What is causing depression?


New Member
I have been running Test and Deca for about 4-5 weeks at 500/250 mg. I am experiencing one of the worst depression and anxiety I ever have in my life. I ran a 10 week cycle of test 350mg per week and didn't experience any depression at all.
I have recently lost a good bit of money trying to trade crypto within the last couple days... Never again.. which I'm sure is not helping the cause, I cant imagine making me feel this bad on its own.
So my question is, is this the Deca or high estrogen? I haven't been running an ai because I had no issues last cycle but just started 1mg adex today. OR is it the Deca. I have read that deca is very common for causing depression, so this makes me believe it is probably be the cause.
If it is the deca and I stop it, how long for me to feel better? Any advice from someone that has dealt with this, thanks
Deca or NPP do this to me too. One study said that the neurological effects of Nandrolones take about twice the time you were on the compound to go away.
With me, the depression effect went away faster though. Hang in there.
I have been running Test and Deca for about 4-5 weeks at 500/250 mg. I am experiencing one of the worst depression and anxiety I ever have in my life. I ran a 10 week cycle of test 350mg per week and didn't experience any depression at all.
I have recently lost a good bit of money trying to trade crypto within the last couple days... Never again.. which I'm sure is not helping the cause, I cant imagine making me feel this bad on its own.
So my question is, is this the Deca or high estrogen? I haven't been running an ai because I had no issues last cycle but just started 1mg adex today. OR is it the Deca. I have read that deca is very common for causing depression, so this makes me believe it is probably be the cause.
If it is the deca and I stop it, how long for me to feel better? Any advice from someone that has dealt with this, thanks

Run some caber and quit using compounds that don't agree with you!
Deca or NPP do this to me too. One study said that the neurological effects of Nandrolones take about twice the time you were on the compound to go away.
With me, the depression effect went away faster though. Hang in there.

Maybe when using nandrolone decanoate, but npp and it's sides will go away A LOT faster and from what I read people who run npp feel great.
I would check my estrogen first. Simple lab test won't cost much. Nandrolone can indeed heighten the feelings of anxiety or depression. It isn't a feel good hormone like example dbol or masteron(my own experiences. No sciense behind). No drug wont make you mentally invincible (Well maybe cocaine for a short while but that's another story). You are running quite low dosage and i would suggest you to forget about your losses trading crypto. It's life and it's only money. I have found that nandrolone induced mental problems will go away rather quick. Maybe one or two week.
Thanks guys, I think I plan to give the deca 4 more days while taking an ai. Because I’d hate to write off deca if it could be just high estrogen and me getting rekt with crypto. If i don’t feel any different after getting estrogen in check, then so long deca and good riddance. Just gonna have to figure out what to do with the other 3 vials I have lol.
This is the first time I’ve ever ran it, trying to give everything a shot at lower doses to see what I can and can’t tolerate.
Dam man this is unfortunate. You could always drop the deca and try again. Because then you would really know.

i go through this with EQ, i want to run it so badly, but it is evil for myself. Pure anxiety.

dont crush e2 either, that sucks bad also.
When I've let my e2 run high I'd get anxiety among other things. I'm a big fan of deca but that's what gave me the issue. As stated earlier pull bloods or drop the deca and try it again when you're ready to pull bloods during cycle so you can adjust accordingly. It's my favorite additional compound when dialed in.
Accutane has been very worst to me. With steroids never had a issue but 19 nor can affect some neurological functions and some chemicals in the brain.
But the fact that you lost money can aggravated that also
Take some milder compounds, doesn't worth to be depressed as is a very bad situation that
I’m prescribed adderall and it takes double the dose to get me through a work day when I take nandrolone.
How's cycling with adderall for you? Also, I've read that PCT drugs should not be mixed with other meds(anti-depressants for example). Do you use something different than the typical nolva-clomid stack, or you don't go through pct all?
NPP made me numb to everything. Aka depressed. I say it’s the deca I’d drop it. A side effect like that is hard to manage because it affects every aspect of your life because you cannot think clearly.

as someone who trades don’t get emotionally involved by the way. Take that as you will.
How's cycling with adderall for you? Also, I've read that PCT drugs should not be mixed with other meds(anti-depressants for example). Do you use something different than the typical nolva-clomid stack, or you don't go through pct all?

I’ve been taking adderall for 8 or 9 years now and while I’m sure it contributes some to my high blood pressure, I don’t notice any side effects other than that. Sleep and appetite were affected in the very beginning, but it didn’t take long for those to go back to normal.

To be entirely honest with you, I’ve never pct’ed since first starting. I’ve went through periods of time where I cruised and times where I went cold turkey.
High estrogen shouldn't cause depression, it just makes you more sensitive to emotion. You'll find yourself shedding a tear when something makes you happy, or really empathizing at the commercials claiming 1 dollar will save a starving child's life, or getting teary-eyed when your GF tells you about her hard day at work.

Could it push you over the edge if you're already very sad? Possibly, but the event is to blame in that scenario, not necessarily the estrogen. I have a friend who prefers high estrogen because he's nicer to his lady and it helps their relationship, lol. He's normally an asshole to her. You're just incredibly sensitive with high estrogen.

Someone correct me if you've experienced something to make you disagree, but I can't imagine estrogen making you depressed.
Deca or NPP do this to me too. One study said that the neurological effects of Nandrolones take about twice the time you were on the compound to go away.
With me, the depression effect went away faster though. Hang in there.
How long did it take you after you dropped it?
If it does happen to be an estrogen problem.. (because come to think of it, I have been pretty emotional towards my gf and more soft ig lol). How long would you expect it to take for the Adex to fix me up?