What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Well then I expect to hear the "I'm debt free" scream in about 8 months.

I'm proud of you, I just wish more people got it.

Dbol breakfast of champions
If i wasnt in to gear and all this food i would of long had it by now
I just couldnt give that up. Im dedicated.
The trick is staying debt free. I already been there once

Haha, he must've been on a really good buzz.

Eman was buzzed quite a bit himself... :)

The atmosphere was pretty intoxicating. My girlfriend is German so when they started singing German hofbrau beer drinking songs you couldn't help but sway back and forth with your beer and sing along.

With that said, no French fries get dipped in my beer. ;)
Lol, idk bout fat. I certainly wouldnt call Big Brian Shaw or any other serious strongman competitor or top level PL fat. The game they choose to play aint no joke. If you ever been under serious crushing weight youd have to agree. Day in day out. Thats their life. Respekt
I just got a good laugh out of it
If i wasnt in to gear and all this food i would of long had it by now
I just couldnt give that up. Im dedicated.
The trick is staying debt free. I already been there once

That is absolutely the trick. For years now if i want to buy something, i pay cash. I find that when you pay cash for things , a couple of things happen. First i find i dont impulse buy like with a credit card. And second, when i pull out the cash i find most times i rather just keep the cash than buy a bigger TV or whatever. I have a weekly limit and when its gone im done. No more debt and interest for me[emoji41]
That is absolutely the trick. For years now if i want to buy something, i pay cash. I find that when you pay cash for things , a couple of things happen. First i find i dont impulse buy like with a credit card. And second, when i pull out the cash i find most times i rather just keep the cash than buy a bigger TV or whatever. I have a weekly limit and when its gone im done. No more debt and interest for me[emoji41]
Only broke people buy things involving a bank