I did one cycle so far it was ran for about 16 weeks. I used 20-50my dbols ed and 300mg of test c 2x a week. I took the dbols for 5 1/2 weeks. I know the dbols were the real deal, I orders from a ug and I got positive and negative sides from the dbols, moon face, terrible back pumps, fatigue which was probably my estro going to high as I hardly used an ai on cycle. I used aromasin a little bit when the fatigue would get to bad. Positives were I blew up, gained 40lbs!!!! My endurance went way up, my strength went way up.. Pumps were insane!! However I feel like the test cyp was bunk.. I lost my sex drive and it was even gone when I would dose aromasin properly.. I had estro sides, I never gained anymore stength or size after quitting the dbols.. All the strength and size I gained was in the first 5 weeks crazy what dbols and a great diet did for me.. So anyways this time around I'm looking for some human grade test cyp, human grade Decca or not and human grade equipoise if it's even possible to get all those in human grade? Also going to want some aromasin again and some nolva and Clomid. Could anyone please p.m me and point me in the right direction? I would very much so appreciate it!!! Cheers!!