What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

The stoner is strong in this one..... I'll have to try it :D I've had the Taco Bell version but homemade is always better

Haha i actually dont partake in the herb, used to smoke the hell out of it as a kid, but now that im a slightly older kid with responsibilities and shit i dont like it, makes me think too much haha.

I just have a taste for the finer things in life, like homeade waffle shell breakfast tacos :p
I guess it supposedly helps raise energy levels and keep blood sugar levels stable. O haven't really researched the health benefits too much though

It's definitely got some health benefits but I prefer carbs for energy and blood sugar ;) I believe I saw a study that said it can increase insulin sensitivity, let me see if I can find it.
What do you mean? He didn't eat 20k calories?

I thought that at first too, which is why I ask. I actually checked just a little bit and I'm pretty sure the ice cream and cookies alone come out to like 10k calories.

He might have. I was just talking shit because 20k calories would be impossible for me. It does, however, sound fun to attempt. I'm just suffering from calorie envy because i'm trying to lose a little bit of the protective layer around my abs.