Whats everyones thoughts on implimenting a minimum post count for the underground section?


Probably an unpopular opinion here that will catch some flame, particularly with the people that hide out on alt accounts arguing in source threads, but I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on potentially implementing a minimum post count for the underground section?

I'll clarify by saying that I do think that the underground section should still be viewable to anyone, but that posting in it would require atleast a minimum post count, or contribution to the forum. I'm also not saying the post count or barrier to entry should by high, just enough alleviate some of the nonsense

I think this could potentially help to alleviate the amount of alt accounts, both those that choose to "shill" for sources, but also those that make alt accounts just to hangout in source threads all day arguing nonsense without actually contributing to the forum or advancing any discussions. There's a massive uptick in new (potentially alt accounts) with low post counts that just argue in source threads. Sometimes the discussions are relevant, but a lot of the times theyre not. This creates massive clutter both to people that are genuinely interested In reading reviews so that they can make an informed decision on the source, or those that have legitimate questions that they wish to have answered. This is apparent across many source threads, and not attributable to just one particular source

So what's everyone's thoughts? Good idea? Horrible idea?
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Dude you really need to calm down. You just spazzed out in axle thread and now you make this rambling thread a few minutes later. Seems like a knee jerk reaction out of emotion. Are you sure your dhb isn’t Tren?
Given that would require that labs start posting just to boost their count enough to start a thread there (or require more hassle for Millard to somehow "vet" them as lab accounts) I would probably just leave it be.

all you'd get is more clutter from people spam posting the same already answered questions even more than they do now.
Probably an unpopular opinion here that will catch some flame, particularly with the people that hide out on alt accounts arguing in source threads, but I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on potentially implementing a minimum post count for the underground section?

I'll clarify by saying that I do think that the underground section should still be viewable to anyone, but that posting in it would require atleast a minimum post count, or contribution to the forum. I'm also not saying the post count or barrier to entry should by high, just enough alleviate some of the nonsense

I think this could potentially help to alleviate the amount of alt accounts, both those that choose to "shill" for sources, but also those that make alt accounts just to hangout in source threads all day arguing nonsense without actually contributing to the forum or advancing any discussions. There's a massive uptick in new (potentially alt accounts) with low post counts that just argue in source threads. Sometimes the discussions are relevant, but a lot of the times theyre not. This creates massive clutter both to people that are genuinely interested In reading reviews so that they can make an informed decision on the source, or those that have legitimate questions that they wish to have answered. This is apparent across many source threads, and not attributable to just one particular source

So what's everyone's thoughts? Good idea? Horrible idea?
This was implemented recently, not sure if they’ve kept up on it.

Lol for @Nostrame to say anyone besides himself is a spazzzzz lol he’s literally losing his mind in the last 7-8 pages of Axels thread