Yk11 injectable

Oh no doubt. It’s a strong steroid. Whether it’s a myostatin inhibitor is not determined. My objection is not to the results you’re reporting—obviously those are measurable!—it’s to the assumption that the drug is something beyond what we can prove it is. I’m looking at the science purely.
I know it kind of like a dht steriod it is said wich I tool many of and have experience with. This just feels different and the gains are better than any dht steriod I ever took
I know it kind of like a dht steriod it is said wich I tool many of and have experience with. This just feels different and the gains are better than any dht steriod I ever took
You’re really trying to get me to buy some now. Dammit I thought I was done buying shit for a while.
Is it keeping you shut down ? Your balls coming back on it ?
I am on a trt dose of test while on it so don't have that answer. Some say it does some say not to extent of anabolic steriods. There are a ton of videos on YouTube on yk 11 injectable. Don't waste your time with the oral or liquid drops.
I have been looking at this and trest on a chem website. Was going to buy bottle of each and send for testing.. if legit was going to run both with some Mast E next cycle..
As someone who has brewed his own trest and uses it as trt I’m going to tell you to just buy the raws instead. Otherwise you’re spending a fortune on a per-dose basis. The oral/transdermal trest is an enormous waste of money. Oral bioavailability is suspected to be between 3-10%. That means best case you need 10x the amount that someone using injectable would need. That gets expensive very fast.
As someone who has brewed his own trest and uses it as trt I’m going to tell you to just buy the raws instead. Otherwise you’re spending a fortune on a per-dose basis. The oral/transdermal trest is an enormous waste of money. Oral bioavailability is suspected to be between 3-10%. That means best case you need 10x the amount that someone using injectable would need. That gets expensive very fast.
It’s injectable. And yes I should learn to brew. Been buying finished product for 10 years.. lazy I guess.
I personally thing all the sarms minus yk11 are crap. Yk11 was very much like superdrol for me. Very noticeable, not subtle. All the other sarms came up very disappointing for me, but then again yk11 is actually shaped like a sex hormone.
Never tried injectable but the oral really did its thing, I just feel like shit taking any oral more than a week or two so I just pop it in there every now and again for fun
I personally thing all the sarms minus yk11 are crap. Yk11 was very much like superdrol for me. Very noticeable, not subtle. All the other sarms came up very disappointing for me, but then again yk11 is actually shaped like a sex hormone.
Never tried injectable but the oral really did its thing, I just feel like shit taking any oral more than a week or two so I just pop it in there every now and again for fun
I've never tried SARMS due to so much conflicting information so far from those with experience, but I have done a smidge of research. Now my interest has been peeked regarding yk11...makes me want to do some more digging.

I do have a couple bottles each of Ligandrol and Andarine oral suspension that I acquired, for free, on a previous purchase I made. I haven't tried them yet. Not until I'm more comfortable with what I learn about them.

I've gotta add the yk11 to the list now though. Sounds interesting.
Well I can tell you it does because I was on tren deca winny and everything else anadrol eq. And I could not get what this has done for me. Take it as you wish I am telling my meso brothers the truth
Honestly I think your dead on with this. I’m doing the same thing, but haven’t gotten to the winny portion of my cut yet, but I’ve been using YK11 injectable periodically after having been on cycle already for 8 months now, and whenever the YK goes in, I fill up heavier when I do a refeed even while I’m a steep deficit, so not only am I maintaining but I’m growing.
One risk associated with increased follistatin is type 2 diabetes.

OP, did you measure your blood sugar? That's probably the biggest reason I'd avoid yk-11, but maybe something like berberine or metformin would be enough to curb this potential risk.

I personally thing all the sarms minus yk11 are crap. Yk11 was very much like superdrol for me. Very noticeable, not subtle. All the other sarms came up very disappointing for me, but then again yk11 is actually shaped like a sex hormone.
Never tried injectable but the oral really did its thing, I just feel like shit taking any oral more than a week or two so I just pop it in there every now and again for fun

Man, I strongly disagree on SARM's. In fact, I've seriously considered simply running test and RAD140 for all my future blasts. RAD is just amazing, through and through. It's very comparable to var, and a bit stronger at lower dosages, but I've never noticed a change in liver values on RAD.

500-700mg pw of test + 30mg ed of RAD = an extremely enjoyable, relatively safe way to boost strength and get some pretty decent gains in size. I honestly think RAD gives me strength comparable to anavar.