Who keeps most gains from Tren?

Hit it hard for the weights, if a guy cant hit it hard off cycle and on cycle....he picked the wrong sport. A big reason alot of pros shrink is because they go into a basic maintenance phase. Nobody wants to mow down 10000 calories every day and dead 700lbs once a week for the rest of their life. Due it for the enjoyment of knowing 95% of the population cant do 20 pushups, much less diet for a show, pose, or commit to a 1 week diet. Some guys are doing 4+ contests a year....p.s.

when we die we arent judged based on how we look at that moment, but how we looked at our best, take some some pics and have a good time....pushin, pullin and gettin swole.

Tren-a is the s+++!
PreMier said:
Sorry son but look at the pros when they retire almost all shrink down to nothing within a few years and many are still lifting. I love how you say I am wrong and don't offer any proof of it....typical hater who knows nothing. I bet you also think taking asprin once will give you permanent headache relief...LMAO.

You should check out Larry Scott and Frank Zane. Tthen you would change your mind for good. Those people are old and their physiques are better than mine and i am 20. Do some research before you speak bro. ;)
chap said:
I think alot depends on your hormonal levels after you come off. If you crash hard and your body can't keep half decent testosterone levels you will get fat and lose muscle almost no matter what you do. If you can recover quickly and your normal testosterone levels are ok AND you are very disciplined diet and exercise wise, you can probably keep yourself pretty close..... tren is a bit of a drug that spoils you because you can eat like a pig and still shed fat it seems.

Tren is also a drug that can change body composition so dramatically that you can maintain a changed physique after you come off.
During pct is when i take, what endurance athletes commonly refer to as, an active-rest break. For me that means two-to-three weeks of light exercise other than cycling, which is my athletic discipline. Then I go through a six-to-eight week rebuilding period (easy miles/weights) before training, racing and lifting hard for 10 weeks, sometimes on cycle, sometimes not.

During pct, when my test levels are low, I worry about catabolism. Can this happen even if I'm not training hard?
enduranceAthlete said:
During pct is when i take, what endurance athletes commonly refer to as, an active-rest break. For me that means two-to-three weeks of light exercise other than cycling, which is my athletic discipline. Then I go through a six-to-eight week rebuilding period (easy miles/weights) before training, racing and lifting hard for 10 weeks, sometimes on cycle, sometimes not.

During pct, when my test levels are low, I worry about catabolism. Can this happen even if I'm not training hard?
YES IT CAN! Say you did a cycle and gained 20 lbs of lean muscle. Then you just did some pushups everyday are you going to lose muscle yes. To maintain muscle mass by test past your natural limit must be sustained by one, getting your nat. test back up and two resistance excersice and diet. And you will still lose some.:D Gaining muscle is the easiest part of aas, keeping it is another story.
I just want sine tren don't care if I lose my gains I'll take more

Come on man you couldn't have waited a few more months to post that? This thread is 9 years old, you should have waited until it hit a decade

Also fuck that PreMier guy.
This is a false statement.

I think you are confusing hyperplasia with hypertrophy.
Gear does not do this and will not RAISE your set point.
I think this is just wishfull thinking.

Hyperplasia can happen with IGF-1 and HGH, even still I think it is minimal.
I have tried both of those but not together.

There is only so much muscle you can hold onto with the amounts of hormones you have.

Lifting gives hypertrophy short term, hyperplasia long term. Not just hGH and IGF do this (in fact hGH itself barely does, really only igf)

You can keep hyperplasia going with AAS past your natty limit and these cells will take a long time to die/go back to normal. It takes a long time and consistent effort and cycling to get hyperplasia but it can happen

It's a very small effect but it's there.
I didn't read the whole thread but it seems you are just asking if you can maintain around 10% bodyfat off tren? of course you can. If you were talking 4-5%, no. Plenty of people stay around 10% year round. It is all about your diet. You can eat a bunch of bullshit and still get lean on tren. Obviously not true when you come off. If you are at a point where you are using tren and benching 430 lbs you should obviously know that your diet is what matters for staying lean. Will you stay as strong and big while staying 10% off tren? of course not. But depending on where you are and how hard you train and diet you can stay close, especially if you cruise on test.