Hi, so you all probably know in 2017 or 2018 TP replaced his old greys lowkey with a new different greytop.
I'm trying to find a generic brand that's comparable to those "old greys" from TP. Mind if ya'll lead me to some sources with high purity and zero/almost zero dimer? It can cost 250 a kit, i don't mind, what's some sources that are the closest to GMP/pharma quality (or even better, generics that are actually GMP sourced)?
I looked around the forum, and found some brand...
Would you say these are pretty close to GMP/pharma quality?:
let me know your opinions of each
And how is TP's 'new' greytops? Water on mauves and blacks for me is awful- do the greys have water? I seen a few tests.. higher dimer on greys than blacks, not looking too good
And thank you all! Appreciate it
I'm trying to find a generic brand that's comparable to those "old greys" from TP. Mind if ya'll lead me to some sources with high purity and zero/almost zero dimer? It can cost 250 a kit, i don't mind, what's some sources that are the closest to GMP/pharma quality (or even better, generics that are actually GMP sourced)?
I looked around the forum, and found some brand...
Would you say these are pretty close to GMP/pharma quality?:
let me know your opinions of each
And how is TP's 'new' greytops? Water on mauves and blacks for me is awful- do the greys have water? I seen a few tests.. higher dimer on greys than blacks, not looking too good
And thank you all! Appreciate it