Western-BioTech - Pharma quality GH

Alright before we get this whole thing into an all out war. @mands I know you understand the paranoia here it all just seems to be way to good. In the history of this scene how do these type of events end up? I guess how do we continue to make sure Karl stays on the up and up. I have no access to a mass spec that I 100% know and feel completely sure about the results. If I did I might wait for the next batch and test. I mean I can do igf test those are pretty conclusive. It is no doubt on your part Mands but how do we keep Karl held to this intial level of product. It just has that feel right ...if it is to good to be true?????? I don't think we can knock guys for that type of response. It's like we are waiting for the time to come when something happens. What is the best way to handle this. Karl has to remain accountable and possibly with these initial results even a higher level then anyone has been held before. Really at this point what else is there to do but come to an agreement that one we need incentive forms of credits for testing and we have to agree to keep testing this guy. He came in here and set the bar here well we need to make sure it stAys there period.

I am torn because a part of me wants to stand with JBZ but that is his fight and clearly understandable he has reasonable grudge. Outside of my friendship with him I have no experience with Karl. So we have Anopportunity to put Karl's mouth where his money is and lead the way in testing in keeping source accountable in a public forum. At this point this is all we have and should be good enough. As we all know though history has a way of repeating itself.

I hope there isn't this mad dash. I really hope there are members who really want to hunker down and follow through with all the talk we give about keeping sources accountAble. I fully expect and damn that will have to include me to see a shit load of serum but preferably IGf test done. I am sure after these results we will be seeing new batches real soon.

It is early all I have to say proceed with a high degree of caution and considering the money dropped there is no excuse to not at least run a serum initially and a igf 3 weeks later. 3 weeks is A long time from now. I sure hope my gut is wrong. If things go wrong we will catch it here first and if not we will be known for setting a standard in rigorous testing of a source. Shit I am rambling.... I think you all get my point.

V I understand the paranoia here, but who else could conduct the test and who else was willing? Better off who would you trust on this board? Shit I think I'm pretty trustworthy. I'm biased I suppose lol

See above for how we keep Karl accountable. We test and test and we test some more.

Okay I'm really going to bed! After I get some.

You are absolutely correct you can have an opinion about anything you want! The fact is your opinion on this matter has no significance. You have never dealt with Karl, you have never purchased his gh and you have never tested it.

End of story!

Guess what? You think I'm not going to do a serum test and on every batch I order and randomly send it off for testing? If shit doesn't add up I'll be the one informing MESO.

I'm tired and cranky it's been a long day and I'm going to bed.

I've not posted one thing in this thread that was geared towards getting your approval for significance. But at least we know where we stand eh ;)
Mands, you've been here a long time and that is commendable, but I won't follow directions as to what to have an opinion on. That's also a pretty simple concept
This is the best response I have seen in a long time. Good job element! Mands was wrong for his comment and you addressed it appropriately.
Mands tested it. What else do u want from him to provide to u? Fucking man up and admit he backed his claim up and stop being such a dick. Things obviously got bad in the gh game and he's giving us a legitimate pure product.

We/I most certainly trust Mands but none are above reproach and damn right that includes me also. No test is any better than those providing the data. But what I find objectionable is the disrespect you have shown, apparently bc of your frustration from having such a limited vocabulary, to a long standing (and PROVEN trustworthy) member of this forum like JB.

Want to prove a product is GTG, fine but do so with evidence rather than lame attempts at shoving your beliefs down our throats, using gutter language.

Seriously Jim.no test is Better than another? You find my language questionable? Did you read this thread bc you all seem to talk a whole lot worse than that. What's said is btw jb and me. If he has an issue we can talk it out.
The evidence was just shown to u by the way aka mass spectrum hplc test by mands. I am defending all the work he has done. Maybe u should stay out of something u don't have any skin in
The evidence was just shown to u by the way aka mass spectrum hplc test by mands. I am defending all the work he has done. Maybe u should stay out of something u don't have any skin in

If it's posted on this forum I have every reason to become involved and to whatever extent I feel is necessary, appropriate and/or helpful for Meso members.

Yet what's even more germane, if a post involves GH rest assured I'm much more familiar and qualified to comment on that particular polypeptide AND it's analysis than you will ever be!
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This is the best response I have seen in a long time. Good job element! Mands was wrong for his comment and you addressed it appropriately.

You should read my comment to him Flounder as it applly to you as well. Everyone can have an opinion.

I believe you are one of the ones who attacked me initial no having a clue about the situation.

I've not posted one thing in this thread that was geared towards getting your approval for significance. But at least we know where we stand eh ;)

Never said you did buddy! All I meant is if you don't have experience with Karl or his GH why even say anything? It's a serious question and I'm not being a dick. I really want to know.

That question goes for anyone that post about a source that has no personal experience with that source. Most are just regurgitating what they have heard from a buddy who heard from a buddy.

I went back and read elements posts and I don't see why I'm targeting him. He really didn't say much about the GH or question me. I think he was questioning ufcguy? Which UFC is a good guy and been around a while and I think I took offense.

I apologize element for the personal attacks. It should been directed to others that don't have any experience with Karl and his GH and are talking shit.

Don't post them please.. Unless it's something you usually would.. ;)

He didn't give you money for the labmax tests and he didn't even give you compensation for what you ordered!! You don't owe this fuckbag anything!!
If I say I'm going to do the tests then don't post the results, it's the same as saying they are good. I don't mind testing. The cost is minimal and there's no risk to me, only Scirrox.
Well so far in this thread you have contributed zero. So unless you plan on sharing some knowledge and breaking down the test mands did. I have no interest in hearing anything you have to say. The so called issue was btw jbz and I why don't you let us work it out like men instead of throwing your 2 cents trying to look smart. I'm not a newbie to this and I've been on different boards for 16 years. So treating a "proven" member that way isn't that respectful either.

If it's posted on this forum I have every reason to become involved and to whatever extent I feel is necessary, appropriate and/or helpful for Meso members.

Yet what's even more germane, if a post involves GH rest assured I'm much more familiar and qualified to comment on that particular polypeptide AND it's analysis than you will ever be!
For the record me and jbz hugged it out via pm. Lol. It's funny how neither of us had an issue with each other yet it got blown up for no reason. Anyways jbz is a good dude and we both respect each other so put Down the weapons guys :)
If I say I'm going to do the tests then don't post the results, it's the same as saying they are good. I don't mind testing. The cost is minimal and there's no risk to me, only Scirrox.

I'm glad u posted this bro,

I talked with flesner in person, I clarify that very clearly that the Sciroxx he got has nothing to do with me, and proved it, I know, and many of my customers know that Sciroxx has been one of the most, if not the most, faked brand, wish I could control it, but I'm tryint to prove I do my best, so offer to him some comepnsation/samples/whatever u call it, so he may test them, among them is for instance halo (which is by far the most faked AAS as it's also the most expensive and rare one), which we tested for 99% purity, so even labmax will recognize it behind any doubts.

I do agree with flesner, and mentioned it clearly again, that labmax is very unreliable test, exactly from the reasons he mentioned,

I'm just happy to get honest cooperation, this is what I'm here for