
if i got the floaties in my free shit, i would have just pm'd pep like a professional. I didn't have any floaties in my prop, was nervous about pip cause I saw some had issues with it, but that shit is super smooth

What would have that done, NOTHING!!!! He has never said shit about it, nor will he...
Thanks pep received my order !! Keep it up!!

That's nice, schill.

This shill already posted the same garbage in another thread. https://thinksteroids.com/community/posts/977381

Clowns like this BabyJane are showing up on daily basis and Pep thinks we're dumb enough believe he's not behind it. Dirty gear is bad enough but a source that lies is on another level. If he's dishonest enough to lie about shills and sockpuppets, he'll have NO qualms about scamming. It's just a matter of time before he does.
Well i ordered regardless of all the mixed reviews on this board because I am on another well trusted board and they were pretty positive on PEP. T/a was great I got my order literally next day after payment. Ok well I pinned the bold ace 0.5 ml in left quad two days ago, then 0.5 ml in right shoulder. So far no flu like symptoms as I have had that with this product before from another source. The pip is bad but not unbearable. Ive had worse Pip from other gear so use to it at this point. Still though I definitely wouldnt be able to do legs or run until at least tomorrow. So far im cool with the Pip and know its NOT dirty gear like this board claimed, however I will report back with results as soon as I feel them. I was going to do 0.5ml x 6 days/week but decided I will try 1ml tomorrow. If i can handle that Id rather do 1ml EOD. Just thinking how bad the pip would be compared to 0.5 ml. Kinda iffy about it but might give it ago. Pinning 6 days a week can get annoying lol

Oh and i cant wait for the same group of people to jump out and yell "shill" to every fuckin comment or review that goes against them. Shill! Omg hes a shill hes giving an honest review...shill shill shill...you guys disappoint me
Well i ordered regardless of all the mixed reviews on this board because I am on another well trusted board and they were pretty positive on PEP. T/a was great I got my order literally next day after payment.

That's to be expected. When business dried up, it left Pep with lots of time to fill orders. No doubt Pep is just sitting there waiting for an order to come in - like waiting for a fire at a fire station.

So far im cool with the Pip and know its NOT dirty gear like this board claimed, however I will report back with results as soon as I feel them.

That's YOUR expert opinion, is it? You've cultured and analyzed the gear? :rolleyes:

Oh and i cant wait for the same group of people to jump out and yell "shill" to every fuckin comment or review that goes against them. Shill! Omg hes a shill hes giving an honest review...shill shill shill...you guys disappoint me.

Since you know that's the reaction you're going to get, and yet you "feel" such an overwhelming need to "share" your experience anyway, it makes you look even more like a shill than you already do.

You see, noobs don't come to Meso and willingly subject themselves to the suspicion, criticism and accusations that comes from pushing sources... unless they're a shill. They're smart enough to understand that. Since you don't, one might speculate as to the reason...

im not pushing the source genius. im giving you a review of my experience. people can go get there stuff from wherever they chose. wait let me guess your next response would be "shill shill omg guys shill shill shill" lmao
Well i ordered regardless of all the mixed reviews on this board because I am on another well trusted board and they were pretty positive on PEP. T/a was great I got my order literally next day after payment. Ok well I pinned the bold ace 0.5 ml in left quad two days ago, then 0.5 ml in right shoulder. So far no flu like symptoms as I have had that with this product before from another source. The pip is bad but not unbearable. Ive had worse Pip from other gear so use to it at this point. Still though I definitely wouldnt be able to do legs or run until at least tomorrow. So far im cool with the Pip and know its NOT dirty gear like this board claimed, however I will report back with results as soon as I feel them. I was going to do 0.5ml x 6 days/week but decided I will try 1ml tomorrow. If i can handle that Id rather do 1ml EOD. Just thinking how bad the pip would be compared to 0.5 ml. Kinda iffy about it but might give it ago. Pinning 6 days a week can get annoying lol

Oh and i cant wait for the same group of people to jump out and yell "shill" to every fuckin comment or review that goes against them. Shill! Omg hes a shill hes giving an honest review...shill shill shill...you guys disappoint me

So what's this board PEP is at and what's your handle there since your not a shill.
B.O.P. they tried to call me shill but they were real cool and realized im just new to posting. ive been a member of alot of forums for a while I just starting posting to contribute. You guys i thought were awesome and unbiased until i got attacked as soon as i started posting a review on my experience with PEP. i could care less if you guys buy from him or not, but im obviously not "dick riding" like a shill trying to promote the shit. let people do their research and make their own decision like i did. you wanna talk about culture and analyzing the shit, let me see if you guys are so worried then i dont care what lab you promote, if it aint pharma you still taking a risk. im not saying go and order from a guy known to have shit and floaters in his product, but its really weird to see how a specific group here started to talk shit about him but on other boards everyone seems generally fine. i tell it like it is man you guys dont like it start yelling "shill shill omg its a shill" ...fuckin losers probably trying to promote their own lab. i tried to be nice but all you guys go into attack mode and back each other up like im trying to fight you or something. relax its my review, get off my nuts. if i stick around ill have plenty more honest ones with other labs as well. i even said i will report back once i feel it. if i was a shill i woulda been claiming im already feeling the hunger and seeing veins .
B.O.P. they tried to ......

relax dont be so angry. you should just keep low and read.
people here dont listen about PeP and react good.
some people had bad cases of floaters and PeP had a bad attitube bout that
he refused to post some pics of his setup and didnt make it right.
so at least be a little sensitive, some may call you a shill, i have been called one too.its the internet, if you know you are true fak em.
doesnt matter what they call you, be cool
im not pushing the source genius. im giving you a review of my experience. people can go get there stuff from wherever they chose. wait let me guess your next response would be "shill shill omg guys shill shill shill" lmao

And you've been told repeatedly that YOUR review is worthless. Nobody gives a shit what you think about ANY source. Yet you insist on telling us anyway. You exemplify the inherent narcissism of the "me generation." Unfortunately, your over-inflated sense of self-worth only carries weight in your own mind.

Nobody is going to respond with "omg, omg, shill, shill." Everybody already knows what you are...
i dont give a fuck if you think its worthless then dont bother reading or responding buddy.

Go ahead and post your worthless review, but don't whine when you get called a shill because YOU WILL get called a shill.

And I will continue to read and respond to your posts to ensure real noobs don't fall for your act.
i dont give a fuck if you think its worthless then dont bother reading or responding buddy.
Don't mind the haters. By all means, please keep us updated with your feedback. We genuinely enjoy reading all the PEP reviews from January members.8->

PEP really seems to be batting 1,000. If I'm not mistaken it appears that about all of the 70 or so members that have joined over the past few weeks reviewing PEP have had nothing but glowing things to say. I'm sold.
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Don't mind the haters. By all means, please continue with your feedback. We genuinely enjoy reading all the PEP reviews from January members.8->

PEP really seems to be batting 1,000. If I'm not mistaken it appears that about all of the 70 or so members that have joined over the past few weeks reviewing PEP have had nothing but glowing things to say.

Not only that Mike but the 10 or so other labs on here don't seem to have ANY new guys posting in their threads... All the reports of floaters, infections, and horrible PIP seem to be a hot selling points to these guys.. [:o)]
B.O.P. they tried to call me shill but they were real cool and realized im not new to "dick riding".
i tried to be nice but all you guys go into attack mode and back each other up like im trying to fight you or something. relax its my review, . i even said i will report back once i feel it. if i was a shill i woulda been claiming im already feeling the hunger and seeing veins .
You are a shill. I have a vein for you to check out while you're at it. Damage control consists of having a handful of guys over that have never pushed any weight around claim the members that have been here for some time are full of it and lie.
We back each other up in hopes oid letting new guys know what pep is doing. We've seen it time after time.
You fellas that are new watching this back and forth that aren't sure who is for real I encourage you to look at my profile and past posts. You;ll not only be entertained but you'll quickly see that I know shit. It's that simple,

i dont give a fuck if you think its worthless then dont bother reading or responding buddy.
Hey new guys, This loudmouth is just trying to damn hard to make us believe him. This piece of shit has different handles/names he posts under, He's not like you and I. You just want an decent gear at a decent price. This isn't it. You buy from pep you are helping pay this dumb fuck that has never been inside a gym. The person posting may very well be a female,

Ive used the EQ/TEST BLEND 400 no problem,The prop is very nice very little to no pip,The EQ is fine and having great results.I use a 23g 1/1/2 pin Good job PEP

And now the icing on the cake, Fuzo, Fuzo is a board owner....a board known to by infected by his lying and stealing. Fuzo is known to lack morals and can be bought by anyone willing to pay what he asks.
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B.O.P. they tried to call me shill but they were real cool and realized im just new to posting.

I see Pep just started sponsoring Brotherhood of Pain in December. Skankfan showed up at Meso in January - oddly, right around the time Pep's trouble started. Coincidence?

i even said i will report back once i feel it. if i was a shill i woulda been claiming im already feeling the hunger and seeing veins .

Funny, that's just what a shill would say.
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I just want to say thank you to all the vets out there. I was blind to the whole pep situation I knew about the floater problem a while back but never really thought much about it damn shame selling that dirty gear to people man you could kill someone you know. Shit I was just excited to find a ugl that didn't rob me blind but after being on meso for a couple months I see who the good guys are and how they are looking out for everyone now thanks once again!:D