what’s the best first cycle


New Member
heard 500mg test is a must, but then other ppl came up saying 250mg test is better.
wouldn’t it be better with starting off with something lighter like anavar or deca be better as a first cycle?
250-400mg, maybe up to 600mg of testosterone for 12-24 weeks titrating up and assessing your response and side efects.
Test is the best first cycle.

You need to be able to learn how to control and read your estrogen levels, which is why the first cycle is often the simplest, to give you that learning experience.

500mg test is a standard first cycle. It's also a very good first cycle that should produce quite significant gains.

Definitely don't start with a 19nor like deca. Not only will you need to read and control estrogen, but also prolactin, and if it's your first cycle you don't have a clue what you're doing in that regard (respectfully), plus deca can come with a bunch of mental side effects that could leave a bad taste in your mouth if that's your first experience, and it's in your system a long time so if you do get bad sides, there's nothing you can do but wait it out
Test is the best first cycle.

You need to be able to learn how to control and read your estrogen levels, which is why the first cycle is often the simplest, to give you that learning experience.

500mg test is a standard first cycle. It's also a very good first cycle.
how many times should I do bloodwork during a 15 weeks cycle using 500mg to control estrogen
how many times should I do bloodwork during a 15 weeks cycle using 500mg to control estrogen
I'd do it 2-3 months after starting to get a reading on your estrogen, then you can adjust your AI protocol as needed depending on what the bloodwork shows.

I'd do 12.5mg aromasin 1x a week to start. Chances are you might need to increase the to aromasin to 2x a week depending on how much you atomatize, but it's better to start lower (to avoid crashing your estrogen).

So aromasin 1x a week, get your bloodwork reading after 2 months, then increase the AI (or keep it the same) depending on what the bloodwork shows. If you start getting itchy nips your estrogen is probably too high and you should get bloodwork sooner
I'm a believer in 300 mg to 350 mg/week test only first cycle and then 500 as a second cycle.

200 mg of test a week will put most people around 1k total test and for some over that.

If you happen to have low T, you will notice a difference with 200 mg/ml. If your total testosterone is in normal ranges (varies somewhat depending on who is testing), you should see gains with 300 to 350 mg per week.

In the end, it varies from one individual to the next but I believe in starting with the lowest effective dose and then going from there.