You Brutus Johnny and mindless show up on TID and get booted about the same time
Kind of looked like you guys were a team
BuT I got to like Mindless he trolls like I do so I shouldn't really say much about him but all the rest of you definitely seem like a team there and now here StiLL
I call out Brutus.after he jumps on me for no reason and you come to his rescue
Why is that shithead?
That's why I will never trust another lab here especially one that isn't taking shit from you guys
You guys are fuckin clowns you always will be bored fuckin clowns without a home
I have more time here than anyone and I'll be here when you guys are gone hopefully soon then we can have a board without people having to take shit.from any of you
A board we can talk about BBing pussy and eating butt like real men do