What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Christmas Dinner at Ickyricas was Italian this year. Not a complaint out of me! Christmas Eve was spent putting together this meat sauce and getting a million meatballs made up. We elected to make the sauce the night before because the wife and I both think that it's better reheated!2.png

Next day...

More meat sauce for baked ziti...

Yeah buddy, that was mine!

I didn't take one home, lol. I didn't even finish that slice. I'm actually starting to feel like I have a sugar issue that needs attention. :( When I eat sugary food my cheeks tingle like crazy, start to feel all sorts of funny. Not happy about it because I'm a chocolate whore.

Is one of those cakes an Oreo? They look fantastic!

I hope you took a whole cheesecake home?