Alright before we get this whole thing into an all out war. @mands I know you understand the paranoia here it all just seems to be way to good. In the history of this scene how do these type of events end up? I guess how do we continue to make sure Karl stays on the up and up. I have no access to a mass spec that I 100% know and feel completely sure about the results. If I did I might wait for the next batch and test. I mean I can do igf test those are pretty conclusive. It is no doubt on your part Mands but how do we keep Karl held to this intial level of product. It just has that feel right ...if it is to good to be true?????? I don't think we can knock guys for that type of response. It's like we are waiting for the time to come when something happens. What is the best way to handle this. Karl has to remain accountable and possibly with these initial results even a higher level then anyone has been held before. Really at this point what else is there to do but come to an agreement that one we need incentive forms of credits for testing and we have to agree to keep testing this guy. He came in here and set the bar here well we need to make sure it stAys there period.
I am torn because a part of me wants to stand with JBZ but that is his fight and clearly understandable he has reasonable grudge. Outside of my friendship with him I have no experience with Karl. So we have Anopportunity to put Karl's mouth where his money is and lead the way in testing in keeping source accountable in a public forum. At this point this is all we have and should be good enough. As we all know though history has a way of repeating itself.
I hope there isn't this mad dash. I really hope there are members who really want to hunker down and follow through with all the talk we give about keeping sources accountAble. I fully expect and damn that will have to include me to see a shit load of serum but preferably IGf test done. I am sure after these results we will be seeing new batches real soon.
It is early all I have to say proceed with a high degree of caution and considering the money dropped there is no excuse to not at least run a serum initially and a igf 3 weeks later. 3 weeks is A long time from now. I sure hope my gut is wrong. If things go wrong we will catch it here first and if not we will be known for setting a standard in rigorous testing of a source. Shit I am rambling.... I think you all get my point.
V I understand the paranoia here, but who else could conduct the test and who else was willing? Better off who would you trust on this board? Shit I think I'm pretty trustworthy. I'm biased I suppose lol
See above for how we keep Karl accountable. We test and test and we test some more.
Okay I'm really going to bed! After I get some.