What’s your go to meal?

Chicken and spaghetti with terriaki sauce….

1 hr, cook 12 meals…40-50$

These are cooked and divided take out containers, makes it so easy… i eat 2-3 a day.
Mexican meat ball soup, Caldo de albondigas= ground beef meat balls with white rice and potatoes and carrots in beef broth and tomato sauce.

I know they stole the idea for monster mash from my wifes grand mother lol. Look it up.


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Damn I’m lazy compared to some of you! I just batch my powdered food drinks and call it a day. But if I make a real meal it’s usually egg whites on seed bread.
damn yall need to learn to cook.

Cast iron grilled chicken with sauce:

Heat cast iron pan to hot (cast iron is crucial, or use a grill).

Pat dry chicken breast, season and rub with Special Shit seasoning (best I've found by far).

Olive oil spray the breast and pan, toss in pan (slightly offset pan from heat to have larger center of breast in center of heat, and edges away). Set heat to low.

Then cut up a red pepper, add. Small yellow onion, add (cut into slices vs chunks). Handful of baby bella mushrooms. Yes we are sinning by 'crowding the pan', but convenience, and secondly, that high heat from earlier ensures a sear and the breast will shrink by the time we flip it.

Flip when chicken halfway cooked. Let cook until it hits 148*F (perfect temp imo, 145 is just a bit low, 150 is good, 155 is too much). Pull chicken, let rest.

Set heat to high, deglaze pan with a good pour of apple cider vinegar (or acid of your choice). Let cook for ~5 minutes with good occassional stirring.

Then, the big awesome piece, is sauce time. Here are some good sauces:

* Japanese curry roux. Just need like 1/4 of a block, add water.
* Donna maria chocolate mole roux. Add water of course.
* Frenchies Dijon Mustard (has no added sugar, stronger flavor than other brands). Easy and simple and delish.
* Naked PB or PB2 peanut sauce, with water. Can use coconut milk and soy sauce to make it 'thai' style, can add cocoa powder or cayenne to make a oaxaca mole style
* Ghiradelli dutched cocoa. Friggin delish.
* Kimchi
* Gochujang Korean style
* Sourkraut
* LOTS of hungarian sweet paprika (important it's a quality hungarian style, not shit paprika from store), make a gulyas leves style traditional hungarian ghoulash soup).
* BBQ sauce

Pour into big bowl, slice chicken, lay on top, garnish with parsley. I make this every day and rotate sauces. Besides the bbq, curry and donna maria mole, they are all very low calorie (even those are fairly low since we don't need much).

The mushrooms are a great filler food for basically zero calories, you can add more vegetables to fill up, much better than rice, bread, or pasta. But if you are dirty bulking you can do those too.

Super easy to make, since we are cooking low and slow, you can pretty much just set it and forget it and check every once in a while you shower, study, post here, do errands. You aren't going to burn it. Takes maybe 30 minutes but total time at the kitchen is 5 minutes.

Comes out with a beautiful grill-style seared chicken breast with an amazing sauce.

This, a month's worth of meal-prepped pressure cooker stew roast (chuck vs round if bulking vs cutting) with various stews rotated, and a ground turkey/eggwhite/onion/greenpepper/tomato/parsley meal prep I bake in a pan, and that's 3 good high protein meals for the day.
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Just came across a Youtube channel called the protein chef, not sure how I feel about cottage cheese in my scrambled eggs, but definitely trying it out soon.
I can’t cook a piece of salmon to save my life… maybe the airfryer is the answer. I’ll give it a shot
Easy. Skin on side down first on a grill or air fryer for 7 minutes 400 degrees. Flip over for another 7 minutes. Peel off the skin and eat it. You can add a little honey on one side of it to make it taste better or some homemade guacamole salsa.
Sup MESO! I wonder what are your guys go to meal that’s simple and and easy to make and has been a staple in your diet before? One of mine is pesto chicken and pasta. But I don’t make the pesto myself because well fuck that lol.
Chicken and Lentils or Chicken and buckwheat, ground chicken with taco seasoning is really good too. These are the lean meals, Bulk meals 1 large dominos pizza or 4 mc doubles lol

Also if you like hardboiled eggs but hate making them. Air fry them with the shell at 280F for 15 minutes, I usually season with salt ,garlic, and paprika. Eating them as i'm typing this