
Have been bored as heck lately and always wanted to post my opinion on this, and hear others. I'm on the taller side so I am bias, big guy beats small guy.
How ever you look at it arnold looks like their older bully brother on stage.

But then you have probably my all time favorite lee priest, almost made ronnie retire.so I see the argument kinda.20240115_122245.jpg
That too i agree but come on?
I posted the pics for the blind.
I am a tall guy but Mike was robbed blind of the title. Arnold made a great comeback story that helped Weider sell magazines and supplements and boosted his career too. Win win for them and Mentzer getting fucked in the process
Being vocal and a meth addict didn't help too
Have been bored as heck lately and always wanted to post my opinion on this, and hear others. I'm on the taller side so I am bias, big guy beats small guy.
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How ever you look at it arnold looks like their older bully brother on stage.

But then you have probably my all time favorite lee priest, almost made ronnie retire.so I see the argument kinda.View attachment 275137
For his size, Lee Priest looked phenomenal.

Jay Cutler also is one of my favorites.
It’s a controversial one n probably mentzer or someone else should have won but politics is part of the sport n he knew what to do, mentzer I fw but he always thought he was the best n that he knew everything so he took one loss n then gave up entirely just to go smoke meth n tell people that they can’t recover from more than a couple days of training (that’s what happens when you do too many stims n overread ayn rand stuff n try to apply it to actual real world training applications).

Arnold is who he is cos he knows the character sells as much as the rest n he knew how to politic correctly n did underhanded stuff just like most do in high level comps.

So many top bbers were around in that era that it was hard competition, for example if Sergio hadn’t gotten fked over by weider he would have been the boss of the Olympia for a while longer n the whole story would be different but he argued with weider n due to that n racism he got fked over n he was probably one of the best bbers ever be it that era or any other era, same with so many others.

I really fw the freaky 80s n 90s though they had some crazy mfkas like benny podda, Steve michalik, Mike matarazzo, etc… imo bodybuilding needs to go back to that type of stuff where it was just as much an art as it was a sport n you had some interesting characters instead of these half retarded guys we have right now (not all but so many have been whitewashed to oblivion that idk we need more personalities cmon now)