DocJ said:
A lot of very respected people in our "field" of study would strongly disagree.
I am sure they would disagree.
There is no medical evidence to suggest that this set point goes higher than normal.
Steroids (not IGF-1 or HGH) do not produce hyperplasia, so what set point are you talking about.
You dont get an increase in muscle fibers, you only get hypertrophy (size).
So you mean to tell me two guys same size and weight both trained and one used gear and the other didnt the guy that used will be bigger, stronger than the guy that didnt after they both had a layoff?
What a joke, thats BS.
Wishfull thinking at most.
You will not keep more gains than your body can support with its natural hormones.
Does this so called set point raise your natural testosterone levels after you come off?
In fact they can be below par, which will end up with some losses.
Hey if gear raised your setpoint then comming off with no PCT and shutdown for a year would this lower your set point?
My brother had low test levels for 1 year after a failed Deca cycle.
Wouldnt this lower his set point with test levels of a woman?
It didnt, once his levels returned he was fine.
I am an Identical twin, we both train together and do the same lifts, we both have the same type of dieting/eating habbits.
I have had probably 10 cycles and he just 1 (remember the failed one?), guess what we are the same size now that I am off the gear.
I would love for just one person to give me some study that suggests you are correct, just one.
Maybe one of these experts that DocJ talks about will post one
Haaaa Haaaaa