What did you inject today?

Split between left and right biceps:

150mg Test E
165mg Bold U
127.5mg Mast P
120mg Tren A

Swallowed split into 3 doses (every 8 hours):

105mg Superdrol
100mg Winstrol

9 days until bulking season
12iu hgh pre bed
13iu novo pre & 23iu novo post workout
150 Test E
200 EQ
200 Mast E

pre bed:
100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg Cialis

Water retention comes slowly down from GH, Pumps are perfect.

I'm still thinking about what my stack will look like in the end... either high Test + AI or moderate Test with Nandro... or just try to push the other two components up...
Split between left and right calves:

150mg Test E
165mg Bold U
127.5mg Mast P
120mg Tren A

Swallowed split into 3 doses (every 8 hours):

105mg Superdrol
100mg Winstrol

7 days… next high day on the 18th

Bloods Tuesday