What’s your favorite Pre-workout


I summon the great Ghoul to explain the safety profile of taking TNE pre workout on a regular basis. What can be expected out of TNE sides wise? All the same as regular doses of test c? Can’t seem to find anything much on the internet

I summon the great Ghoul to explain the safety profile of taking TNE pre workout on a regular basis. What can be expected out of TNE sides wise? All the same as regular doses of test c? Can’t seem to find anything much on the internet
The long term effect of injecting guaiacol is more the concern here, nobody in the medical industry uses guaiacol as a solvent, it’s an industrial solvent.

I summon the great Ghoul to explain the safety profile of taking TNE pre workout on a regular basis. What can be expected out of TNE sides wise? All the same as regular doses of test c? Can’t seem to find anything much on the internet
You’d do better asking someone who actually uses TNE. No offense to Ghoul.

How many days are you thinking about using TNE each week? It’s pure testosterone so the weekly dose on top of your Test C weekly dose should be considered. Apart from the possible toxicity from guaiacol increased dosages of testosterone can lead to the usual sides. Increase in BP, increase in RBC/hematocrit/hemoglobin, increases in E2, etc.

I’ve read about possible side effects of guaiacol but I cannot remember what they were. I’ve never read of any anecdotal accounts of negative side effects from guaiacol but it’s a toxic compound.
And TNE always contains it? Regardless of source?
False i have about 200ml of tne 100mg/ml made without guaiacol or EO, and some made with guicaol. Fuck EO i will not brew with that shit.
Also someone who has ran 100mg of tne on top of 1000mg of test and week i can say the it did not mess with my e2 a whole lot.. Type-IIx wrote a little on this subject..
You deffo would want some input on someone with real world data collection and personal application to chime in. (No offense) but it is always good to have theorem, as well.
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And TNE always contains it? Regardless of source?
Pretty much, someone here claimed that ultima tne does not, but based on a recent order from another member here it seems like it does. They said it didn’t pass the smell test. I’m still waiting on my osgear delivery so I can send a sample into jano. Think it got seized though
@Ghoul , i know your not obligated to provide this "List of essential meds" , But why haven't you provided it yet when you said you would ? You have mentioned it a couple times and i know SEVERAL members have asked you in regards to "the list" , Is it because once you start making the list it gets to long and unmanageable or?? "Inquiring Minds Want To Know", We're running outta time for the 20% discount pct247 is offering until March 20th,, TIA
You made that yourself though
From a compounding pharmaceutical company recipe, so it has to be out there somewhere. There is a company that says they make it without either "nakon medical " but what "OS gear" says they make it with a small amount of "bb" and "ba" is just chemically impossible..
Pretty much, someone here claimed that ultima tne does not, but based on a recent order from another member here it seems like it does. They said it didn’t pass the smell test. I’m still waiting on my osgear delivery so I can send a sample into jano. Think it got seized though
I wrote my response about nakon before I seen yalls post about em. I am glad someone calling bullshit in them...

I summon the great Ghoul to explain the safety profile of taking TNE pre workout on a regular basis. What can be expected out of TNE sides wise? All the same as regular doses of test c? Can’t seem to find anything much on the internet
Not ghoul but I know it doesn’t shut you down as hard as esterfied test does. But to maintain steady test levels it needs to be pinned more than once per day. I honestly think the actual injection locations are the biggest downside to using it often. I prefer the water based stuff and it tends to leave a little mustard behind after injection. Takes a while for all the micronized powder and solvents to disperse in the tissue so you need to rotate injection sites routinely if injecting often. I don’t much care for the oil based TNE. I still use it if I have it on hand but I prefer ordering the water based stuff if available.
I made both ... suspension and oil based ... tried both.

I found the suspension to work better than oil ... faster acting and no need for powerfull solvents .