Notice some TRT protocols (and cycles for that matter) that have DHEA/Pregn stacked in there. I mean I get the basic premise that these are neurosteroids and theoretically shutting yourself down can have some effect on your production of them. But is there any clinical evidence to support supplementing them? Is it at all established that exogenous Test will hurt the production of these two?
I'm no expert, but it does seem like one of those "content" things that is being thrown around nowadays. The influencers that need to make daily videos so they make a video about how you "NEED" to be on this supplement, a low dose of this, a microdose of that, etc. But I really don't know. Anyone have some deeper insight on this question?
I'm no expert, but it does seem like one of those "content" things that is being thrown around nowadays. The influencers that need to make daily videos so they make a video about how you "NEED" to be on this supplement, a low dose of this, a microdose of that, etc. But I really don't know. Anyone have some deeper insight on this question?