Where are you getting your pins at? Labs?

What about cycle support? Before, a bunch of companies had these all-in-one supplements, don't really see them anymore.

Don't want to have to buy 800 other supps lol
I can still walk into wal-mart pharmacy and buy ReliOn slin pins but they only carry 6mm or 8mm. Anything other than slin pins, at least in my state you need a script. Some pharmacies may refuse you and say you need a script for slin pins but it is not required by law, they are just being pretentious dickheads so I ask is this a company policy or is it a law? They always say it's by law then I call them on their bullshit and say it's for my grandma, aunt, whoever. Or just go to Walmart, they don't give a fluck, no questions asked, as it should be.

All my other needs are met through Amazon and have noticed some brands are definitely more dull than others. Just got some Easy-touch 12.7mm, I know they're a popular brand but my God these ones suck compared to other brands.