Totally agree. 350mg of winny curb stomps and skull fucks 600mg of mast. These drugs aren't even in the same ballpark unless we are only talking drying and aesthetic element. Winny makes you strong, energy, effect on shoulders is freakish esp when combined with tren, cosmetic drying is nice too but I don't use it for that reason.
Masteron...feel good, horny, helps with AI, cosmetic and not shit else. Honestly I don't even count the mg from mast as part of overall cycle mg anymore. I'd consider never touching it again but I have a decent amount. For what it's worth I see no difference between 600 and 400mg other than 600 and my normal aromasin cashed E2 hard on 250mg of Test E. Surprised me how strong its effect on E2 really is as I can tolerate single digit readings without bad joint pain on aromasin alone. That Mast lit my joints up.