
You know 1-4. Your credibility in my book has gone to shit.

Your the one who originally defended him when he had floaters stating pharm error accepted levels of errors which is bullshit.

I am curious as to your agenda and I am not the only one.


First and foremost thank you to all of the guys that stood in my corner. I know many of you would tell me not to run this lab, but even through your disapproval you still show your respect for me and for that I am truly greatful.

Dealer - I am sure the post you refer to is the one Candyskull has posted several times in several threads. He's a good looking guy, so I can see how you would get us confused.

Here's my agenda-

I joined this board for the conversation, group feedback, and exposure to new sources.

My log shows how excited I am to share my personal development.

The guys posting before me show the relationships I've built.

My decision to run Peps gear reflects my desire to choose a source that I am happy with and pursue my ideal body type.

If the above isn't what your all about then I don't know what to tell you.
To add to my last post... I ordered then received my gear about 5-7 days later. ( I have one of those cluster mailboxes and don't walk to the end of my street to check mail everyday so not sure of the exact date it arrived.)

since getting my gear I was very leery since the past couple weeks this thread has turned from positive reviews to negative.

P.E.P's packaging looks professional. After receiving the gear I inspected the injectable's closely. There weren't any floaters. Despite the weather ( since we are on opposite coasts ) the gear wasn't crashed. I've injected a couple times now and it goes in very smooth. No pain, soreness, redness, swelling or anything.

It is very early in my experience with P.E.P and his gear but so far I am happy.

The one NEGATIVE thing I will say is that after my order and after sending money P.E.P. gave me a tracking number. I looked up the number and it was obviously to a different package he shipped since it was going the opposite direction than mine should AND it had showed it was ALREADY DELIVERED that day. WELL, I contacted P.E.P and brought this to his attention and he came up with a solution and said he would email me my tracking number. Well I never received the 2nd tracking number, therefore, I was very worried that I may have been scammed. ( especially since certain people in this thread keep saying everything they can to give P.E.P. A bad reputation ) A couple days went by with me continuingly emailing P.E.P asking for a tracking number with no response. Then I finally check my mailbox after a few days and to my surprise I had a package with everything I order plus one extra vial.

In conclusion my experience with P.E.P. Was good. I'm sure he is busy but I would suggest to him.....P.E.P. You should come up with a better way to communicate with your customers especially if an error has been mad such as the one in my case. It would make things more smooth.....

Overall so far I am happy with my experiences with P.E.P. And depending on how the rest of my cycle goes I will be a repeat customer.

Also P.E.P. Do you plan on restocking on the H.C.G and could you stock the sterile solution to mix it with?

Thanks again P.E.P. I will post progress / problems during my cycle.

Slow your fucking roll killer. his credibility has gone to shit? Why?

1. Well a large % of his posts are about or on PEP. I went back as far as early November.

Sure, there is the possibility he is just a fanboy. I'll give you that.

2. He started the PEP Meme theme.

Such an accommodating fellow or fanboy again ? Possibly.

3. When PEP originally had floaters, he stated accepted pharmaceutical rates of bad product. In reality, Pharm grade low level product is not 10%. So of every 100 batches of Nyquil made 10 are bad ?

Is it possible he is naive and just defending the source he likes reaching at straws ?


4. He admitted it was fucked up of PEP using fake accounts about a week back yet he mentions above its really cool how PEP expedites shipping ?

He has the RIGHT to post whatever he wants but in light of everything praise for PEP breaks logic. Thats my opinion and the opinion of a large minority whose join date is not Mid January.

truth is he has had nothing but good experiences with PEP if i am not mistaken. should he join in on the lynch mob because of things he has heard? i don't hear him recommending PEP to people,

Yes he has directly and indirectly.

but i will take information from someone who formulates his discussion based on his own experience instead of a sheep following the path of least resistance. are you saying 1-4 is a schill? if so i hope he is making 6 figures for it because of the sheer volume of posts throwing us off his scent [:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)]

I have no proof. But I doubt everyone who defends PEP at this point in light of everything going on. Its just not logical.

The amount of money to be made in this business is ridiculous. For the right incentive and money, people WILL do mind numbing work. Even smart people.

The amount of traffic this board gets is insane. Its rising every day.

i grew up in an inner city with drug addicted parents- and later in my life i adopted a taste for certain things that were not of a legal, life affirming nature. what's my point? some of the people i bought from always hooked me up. no problems, no issues. i would send a white friend over to get something and he would get pistol whipped until clear fluid came out his ears- and if he was lucky he would just get served with bags of baby laxative. did that make the connect any less good? not in my book. not exactly apples to apples but i am trying to illustrate a man should only formulate his preferences on his own experience- with a dash of often ignored advice given to him.

Good example, but preventing someone from getting hurt or injured through posting is a duty many here share and PEP is not the best choice period.

i do not back PEP- although i had and am having no problems with purchases... i feel he doesn't make it a priority to set the Meso base at ease, so why should i fucking care? i love this place. i learn quite a bit from the members. don't fuck with them.

schills can burn in hell with snitches and pedophiles as far as im concerned, but questioning the motives of someone like geeks is a little overzealous. as in- give me a fucking break. find someone else to attempt to discredit than someone who spends a great deal of time trying to help people in need around here. fuck the sources- fuck em all- but protect the loyal members from this kind of spitefull bullshit.

Kane had tons of feedback and if you think its not possible that there are other accounts out there with decent feedback brewing / plotting then your being naive. I am not saying that disrespectfully.

Have you seen a big scam or attempt at gaming the system on a grand scale happen ? One example: Bernie Madoff.

please tell me you got bad gear from PEP dealer- otherwise you are a sheep following the herd with no horse in the race.

It does not matter if I bought from him or not. I've had my share of infections and bunk gear and if I can save someone that pain then I've done a service. When I read someone who says they are happy for the feedback and didn't buy from PEP, its a victory.

If I did buy from him I would never admit because that would also mean he had my personal information.

I've been reading this board since early 2012 and seen it evolve to what it is today.

If I have been reading it that long, others have and longer.

I know how I would game this board and its ripe for gaming with Millard deleting IP's.

At least before he deleted IP's you can catch a sloppy guy who fucked up using TOR.

I knew I would get some heat for my opinion on 1-4. The guy portrays himself as a likable, fun happy and smart guy.

Since I can't see him and look him in the eye and analyze his facial expressions I am going to be skeptical and call out the funkiness stated above.

I am not going to stress over it much I'll just keep watching him and perhaps a few more will be on the alert. And its not just me wondering about him.

I could myself easily create and manage 15 accounts and build a personality around it. With the amount of money on the line, I know its happening.

Have a good day, now for a little fun with Kubrick (who btw is against PEP dirty gear and stopped pinning it)
Ah its you again. The smile you brought to my face when I saw your notification in the gym as I was pushing the iron.

Everyone has a right to an opinion. 1-4 has no agenda. I'm sure he could care less about his credibility with you.
You're all talk and no action. Don't you want to start testing sources products :rolleyes:

I never said I was going to test ANYTHING retard. You like putting words on the computer and twisting them don't you ?

I reached out to labmax and they'd hold money in escrow to send out individual samples. I am not going to take on this duty. I've said it before.

I've reached to labs for Mass Spec labs in friendly countries but no luck yet.

Do you want a fucking timeline on this boss ? How about weekly updates ?

Maybe I won't ever fucking doing it. Maybe other shit will come up.

That's been in progress for months now. If I recall weren't you accused of being a schill at one point for voicing your opinion?

Months LOL ? Weeks man and stop trying to skew what I said so you can sound good you angry little fuck.

I liked the post the other day where someone called you a dick then edited it. Forgot his name but that pretty much sums you up. Not sure why he edited it and loved the following responses. I held back from liking them btw. I guess I should of. LOL

Are you being held and physically touched ? Is it lacking and thats where your anger comes from ?

Are people in the real life spending quality time with you or do you have nobody ?

Are you getting compliments in real life or are likes and verbal affirmations from the boards what you thrive on ?

Is it the Tren ?

Your a pathetic asshole.
Wow..... why are you attacking 1,4....... as long as I've been here... the guy has done nothing to leaf me to believe he has any agenda of any sort... solid dude in my book.
Dealer your fishing everywhere, wishing and hoping this entire situation is deeper than it is.

It's really not that complicated. There is no mass plot or ploy to trick anyone into doing anything.

Let me say this publicly -

New guys, do whatever you want to do. Order from anyone you like. If a source comes up and provides a good product at a good price and it's up to your standards then give it a shot.

Don't sit on the sidelines waiting for the smoke to clear from guys like this who only want to go back and forth debating everyone's legitimacy.

Eventually you have to make your own decision.

I have tried gear from astro, acendant, pep, bio, geneza, and BD and each one did the job.

It's all about who YOU like.
I just want to chime in and say I actually know 1-4 in real life. I think he's actually the only person on any steroid related forum who I know personally.

Neither of us have any agenda.

While I am not at all impressed with pep lately, I have used his gear with success and in the beginning 1-4 was the one to convince me to give him a try. The labels and misspellings and website were all a huge turn off for me.

I have never had a floater in any of my gear until I had used it. A couple vials out of many ended up with floaters which obviously came from the stoppers. I actually risked it and just drew from around the floaters and pinned anyway... Still had no issues. Wouldn't recommend that though.

What I would like to see is pep getting new stoppers again lol

Anyway, other sources might be better. I liked that pep was a bit more articulate at first than someone like astro, who I noticed has terrible spelling skills. Lol.

The private labs in Canada I have dealt with are easily the most trustworthy IMO.

Not sure where to find something like that in the US.
Dealer your fishing everywhere, wishing and hoping this entire situation is deeper than it is.

It's really not that complicated. There is no mass plot or ploy to trick anyone into doing anything.

Let me say this publicly -

New guys, do whatever you want to do. Order from anyone you like. If a source comes up and provides a good product at a good price and it's up to your standards then give it a shot.

Don't sit on the sidelines waiting for the smoke to clear from guys like this who only want to go back and forth debating everyone's legitimacy.

Eventually you have to make your own decision.

I have tried gear from astro, acendant, pep, bio, geneza, and BD and each one did the job.

It's all about who YOU like.

Couldn't agree more 1-4. If you like a lab and using the products with success there's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion. We all come here because we enjoy lifting and want to push ourselves beyond our genetic limitations. Sometimes, I feel like sometimes we lose track of why we are here and just attack one another. I've used a lot of products from different labs here. At the end of the day no one is going to stop you from ordering from a certain lab.

One thing I can say about pep is that he handled this situation completely wrong and dodged the questions about floaties. If he just addressed the issue I can imagine all would be fine and dandy here.
^very true about pep addressing the floaties.

He could've just said "damn I'm sorry, the stoppers are still shitty, I will replace anyone's vial who had an issue and I'll be using new stoppers again"

I noticed the "lobes" on the new stoppers can easily make floaters if you inject sideways into the stopper so it like chips off.. If anyone knows what I'm talking about.

It's way less likely to create a floater if you go directly in the center. Which is not true in some other good stoppers I've seen.
1. Well a large % of his posts are about or on PEP. I went back as far as early November.

Sure, there is the possibility he is just a fanboy. I'll give you that.

2. He started the PEP Meme theme.

Such an accommodating fellow or fanboy again ? Possibly.

3. When PEP originally had floaters, he stated accepted pharmaceutical rates of bad product. In reality, Pharm grade low level product is not 10%. So of every 100 batches of Nyquil made 10 are bad ?

Is it possible he is naive and just defending the source he likes reaching at straws ?


4. He admitted it was fucked up of PEP using fake accounts about a week back yet he mentions above its really cool how PEP expedites shipping ?

He has the RIGHT to post whatever he wants but in light of everything praise for PEP breaks logic. Thats my opinion and the opinion of a large minority whose join date is not Mid January.

Yes he has directly and indirectly.

I have no proof. But I doubt everyone who defends PEP at this point in light of everything going on. Its just not logical.

The amount of money to be made in this business is ridiculous. For the right incentive and money, people WILL do mind numbing work. Even smart people.

The amount of traffic this board gets is insane. Its rising every day.

Good example, but preventing someone from getting hurt or injured through posting is a duty many here share and PEP is not the best choice period.

Kane had tons of feedback and if you think its not possible that there are other accounts out there with decent feedback brewing / plotting then your being naive. I am not saying that disrespectfully.

Have you seen a big scam or attempt at gaming the system on a grand scale happen ? One example: Bernie Madoff.

It does not matter if I bought from him or not. I've had my share of infections and bunk gear and if I can save someone that pain then I've done a service. When I read someone who says they are happy for the feedback and didn't buy from PEP, its a victory.

If I did buy from him I would never admit because that would also mean he had my personal information.

I've been reading this board since early 2012 and seen it evolve to what it is today.

If I have been reading it that long, others have and longer.

I know how I would game this board and its ripe for gaming with Millard deleting IP's.

At least before he deleted IP's you can catch a sloppy guy who fucked up using TOR.

I knew I would get some heat for my opinion on 1-4. The guy portrays himself as a likable, fun happy and smart guy.

Since I can't see him and look him in the eye and analyze his facial expressions I am going to be skeptical and call out the funkiness stated above.

I am not going to stress over it much I'll just keep watching him and perhaps a few more will be on the alert. And its not just me wondering about him.

I could myself easily create and manage 15 accounts and build a personality around it. With the amount of money on the line, I know its happening.

Have a good day, now for a little fun with Kubrick (who btw is against PEP dirty gear and stopped pinning it)

That was an extremely eloquent response- although I do not agree with most of it I am pleasantly surprised of the substance of the argument. As far as I'm concerned you are good people D. 1-4 is too.
I've literally replaced thousands of dollars of orders because of usps and their priority shipping. So yes I've removed the free shipping and now I don't even charge what im charged to ship orders express mail to guarantee delivery in 2 days or less. Seemed logical with the volume im dealing with

Whats that make shipping now? Like 15 around the same as it was
Dealer your fishing everywhere, wishing and hoping this entire situation is deeper than it is.

I am not "wishing" or "hoping" for anything. Don't get clever with me.

It's really not that complicated. There is no mass plot or ploy to trick anyone into doing anything.

Your boy weekend is vouching for you. He says your real. Not that I know weekend or even trust him (no beef with weekend) but I trust very few on here and trust is easily lost as well as gained.

But if your real. And that may well very be the case. You promoting PEP above within the last 12 hours made me lose respect for YOU in light of everything that was going on.

Hey you may be one of those super optimists or heart of gold forgiving people who see past faults and notice and remember the good only. I get it. If thats the case then sorry man your entitled to your opinion in either case. Give it.

Not that you care what I think of you nor do I care what you think of me in any case.

Let me say this publicly -

New guys, do whatever you want to do. Order from anyone you like. If a source comes up and provides a good product at a good price and it's up to your standards then give it a shot.

Don't sit on the sidelines waiting for the smoke to clear from guys like this who only want to go back and forth debating everyone's legitimacy.

"From guys like this" LOL 1-4. Cute polite jab.

If you don't find mid January join date posters to be suspicious then your just a gullible little cute hamster 1-4.

Eventually you have to make your own decision.

I have tried gear from astro, acendant, pep, bio, geneza, and BD and each one did the job.

It's all about who YOU like.

No its about who you LIKE but rather about also who is delivering a QUALITY PRODUCT over TIME vs just Fast Shipping and a team that communicates great (or used to).

Have a great day. :)
You can hate me, respect me or call me what you will. I really don't care man.

Unless you will donate some of the grade A sources your referring to, you're of much less use to anyone on this board than I.

I ALREADY TOLD YOU check the post "Top Forums" started by me and visit those sites (except gh15.org).

Hint: Start w/ AnabolicBoard and you may find your answer innocent paddawah.

At least I give my opinion. You just dance in the drama.

Drama ? Gossip ? Roachbusting ? Call it what you want but if I spot a rat I'll try and kill it and I do give my opinion if its not clear is that PEP is a low end nearly last resort source. Above Energy Labs for sure though. LOL

Take care 1-4. Maybe we'll cross again under better terms.
I ALREADY TOLD YOU check the post "Top Forums" started by me and visit those sites (except gh15.org).

Hint: Start w/ AnabolicBoard and you may find your answer innocent paddawah.

Drama ? Gossip ? Roachbusting ? Call it what you want but if I spot a rat I'll try and kill it and I do give my opinion if its not clear is that PEP is a low end nearly last resort source. Above Energy Labs for sure though. LOL

Take care 1-4. Maybe we'll cross again under better terms.

Your still not saying what source you like dealer. That's what this is about. Stop avoiding scrutiny by being neutral and so "for the people".

Who do you use? And why?
^very true about pep addressing the floaties.

He could've just said "damn I'm sorry, the stoppers are still shitty, I will replace anyone's vial who had an issue and I'll be using new stoppers again"

I noticed the "lobes" on the new stoppers can easily make floaters if you inject sideways into the stopper so it like chips off.. If anyone knows what I'm talking about.

It's way less likely to create a floater if you go directly in the center. Which is not true in some other good stoppers I've seen.
Weekend thank you for pointing out a very true statement.Some stoppers are virtually indestructable when poked through the thickest part. Whereas,some stoppers,not so much!
if i got the floaties in my free shit, i would have just pm'd pep like a professional. I didn't have any floaties in my prop, was nervous about pip cause I saw some had issues with it, but that shit is super smooth
if i got the floaties in my free shit, i would have just pm'd pep like a professional. I didn't have any floaties in my prop, was nervous about pip cause I saw some had issues with it, but that shit is super smooth

That is not the point of this forum. We offer complete transparency for the buyer to make their own desicions. Do not flame those who follow these guidelines. That makes you a flamer.
Ive used the EQ/TEST BLEND 400 no problem,The prop is very nice very little to no pip,The EQ is fine and having great results.I use a 23g 1/1/2 pin Good job PEP


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