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What's causing my bloat/stomach upsets?


New Member
Hi again guys!,

I'm currently going into my 5th week on a (twice weekly pin) of 500mg test cyp. Started with taking the test itself and then added in an ai of 0.25mg (eod) of anastrazole (arimidex) from the 3rd week onwards.

I'm 5ft6, 28years old,
Started off at 10st 12lbs with 15%bf
and I'm now 11st 3lbs with 20% bf (don't know how accurate this is because it was done on one of they gym scale sensor machines)

My problem is I was seeing some nice small gains from week 3 and was happy with my progress growing in the right places and looking leaner and even though my bodyfat was going up I was looking leaner! BUT the last few days not been liking what I've seen in the mirror. I feel like I've hit a brick wall and lost some confidence in my direction. Last few nights Ive looked bloated round the stomach area etc and I've been having some stomach upset (light and dealable not major) with diarrhoea etc for the last couple days. I'm still eating fine and have a good appetite.

Just would like some of you guys opinion. Is this normal? Am I being a bit dramatic? Is my bf percent normal to go from 15 to 20 in 4weeks? I obviously want the best results from this cycle.
Throw in a nexium,prevacid or the like....look into l-glutamine....regardless of what compound(s) im running, im always dealing with upset stomach/reflux issues.
What is your diet like?

Cheers for the reply mate,

Typical day for me is:

Protein shake (30g of protein)
Chicken breast & tomatoe omlette (4eggs)
2slice wholemeal toast
250ml milk
Fruit salad

Handful Almonds

Large portion Fish/chicken or lean beef with rice and veg

Handful almonds

Large portion fish/chicken/rice with rice or brown pasta.

Tin of tuna/cottage cheese
Protein shake (30g of protein)

Atleast 3litres of water a day

Workout 5times a week for 1hour sessions
What kind of protein powder?

If it's cheap, that's your problem.

It's maximuscle cyclone strength and power mate. 30g protein & 5g creatine

So you think my diet it is ok? Maybe just what's in the protein? I had been feeling good and happy with progress up until couple days ago. I thought it was maybe something to do with the arimidex.....I forgot to mention I forgot to take a dose so i took half 2days ago instead of 1/4.....

I took 0.25 Friday
Missed sat
Forgot to take .25 on Sunday
Missed Monday
Took 0.5g on Tuesday as I'd forgotten my Sunday dose so upped the dose
Missed wed
Took 0.25g today

What kind of protein powder?

If it's cheap, that's your problem.

It's maximuscle cyclone strength and power mate. 30g protein & 5g creatine

So you think my diet it is ok? Maybe just what's in the protein? I had been feeling good and happy with progress up until couple days ago. I thought it was maybe something to do with the arimidex.....I forgot to mention I forgot to take a dose so i took half 2days ago instead of 1/4.....

I took 0.25 Friday
Missed sat
Forgot to take .25 on Sunday
Missed Monday
Took 0.5g on Tuesday as I'd forgotten my Sunday dose so upped the dose
Missed wed
Took 0.25g today

It's maximuscle cyclone strength and power mate. 30g protein & 5g creatine

So you think my diet it is ok? Maybe just what's in the protein? I had been feeling good and happy with progress up until couple days ago. I thought it was maybe something to do with the arimidex.....I forgot to mention I forgot to take a dose so i took half 2days ago instead of 1/4.....

I took 0.25 Friday
Missed sat
Forgot to take .25 on Sunday
Missed Monday
Took 0.5g on Tuesday as I'd forgotten my Sunday dose so upped the dose
Missed wed
Took 0.25g today


Cheap protein powder has fillers that are not digestible. I'm not familiar with that brand but often times it's a bad sign that there's creatine in it. It will literally sit in your gut and ferment.

If you're really sensitive to E2 symptoms then it could be your missing adex dose... I'd be fine if it were me.
Cheap protein powder has fillers that are not digestible. I'm not familiar with that brand but often times it's a bad sign that there's creatine in it. It will literally sit in your gut and ferment.

If you're really sensitive to E2 symptoms then it could be your missing adex dose... I'd be fine if it were me.

I get sentimental as fuck and all emotional (no rage) after two days. Like rolling without the euphoria.
Cheers for the feedback lads. I've been fine up until I missed that dose then double dosed so hoping its that. I just didn't think they effects could happen that quick. Yous both reckon I should just continue with my normal dosing then starting not tomorrow but day after? And keep it at 0.25mg. Getting bloods at 6weeks so will know better then
I would recommend not double dosing if you miss. I'd just add an extra day of same dosage to make up.

I accidentally took 25mg aromasin in a day (forgot I took morning pill) and fucked my vision for a good part of the day.
Cheap protein powder has fillers that are not digestible. I'm not familiar with that brand but often times it's a bad sign that there's creatine in it. It will literally sit in your gut and ferment.

Just briefly checked this powder out...30 grams protien per 70 gram serving!! Not even half the serving size is protien!! Wonder what the other 40 grams is?

I wouldn't touch a tub of this brand if it was free...i can guarantee I'd have stomach issues with it.
Cheers for the reply mate,

Typical day for me is:

Protein shake (30g of protein)
Chicken breast & tomatoe omlette (4eggs)
2slice wholemeal toast
250ml milk
Fruit salad

Handful Almonds

Large portion Fish/chicken or lean beef with rice and veg

Handful almonds

Large portion fish/chicken/rice with rice or brown pasta.

Tin of tuna/cottage cheese
Protein shake (30g of protein)

Atleast 3litres of water a day

Workout 5times a week for 1hour sessions
So you might not take this comment seriously or you can it's your choice but I also had stomach issues such as dharrea, heartburn, acid reflex, and bloating along with some other problems. The problem was not with what I was taking but with what I was eating. I watched some documentarys and after a year of these problems I decided to go vegan. The first day vegan with no milk or meat I had no stomach issues what so ever. The thing is milk is what's causing your bloating and the meat or both is causing the maybe the acicid feeling. Meat is very acidic and our body takes awhile to digest it that's why we need all of the acid to break it down. I've been vegan for little over a month now and I've had zero to no stomach issues. Now I'm not telling you to go vegan or even consider it but I am asking that you limit your intake of milk and animal products that means milk, meat, and eggs with fish. The world health organization recommends 1-2 servings of meat per week. That is was lower than what the average person eats. You don't even have to go that low! But at least cut back a little of those animals products and interpret more vegetables and grains. Like quinoa and spinach, both very high in amino acids and protein. Try doing this for a week and see if that helps, because I know I couldn't find the answer to my problem before doing this. Don't take any anti acids or anything like that as they will upset your stomach more and bring your PH levels out of balance. Just some advice! Your decision in the end!

Or it could just the arimidex and you're fine ;)
Just briefly checked this powder out...30 grams protien per 70 gram serving!! Not even half the serving size is protien!! Wonder what the other 40 grams is?

I wouldn't touch a tub of this brand if it was free...i can guarantee I'd have stomach issues with it.

Quality protein is expensive! Not worth buying if it's not good quality. I've become very interested in egg protein when I need to supplement... I only use it when I need to. Diet first.
Cheers for the reply mate,

Typical day for me is:

Protein shake (30g of protein)
Chicken breast & tomatoe omlette (4eggs)
2slice wholemeal toast
250ml milk
Fruit salad

Handful Almonds

Large portion Fish/chicken or lean beef with rice and veg

Handful almonds

Large portion fish/chicken/rice with rice or brown pasta.

Tin of tuna/cottage cheese
Protein shake (30g of protein)

Atleast 3litres of water a day

Workout 5times a week for 1hour sessions
maybe lactose?
I'm almost sick too with the myprotein protein and creatine just buy some on protein and you'll be fine . Or buy the Omni mx leancore very good protein and it has creatine in it
Yaaaa... optimum nutrition protein is good, just read ingredients. A couple flavors have some wild ingredients

I love egg white protein powder too, I'd ingredients have literally just one or 2 ingredients. But it is expensive for sure