Where does the old school members hang out now

Brutus admitted to Shilling and I'm not the one who backs reverse scammers it was Brutus and Johnny and now I see why

Don't try to stick up for him now Ben
He worked for you his job was to bash sources to keep your ultimate getting the business it's clear as day and because you let him even comment on sources like me knowing he worked for you is enough for me to not want to hear anything you have to say now and ever so stop with the long senseless posts coming to his rescue
Brutus can't go toe to toe with me alone he just showed it and always did by calling for backup
I'm done here he admitted shilling clear as day and can never be trusted
He jumped on me in this post look back and see I would have let all this go because I was but he doesn't know how to shut his mouth so now he doubles his anti anxiety meds and deals with it
Can someone else explain to me what he is trying to say? .
Calling in back up yet again
You're weak you.can't deal with me alone well deal shill you admitted like I knew you would and you're sorry you kept going toe to toe with me so that's right call more buddies to get some posts between the truth and your bullshit
You're a punk you always will be you started this shit here and every other argument and I finish them as usual because you're fuckin weak and and idiot go write another faggot log with your buttpal miss ballz
You make things up by adding things that never happened to bits of rumor you've picked up someplace.
Ultimate was what..2 yrs ago? If you think I would lie about Brutus or anyone "working" or shilling of doing something for me to further any venture I had or have then you don't know me and you're just wrong.
Read the PM one more time and take a buddy along with you. It is more than clear. Brutus helped me out in regards to keeping the Underground somewhat orderly with the 3rd degree and as well as the occasional ass raping of the most obvious pieces of shit.
Do you not remember 2012 to late 2013? I pretty much was a one man Welcome Wagon in the Underground.
Also...the only one that got fucked by ultimate was me. It took me a long while and I don't care to try and calculate the amount in dollars that the entire fiasco cost me personally but I made it right. You may hear literally 1 member who will say they aren't satisfied with their outcome but that person did not use his name or a name associated with the address being shipped to. With all my posts concerning the topic ill be goddamned if I'm going to cover that bullshit.
You told Brutus to check the definition of shill? How about something serious that if you were anything like the street wise badass you try so desperately to portray online I wouldn't have to point out to you. You are DRY SNITCHING in just about every post you're making these days. You're so self absorbed and your feelings are hurt so badly you can't see that you are breaking the most important and oldest street commandment there is. It has to be because you simply don't know any better. I'm going to post the definition along with a post or 2 of yours. You cannot be taken seriously by anyone in jersey, partner. If you had people they would have pulled you up long ago. In jersey, I guarantee that you would be in hiding or be on the mend having learned a lesson that guys like you wish you were had drilled into them before they hustled for their first dollar and it's something you don't forget because you would have seen the consequences to breaking that rule.
No one cares about you being banned from TID you know damn well what's it's for and you should now be banned from here before you bring more heat on this board
Now go text Brutus and talk about me some more I am flattered by all the attention I get I always was even though it's sad it's more funny than anything

Keep talking about you being banned and working for TID this isn't about Ben it's about Brutus he admitted shilling there's nothing more tI say except Karma is a bitch
The sad thing about this is it only ME against everyone of these clowns and I have all the best cards in my hand

If you have all the best cards in your hand, I hope you don't forget to play the more embarassing ones.

Like how you grew up poor and had to share a bed with your older sister when you were 14-years-old. It's not your fault that you grew up poor but you admitted that most nights your sister would let you finger bang her while she jerked you off. To your credit you didn't admit to actually fucking her but I think it's a pretty safe bet that you did.

Or how about when you hustled to get money to supply your heroin addiction and you were worried sick that you were HIV + because you said the men paid more to raw dog you? Your fear of contracting AIDS was the reason you finally decided to get clean, remember MW?

Or how about the time you admitted to breaking into girl's apartments and stealing their dirty panties that you later jerked off with? Don't forget to play that card, MW.

I'm not even gonna bring up the sick sexual shit you admitted to doing with cats and small dogs. I'll only note that you are a sexual deviant and I wouldn't want you living in my neighborhood.

You see, MH, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You've been so open about your sexual deviancies that no one will doubt any of this. In fact, most won't even be surprised.

Have a nice day. You sick freak.
If you have all the best cards in your hand, I hope you don't forget to play the more embarassing ones.

Like how you grew up poor and had to share a bed with your older sister when you were 14-years-old. It's not your fault that you grew up poor but you admitted that most nights your sister would let you finger bang her while she jerked you off. To your credit you didn't admit to actually fucking her but I think it's a pretty safe bet that you did.

Or how about when you hustled to get money to supply your heroin addiction and you were worried sick that you were HIV + because you said the men paid more to raw dog you? Your fear of contracting AIDS was the reason you finally decided to get clean, remember MW?

Or how about the time you admitted to breaking into girl's apartments and stealing their dirty panties that you later jerked off with? Don't forget to play that card, MW.

I'm not even gonna bring up the sick sexual shit you admitted to doing with cats and small dogs. I'll only note that you are a sexual deviant and I wouldn't want you living in my neighborhood.

You see, MH, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You've been so open about your sexual deviancies that no one will doubt any of this. In fact, most won't even be surprised.

Have a nice day. You sick freak.
Finally a post that I was able to ejaculate multiple times too! It's been a while, CBS, god what a relief! Thank you *kisses*!
If you have all the best cards in your hand, I hope you don't forget to play the more embarassing ones.

Like how you grew up poor and had to share a bed with your older sister when you were 14-years-old. It's not your fault that you grew up poor but you admitted that most nights your sister would let you finger bang her while she jerked you off. To your credit you didn't admit to actually fucking her but I think it's a pretty safe bet that you did.

Or how about when you hustled to get money to supply your heroin addiction and you were worried sick that you were HIV + because you said the men paid more to raw dog you? Your fear of contracting AIDS was the reason you finally decided to get clean, remember MW?

Or how about the time you admitted to breaking into girl's apartments and stealing their dirty panties that you later jerked off with? Don't forget to play that card, MW.

I'm not even gonna bring up the sick sexual shit you admitted to doing with cats and small dogs. I'll only note that you are a sexual deviant and I wouldn't want you living in my neighborhood.

You see, MH, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You've been so open about your sexual deviancies that no one will doubt any of this. In fact, most won't even be surprised.

Have a nice day. You sick freak.
Shouldn't have read this post ...:confused:
Hey @MANWHORE - you hear that? Its the sound of everyine telling you what a delusional, worthless piece of shit you are... i read that you are a snitch, an incestual deviant... all kinds of stuff. What do you have in defense? A pm you misinterpreted and some rumors- with nobody backing you up. Im a pussy because i have friends? Relationships i built through my contributions and service. Who is here for you? Nobody.
Hey @MANWHORE - you hear that? Its the sound of everyine telling you what a delusional, worthless piece of shit you are... i read that you are a snitch, an incestual deviant... all kinds of stuff. What do you have in defense? A pm you misinterpreted and some rumors- with nobody backing you up. Im a pussy because i have friends? Relationships i built through my contributions and service. Who is here for you? Nobody.
Blah blahh fuckin blahh Shill Shill Shill!!!
Give me an address so I can't knock your teeth out!
Now I see why Lizard embarrassed you clowns
You can suck my balls @brutus79
You admitted to helping Ben by bashing sources Voodoo Mike and all the rest you're a fuckin Shill go suck a fuckin dick
Let us cross paths I'll put that weak chin of yours through the back of your fuckin neck!!

Hey look at me I can lift big weights and I have tattoos that means I can fight .. haha
Yea you have assault charges for hitting girls you dumb dirty crackhead!!
Go ahead say you never smoked crack
Hey @CensoredBoardsSuck
Why don't you bring up Brutus` crack habit and the hepatitis he got from dirty tattoo needles while on a crack high!!!