What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....


10+ Year Member
I decided to start a "what are you eating thread" , to keep up on what guys are eating to achieve their goals .....

Im Keto dieting so its (4) scrambled eggs and diced lean ham this morning . Its an old stand-by of mine that fills me up and has lots of protein & very little fat compaired to bacon . I sometimes add green chile salsa to spice it up , only 2 grams carbs per 2 tbs. I might also add a tbs of real butter to it sometimes to give me more fat , not this morning . Just lost another lb these last 3 days .......:D
Just ate some "cookies" my girl made me. It's bananas, oats, pb, and a little chocolate chips. Taste so good!

Around 110 calories, 4.5g fat, 14g carbs and 3g protein per one cookie

It's 2 ripe bananas, 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup c. Chips and one spoonful of pb (I used a serving and a half which was about 48g). Put oven to 350 and cook for 15 minutes. Made into 12 cookies
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Just ate some "cookies" my girl made me. It's bananas, oats, pb, and a little chocolate chips. Taste so good!

Around 110 calories, 4.5g fat, 14g carbs and 3g protein per one cookie

Sounds tasty . No ketoing for you this morning AFC , although sounds like a great carb-up before work or work-out . Thanks . :D
Well its almost lunchtime - 1 lrg can of tuna (55 grams protein) + handful of unsalted peanuts + 1 small apple + water = :D

note: sometimes I throw in a oz or 2 of sharp cheddar cheese , not today
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Actually, on a Keto diet, you should want bacon over lean ham or lean anything for that matter. Too much protein can knock you out of ketosis - assuming that's where you want to be. If you are steadily losing weight, then it may not matter much, but if you hit a plateau you need to go for fat over protein and make sure you don't overdo it with calories.

What am I eating? In no particular order...

Grass fed beef, full fat yogurt, kale (this one is a winner raw or cooked in bacon drippings or butter with onions, peppers, and Celtic Sea salt*), Alaskan salmon, eggs (of course!), coconut milk, olive oil, raw nuts and cheese for snacks. Try goat cheese (when it goes on sale because nobody ever buys it at the regular price) with blueberries when you get a chance; the combination is incredible.

Breakfast was mixed berries with heavy cream and almond milk. Coffee.

Snack was sliced avocado with a small can of tuna.

Dinner will be ground lamb with onions, mint, and cilantro. Brown it in its own fat and eat immediately. Side salad of raw sliced peppers, cucumbers, and olives.

*Throw away that Morton's table salt crap and start using this. Get your iodine from eating seafood at least twice a week. Persimmons - if you can get them - are also a good source of iodine.
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Diet's looking a little rough but here is an idea of what I am eating...

6 egg whites, 1 wheat bagel with natural PB

Protein shake

Lunch (open)- been trying to eat salads with a lot of GREEN!

Dinner has been in the meat arena for the last few months. typically, if the wife will go for it, Ill go with steak or beef. But lately, I have had to throw in some chicken. Plenty of veggies.

Steamed chicken and brown rice with bbq sauce (SWEET BABY RAYS HONEY BBQ) =)

Its hit or miss, one consistency is my water intake has been awesome! zero pop and little juice. But I am looking to increase the juice.. not "JUICE".. just juice.. well maybe juice.. lol
Hey LW64 - yea I hear you on the bacon , its gtg on keto . Right now Im not fully keto , kinda low carb , med-fats , high protein . When I get under 10% BF I'll go balls out , full keto with carb-up days . Your diet looks great , love that salmon ! :D

PS - same to you DAS , thats the food us big-dogs eat ! Looks good :D
Good morning ! Well it is a short breakfast this morning , 4 boiled eggs and a 1/2 cup Papaya and 1/2 banana . Thats it......:D
Well its almost lunchtime - 1 lrg can of tuna (55 grams protein) + handful of unsalted peanuts + 1 small apple + water = :D

note: sometimes I throw in a oz or 2 of sharp cheddar cheese , not today

I throw jalapeños in my tuna from time to time :D

Breakfast for me each morning is oatmeal (work days), Eggs with some shredded sharp cheese (weekends)
Diet's looking a little rough but here is an idea of what I am eating...

6 egg whites, 1 wheat bagel with natural PB

Protein shake

Lunch (open)- been trying to eat salads with a lot of GREEN!

Dinner has been in the meat arena for the last few months. typically, if the wife will go for it, Ill go with steak or beef. But lately, I have had to throw in some chicken. Plenty of veggies.

Steamed chicken and brown rice with bbq sauce (SWEET BABY RAYS HONEY BBQ) =)

Its hit or miss, one consistency is my water intake has been awesome! zero pop and little juice. But I am looking to increase the juice.. not "JUICE".. just juice.. well maybe juice.. lol

You should try their Honey Chipotle, wicked good stuff :D :D
My full day:

Mornings: 1/2 cup of oatmeal
Mid Morning: Protein Bar
Lunch: Tuna or Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Yogurt, 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
Mid Day: Apple or other fruit
Dinner: Steak, Pork, Chicken, Fish with a salad most nights
Stupid Keto makes me irritable
Egg white omelet this morning with mushrooms, spinach, Tapatio.
Mid morning- 8 oz hotel steak
Lunch- 8 oz hotel steak, 1/2 cup quinoa
next meal will be a protein shake
Chicken and spinach for dinner

Plus HST workout today I might eat a honeycrisp apple for a pre-workout. Once my body is in Ketosis I get paranoid of coming out so I almost try not to take on any carbs. Am I making this to hard on myself.
Stupid Keto makes me irritable.

Add in some 'fat coffee' to your diet once or twice a day.

Fat coffee is coffee with a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Mix it in a blender to get the right mouth feel. Tastes pretty good, though most of the time I'm very happy with only heavy cream in my coffee - and that might work for you too.
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Add in some 'fat coffee' to your diet once or twice a day.

Fat coffee is coffee with a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Mix it in a blender to get the right mouth feel. Tastes pretty good, though most of the time I'm very happy with only heavy cream in my coffee - and that might work for you too.

That reminds me I got some coconut oil Ive been wanting to do something else with .....I use it for stir-frys , but coffee creamer ? OK -:D
Stupid Keto makes me irritable
Egg white omelet this morning with mushrooms, spinach, Tapatio.
Mid morning- 8 oz hotel steak
Lunch- 8 oz hotel steak, 1/2 cup quinoa
next meal will be a protein shake
Chicken and spinach for dinner

Plus HST workout today I might eat a honeycrisp apple for a pre-workout. Once my body is in Ketosis I get paranoid of coming out so I almost try not to take on any carbs. Am I making this to hard on myself.

Hey Volt - I get irritable on Keto too - thats because our society is saturated with carbohydrates . We are given candy as a reward when we are kids and we reward ourselves with carbs when we are sad or happy (thus happy birthday cake) its hard to break because its physical and mental . I try to get at least 40-50 grams carbs a day . Right now Im staying under a 100 grams a day . Keep at it ....:D