What I've learned about Gear +

Good Stuff Warlord,

People have to remember two guys/gals can have different reactions to the same compound. Know your body, know your baseline labs. No Russian Roulette.. And I respectfully disagree on the Clen:( When I used to compete, Clen was my go to at the end. However, that is not to say others won't have a different experience. I also see value in Proviron when many others do not.. I am old though, so........


These are some things I've learned in this game. It's just my opinions but, I'm open for debate.

Tren is the unholy king of AAS.

That being said, tren shouldn't be used by less than casual Gymgoer.

Since AAS is still technically medicine, like the real world, there's some coumponds I cannot use, or react badly to No matter how I dose it.

Dbol doesn't mean instant 'moonface'
Gear isn't what broke the bank in Bodybuilding, HGH is.

Insulin is the most anabolic hormone.

Vast majority of Igf-3 is fake.

Frontloading Deca is the best pricinple to abide by.

Always do pre and mid cycle bloodwork.
No matter how much gear you run, You can't pull mass out of the air. If you're not increasing to adjust your caloric intake, you're wasting your time and money.

If your above 15% BF, Masteron isn't gonna save your prep.

When you are close to being dialed in, injectable winny, mast added to your stack is beautiful.

Not all UGLs are bad, I don't see the business model approved for knocking off your clientele.

If your a low BF trainer on a bulk, and not using CJC1295 W/ DAC and GHRP6 plus slin, I dont know what you are doing with yourself.

Cheat meals are to be used by people dieting or prepping hard for a show to give them a mental break from eating tilapia and chicken breast all day. You can't eat bullshit all week and talk about, " well it's Saturday, my scheduled cheat day!"

Clens overrated.

Primo is often too expensive to get a worthwhile cycle.

I've never had a pump more severe than Anadrol and Tren.

I'm pretty good about not getting tits,but I always keep Arimidex on hand. If I need Letro, something is wrong.

Metformin is awesome for dieting.

Liver care and water is a must.

Manipulation of your water is a waste of time unless you have a show lined up. Droping your water before spring break trip to the beach is a great way to.end up fucked up.

NPP is highly underrated.

Synthol abuse is more common than not.

HGH is only ran 2 ways: a lot of the cheap shit, or a little of the good stuff.

Shutting down your estrogen essentially is shutting down your growth. You wanna control it, not crush it.

Your muscle growth takes place outside of the gym, Not in. People are always under the false principle of more is better. You tear down your muscle fibers so they can grow little by little.

Rest is everything.

On gear you have more."wiggle room". Doesn't mean blow the cycle, if you are quite anabolic, you have room to make mistakes.

No more 3 ML shots.

My bloodwork comes back in range on in less aggressive cycles with no PCT.

Gear is a marathon not a footrace. You put in 2 cycles and now you're ready for Arnold Classic? Most aren't ready for the AutoZone Classic.

Be realist. Unless you are planning going pro, and profiting on it, It's a hard climb.

Offseason doesn't mean zero cardio. I've been mislead by dudes who think the moment I start doing cardio, my muscles will shrivel up and die. Quite the contrary.

If I must do cardio if must be on a Stairmaster. You can bullshit a treadmill, but you can't bullshit a Stairmaster.
These are some things I've learned in this game. It's just my opinions but, I'm open for debate.

Tren is the unholy king of AAS.

That being said, tren shouldn't be used by less than casual Gymgoer.

Since AAS is still technically medicine, like the real world, there's some coumponds I cannot use, or react badly to No matter how I dose it.

Dbol doesn't mean instant 'moonface'
Gear isn't what broke the bank in Bodybuilding, HGH is.

Insulin is the most anabolic hormone.

Vast majority of Igf-3 is fake.

Frontloading Deca is the best pricinple to abide by.

Always do pre and mid cycle bloodwork.
No matter how much gear you run, You can't pull mass out of the air. If you're not increasing to adjust your caloric intake, you're wasting your time and money.

If your above 15% BF, Masteron isn't gonna save your prep.

When you are close to being dialed in, injectable winny, mast added to your stack is beautiful.

Not all UGLs are bad, I don't see the business model approved for knocking off your clientele.

If your a low BF trainer on a bulk, and not using CJC1295 W/ DAC and GHRP6 plus slin, I dont know what you are doing with yourself.

Cheat meals are to be used by people dieting or prepping hard for a show to give them a mental break from eating tilapia and chicken breast all day. You can't eat bullshit all week and talk about, " well it's Saturday, my scheduled cheat day!"

Clens overrated.

Primo is often too expensive to get a worthwhile cycle.

I've never had a pump more severe than Anadrol and Tren.

I'm pretty good about not getting tits,but I always keep Arimidex on hand. If I need Letro, something is wrong.

Metformin is awesome for dieting.

Liver care and water is a must.

Manipulation of your water is a waste of time unless you have a show lined up. Droping your water before spring break trip to the beach is a great way to.end up fucked up.

NPP is highly underrated.

Synthol abuse is more common than not.

HGH is only ran 2 ways: a lot of the cheap shit, or a little of the good stuff.

Shutting down your estrogen essentially is shutting down your growth. You wanna control it, not crush it.

Your muscle growth takes place outside of the gym, Not in. People are always under the false principle of more is better. You tear down your muscle fibers so they can grow little by little.

Rest is everything.

On gear you have more."wiggle room". Doesn't mean blow the cycle, if you are quite anabolic, you have room to make mistakes.

No more 3 ML shots.

My bloodwork comes back in range on in less aggressive cycles with no PCT.

Gear is a marathon not a footrace. You put in 2 cycles and now you're ready for Arnold Classic? Most aren't ready for the AutoZone Classic.

Be realist. Unless you are planning going pro, and profiting on it, It's a hard climb.

Offseason doesn't mean zero cardio. I've been mislead by dudes who think the moment I start doing cardio, my muscles will shrivel up and die. Quite the contrary.

If I must do cardio if must be on a Stairmaster. You can bullshit a treadmill, but you can't bullshit a Stairmaster.
"Insulin is the most anabolic hormone." Unbelievably misunderstood, and overused statement. It's almost tremendously powerful at delivering nutrients to fat cells.... So...

"Synthol abuse is more common than not" Ludicrous statement based on literally zero evidence.

"Offseason doesn't mean zero cardio. I've been mislead by dudes who think the moment I start doing cardio, my muscles will shrivel up and die. Quite the contrary. " If you can stay at or below 10% BF on your off season, cardio is NOT necessary. *Health factors are a different story*

"Vast majority of Igf-3 is fake." Prove this claim.

"Rest is everything." Everything? LOL. I'd put diet ahead of rest, and even drugs, in terms of results, sorry, it's just my experience.

"HGH is only ran 2 ways: a lot of the cheap shit, or a little of the good stuff." What? You do realize some people run a lot of the good stuff, right? Apparently not.

"If your a low BF trainer on a bulk, and not using CJC1295 W/ DAC and GHRP6 plus slin, I dont know what you are doing with yourself." I don't even know what this means.

"Frontloading Deca is the best pricinple to abide by." I think you ought to include any long estered drug, such as EQ or test undec would fall under your same "principle", although I am not sure frontloading is necessary, it sure helps. It's a nightmare for people who run high MG cycles, though.

"Your muscle growth takes place outside of the gym, Not in. People are always under the false principle of more is better. You tear down your muscle fibers so they can grow little by little." This isn't necessarily true, either. The IGF-1 spike you get from lifting starts the rebuilding process right away.

Thanks for writing a lot of bro science and personal "experience" down... But, a lot of these are claims based off of zero real evidence. Such claims are open to being shot down....
"Insulin is the most anabolic hormone." Unbelievably misunderstood, and overused statement. It's almost tremendously powerful at delivering nutrients to fat cells.... So...

"Synthol abuse is more common than not" Ludicrous statement based on literally zero evidence.

"Offseason doesn't mean zero cardio. I've been mislead by dudes who think the moment I start doing cardio, my muscles will shrivel up and die. Quite the contrary. " If you can stay at or below 10% BF on your off season, cardio is NOT necessary. *Health factors are a different story*

"Vast majority of Igf-3 is fake." Prove this claim.

"Rest is everything." Everything? LOL. I'd put diet ahead of rest, and even drugs, in terms of results, sorry, it's just my experience.

"HGH is only ran 2 ways: a lot of the cheap shit, or a little of the good stuff." What? You do realize some people run a lot of the good stuff, right? Apparently not.

"If your a low BF trainer on a bulk, and not using CJC1295 W/ DAC and GHRP6 plus slin, I dont know what you are doing with yourself." I don't even know what this means.

"Frontloading Deca is the best pricinple to abide by." I think you ought to include any long estered drug, such as EQ or test undec would fall under your same "principle", although I am not sure frontloading is necessary, it sure helps. It's a nightmare for people who run high MG cycles, though.

"Your muscle growth takes place outside of the gym, Not in. People are always under the false principle of more is better. You tear down your muscle fibers so they can grow little by little." This isn't necessarily true, either. The IGF-1 spike you get from lifting starts the rebuilding process right away.

Thanks for writing a lot of bro science and personal "experience" down... But, a lot of these are claims based off of zero real evidence. Such claims are open to being shot down....
@WarLord, don't take this as an affront. Pus is one smart fish here:)
Apologies if my "experiences" aren't good enough. It's a bit of science, bro science, and experience. I don't see myself pretending to be a guru essentially, I'm expressing my opinion. I based my opinions on things, I have tried and discuss to form a opinion.
Once I get situated at work, I'll learn to properly quote, and give a proper response.
I'd agree with this man. If anything, for me, test makes me calmer. Almost like a mood stabilizer or something. Internal chemical imbalance anyone??

True that, only on 250mg a week and im more aggressive throughout the day than i was when i had 1g of test and 700mg of tren a week inside of me lol
I dont see the point in frontloading
Ive run plenty of 8-10 week cycles with only long esters and sluffed my old body like a snake does its skin.
I dont see the point in frontloading
Ive run plenty of 8-10 week cycles with only long esters and sluffed my old body like a snake does its skin.
I ran it twice without frontloading and tried it a few times frontloading @1200 a week first few weeks. Maybe it's the influx of hormone but I definitely found this method practical for my usage if I should use Deca.
Apologies if my "experiences" aren't good enough. It's a bit of science, bro science, and experience. I don't see myself pretending to be a guru essentially, I'm expressing my opinion. I based my opinions on things, I have tried and discuss to form a opinion.
Once I get situated at work, I'll learn to properly quote, and give a proper response.

It's anecdote, and should be contested and debated per Wunderpus, but still valuable input. Thanks for posting your reflections, and please be open to to constructive critique.
Don't know why but it seems tren's calling my name too :eek:

Eventually it could well be time to load up darts with that nectar :)
Apologies if my "experiences" aren't good enough. It's a bit of science, bro science, and experience. I don't see myself pretending to be a guru essentially, I'm expressing my opinion. I based my opinions on things, I have tried and discuss to form a opinion.
Once I get situated at work, I'll learn to properly quote, and give a proper response.
Don't be hard on yourself, as @Wunderpus was just giving some honest feedback on your post.
Apologies if my "experiences" aren't good enough. It's a bit of science, bro science, and experience. I don't see myself pretending to be a guru essentially, I'm expressing my opinion. I based my opinions on things, I have tried and discuss to form a opinion.
Once I get situated at work, I'll learn to properly quote, and give a proper response.
Don't pull some sort of gross sympathy needing "poor me, my experience isn't GOOD enough :)"

Your experience certainly is good enough, and there's no doubt you have many experiences and things to teach others. The way you present some of these subjects as FACT is what is irritating, as many are not. I just don't want this post to be misinterpreted as some sort of bible for newer members, as there are glaring flaws in some of your statements. That is all.
You do seem to be a quick study :)

Better than the hordes of noobs that join here who know squat about gear or training then asking to be spoon-fed...

Quick study? I say the OP is experienced and certainly can not b lumped into ANY noob category. Not all true however, glad someone is learning something[emoji1377]
Don't pull some sort of gross sympathy needing "poor me, my experience isn't GOOD enough :)"

Your experience certainly is good enough, and there's no doubt you have many experiences and things to teach others. The way you present some of these subjects as FACT is what is irritating, as many are not. I just don't want this post to be misinterpreted as some sort of bible for newer members, as there are glaring flaws in some of your statements. That is all.
And I understand that.
I'm not implicating a "whoa is me persona" and opinions are opinions. My are mine. I only.suggest what I've experience and people I've dealt with.
The last thing I want is people, especially newbs to take my words as doctrine lol.
I don't pretend to know it all. For all intents and purposes, everyone should always form their opinions and not be force fed.
Sorry I haven't been on regularly, they're moving the rig the last few days. I gotta do work a change.