. You're not a special butterfly as much as you want to believe it. Your body does follow these rules whether you admit it or not. Your mind doesn't give a shit bc it's full of shit. Not my loss nor my problem.

I'm no butterfly for sure. I would imagine there are many like me. It's just outside your realm of Googling.

I really don't care one iota if anyone in this thread take me seriously. Anyone who says it's easy to lose 150 lbs with no nutritional knowledge clearly has no idea what it takes. Very tipical of people that have never had to do it.

There are clear differences in genetic ability to gain weight. If your "rule" was fact, there wouldn't be people that can eat non stop shit all day and not gain a lb with zero physical activity while others, like me, would and did absolutely balloon while eating far less.

Try reading Fit2Fat2Fit. It might do you some good. There is a show based on the book. I think they are all crazy cause I wouldn't ever gain a bunch of weight to get anyone's perspective but that's cause I have already been there. You guys clearly haven't. You should try it out. They are probably taking auditions for the show. Being the incredibly successful weight loss specialists you are they should jump at the chance
To have you on the show to prove just how easy it is to lose a bunch of weight and how your metabolic rate is perfectly stable and can't vary wildly depending on your diet and genetics.
How many calories, according to the "rule", would someone have to eat a day to maintain a 350-375 lb body weight doing just general activity. No gym?

Wait, I google it! Google must be 100% accurate.

According to Google, just maintain that weight it would be 3600 calories.

How feasible is it to do that on a paleo diet that doesn't allow any grains or any food that wasn't available in the Paleolithic era?

You guys should know this?

Well, I know and the Internet, the place that gives you guys your nutritionist diplomas, confirms that it is nearly impossible to do this without massive supplementation.

I took part in a study with a nutritionist that had 30-40 members of the Crossfit community over a period of 3 months.

Everyone kept food logs that the nutritionist reviewed every week for the term.

Body fat measurements where taken before and after as well as weights and measurements.

One of the participants was 370ish lbs when he started. I don't recall his body fat but looking at him it would have to be 50% or higher. He Ate anywhere from 1900 to a max of 3800 on crazy cheat days where he ate paleo baked goods.

He did 1 hour Crossfit classes 4-5 days a week. Confirmed by his trainer.

At the end of the 3 months he lost 26lbs.

Does that work for your rules? But I'm probably just making this up as well. Oh well it was fun typing it. I should be a creative writer. I could make a fortune.
Oh lord. What a profound addition to the conversation. Just stunning. Bravo.

So you apologize for the clutter, just to go right back to sarcastically cluttering the thread 13 minutes later?

Apparently, when you lost all that weight, your skin thinned out considerably, bc you sure are sensitive about this whole situation.:confused:
I'm no butterfly for sure. I would imagine there are many like me. It's just outside your realm of Googling.

Of course there are, and like you, they know little or nothing and claim causation from correlation.

I really don't care one iota if anyone in this thread take me seriously. Anyone who says it's easy to lose 150 lbs with no nutritional knowledge clearly has no idea what it takes. Very tipical of people that have never had to do it.

Again, obese people lose weight easier than lean people. They're at an advantage bc they can create a larger deficit and bc there's so much stored energy, mobilization and oxidation of fatty acid substrate is relatively easy for them. It boils down to moving more (burning more calories) and eating less. Sure nutritional knowledge can speed up the process and make it more efficient but it's not necessary. Plenty of people have lost that amount of weight or more and their nutritional knowledge is as poor as yours.

There are clear differences in genetic ability to gain weight. If your "rule" was fact, there wouldn't be people that can eat non stop shit all day and not gain a lb with zero physical activity while others, like me, would and did absolutely balloon while eating far less.

Genetic differences can change the calories out portion of the equation obviously. Thyroid hormones, leptin, ghrelin, insulin sensitivity, p-ratio, etc can all affect this but it still comes down to calories in vs calories out from a purely weight loss standpoint. The reason people can eat differently and not gain weight, even though you don't follow them 24/7 to know what they actually eat all day, is bc they don't eat more calories than they burn.

Try reading Fit2Fat2Fit. It might do you some good. There is a show based on the book. I think they are all crazy cause I wouldn't ever gain a bunch of weight to get anyone's perspective but that's cause I have already been there. You guys clearly haven't. You should try it out. They are probably taking auditions for the show. Being the incredibly successful weight loss specialists you are they should jump at the chance
To have you on the show to prove just how easy it is to lose a bunch of weight and how your metabolic rate is perfectly stable and can't vary wildly depending on your diet and genetics.

No thanks. They'd hate me on the show. I wouldn't follow their BS to boost their ratings. I won't sell my conscience for a few bucks and 15min of fame.
How many calories, according to the "rule", would someone have to eat a day to maintain a 350-375 lb body weight doing just general activity. No gym?

Wait, I google it! Google must be 100% accurate.

According to Google, just maintain that weight it would be 3600 calories.

How feasible is it to do that on a paleo diet that doesn't allow any grains or any food that wasn't available in the Paleolithic era?

You guys should know this?

Well, I know and the Internet, the place that gives you guys your nutritionist diplomas, confirms that it is nearly impossible to do this without massive supplementation.

I took part in a study with a nutritionist that had 30-40 members of the Crossfit community over a period of 3 months.

Everyone kept food logs that the nutritionist reviewed every week for the term.

Body fat measurements where taken before and after as well as weights and measurements.

One of the participants was 370ish lbs when he started. I don't recall his body fat but looking at him it would have to be 50% or higher. He Ate anywhere from 1900 to a max of 3800 on crazy cheat days where he ate paleo baked goods.

He did 1 hour Crossfit classes 4-5 days a week. Confirmed by his trainer.

At the end of the 3 months he lost 26lbs.

Does that work for your rules? But I'm probably just making this up as well. Oh well it was fun typing it. I should be a creative writer. I could make a fortune.

Well sure when you subjectively and arbitrarily limit your food choices of course you end up eating less. A 4th grade education could've told you that. The problem is, when you compare isocaloric diets with similar protein content, it doesn't matter much whether you use dietary fats or carbs for your calories, the differences are negligible. Brb, can't eat tomatoes bc they're night shades.....:rolleyes:

Your creativity certainly is working, there's no denying that lol. Go for it, I'll buy your book even. Call it the Mcnasty Chronicles. The story of one man and how he thinks carbs are the devil, how thermogenics doesn't apply to him, how steroid can increase his metabolic rate by almost 50%, how the only way to become a fat loss expert is by losing 150lbs, who thinks a restorative diet is one that maintains his weight, who thinks looking at a pizza magically transports the fat to his midsection by way of tiny insulin fairies that are transported by magical unicorns, I could keep going but I'd Rather see what creative shit you could come up with :)
You two arguing like who's the smarter internet wanna be doctor has allowed the reverse scammer to slide away.
You two arguing like who's the smarter internet wanna be doctor has allowed the reverse scammer to slide away.
First of all, if it was a battle, mcnasty's corner would've thrown in the towel long ago or mcnasty himself would've uttered "No mas".
The OP needed a breather. He's in his corner for his second standing 8 count.
First of all, if it was a battle, mcnasty's corner would've thrown in the towel long ago or mcnasty himself would've uttered "No mas".
The OP needed a breather. He's in his corner for his second standing 8 count.
Ding ding. Look a brief intermission lomachenko has psychic abilities:eek: ok back to ben.