ZJ Chem Test Reports


Here are some test reports from some of our highest selling products from the company who handles our products testing here in China. If you have any questions about the reports please ask and I can respond back with an answer from the laboratory


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Goddamn, imagine being so inept you can't even fake lab tests.

Imagine a source coming into another sources thread to make a fake claim and then not elaborate on it at all

I trust you that you recognize fake tests, but what makes these fake for us to know. You don't have to go into depth, but if your going to come and discredit them in an area that you potentially stand to monetarily benefit in and could very well have a conflict of interest , then yes you should be able to provide a bit of an explanation
@janoshik please elaborate why you say our tests are fake? You can not come make claims without backing them up with some evidence or proof. We have used this company for a long time to do our laboratory tests and they always match customers tests they have done on their own. Even match tests you have personally done for our customers
Imagine a source coming into another sources thread to make a fake claim and then not elaborate on it at all

I trust you that you recognize fake tests, but what makes these fake for us to know. You don't have to go into depth, but if your going to come and discredit them in an area that you potentially stand to monetarily benefit in and could very well have a conflict of interest , then yes you should be able to provide a bit of an explanation
I am able to, I just choose not to in public.

Feel free to PM me.
I am able to, I just choose not to in public.

Feel free to PM me.
Under the current circumstances, the decision to publicly address the matter might not have been the most optimal approach. I would suggest that issues of this nature could potentially be best handled through private channels initially, providing all parties involved an opportunity to discuss and rectify any perceived issues. This method could have been applied by reaching out to me and the administrative team of Meso privately before the matter was escalated to a public forum.

The choice to make this issue public from the start could be seen as premature, considering the lack of opportunity provided to me to respond or counter any claims or objections. Taking the issue public after exhausting all private channels, especially if there was evidence of rule-breaking activities such as falsification of test results, would be a more logical course of action.

To address the concern of potential forgery, it's important to note that forging test results would not be a financially feasible strategy for any company. The cost and effort involved in repeatedly testing a product, as well as the risk of damaging a company's reputation, far outweigh the benefits. There are more efficient methods to assure product quality, such as sourcing verified test reports, which can be easily accessed through online research such as Google.

If the decision is made to abstain from a public response, it could potentially be viewed as an evasion of responsibility. It's important to maintain transparency and open dialogue in situations such as these to ensure a fair outcome for all parties involved.
Thank you for your input, ChatGPT 3.5, but I prefer version 4.

She's younger and more wild.
Well that is one thing we agree. That is why I use her, we both young and wild girls. I am not cheap. I pay for GPT app. This why I go to taobao and buy test report every time I buy new stock. So please, do not dodge question. Please make public how my reports fake. I am not analytical tech like u. Please enlighten me so I can ask testing laboratory I buy from what your concerns are. If you can’t or won’t, it make me think you are trying to keep new source off the forum. So again, please do the right thing. Which is for you to PM me with concern or for you to publicly address this.
Under the current circumstances, the decision to publicly address the matter might not have been the most optimal approach. I would suggest that issues of this nature could potentially be best handled through private channels initially, providing all parties involved an opportunity to discuss and rectify any perceived issues. This method could have been applied by reaching out to me and the administrative team of Meso privately before the matter was escalated to a public forum.

The choice to make this issue public from the start could be seen as premature, considering the lack of opportunity provided to me to respond or counter any claims or objections. Taking the issue public after exhausting all private channels, especially if there was evidence of rule-breaking activities such as falsification of test results, would be a more logical course of action.

To address the concern of potential forgery, it's important to note that forging test results would not be a financially feasible strategy for any company. The cost and effort involved in repeatedly testing a product, as well as the risk of damaging a company's reputation, far outweigh the benefits. There are more efficient methods to assure product quality, such as sourcing verified test reports, which can be easily accessed through online research such as Google.

If the decision is made to abstain from a public response, it could potentially be viewed as an evasion of responsibility. It's important to maintain transparency and open dialogue in situations such as these to ensure a fair outcome for all parties involved.
I'd love to see that prompt.
Jano isn’t a source..

He absolutely is a source for testing

And we did PM and he explained to me why he doesn't think certain tests can be real. I'd have to research what he was saying to understand it, but it makes sense.

For what its worth, wouldn't have really trusted a one off testing service from China to begin with, but definitely wanted to know what makes them fake.
Well that is one thing we agree. That is why I use her, we both young and wild girls. I am not cheap. I pay for GPT app. This why I go to taobao and buy test report every time I buy new stock. So please, do not dodge question. Please make public how my reports fake. I am not analytical tech like u. Please enlighten me so I can ask testing laboratory I buy from what your concerns are. If you can’t or won’t, it make me think you are trying to keep new source off the forum. So again, please do the right thing. Which is for you to PM me with concern or for you to publicly address this.
Why would I want to keep you off the forum? I really have no such desire.

I just call out fake or suspicious tests when I see them, because I have spent my entire adult life doing testing and at this point I can't help but be concerned about this matter.

I am hesitant to provide specifically you, who might or might not be aware of the fact those tests are not genuine, with the information on how have I determined that they are not, as this could in future make determining fake tests more difficult for me. I am honestly sorry if you are innocent in this and have been scammed.
Thank you for your input, ChatGPT 3.5, but I prefer version 4.

She's younger and more wild.

Why would I want to keep you off the forum? I really have no such desire.

I just call out fake or suspicious tests when I see them, because I have spent my entire adult life doing testing and at this point I can't help but be concerned about this matter.

I am hesitant to provide specifically you, who might or might not be aware of the fact those tests are not genuine, with the information on how have I determined that they are not, as this could in future make determining fake tests more difficult for me. I am honestly sorry if you are innocent in this and have been scammed.
This not fair I have test reports from customer from you show good quality products. But I not want to post as mine because I not buy them. Jano you need tell me how fix this. I have all record of me buying these report I can show. I can email customers who have your test result and ask if I can post. (#12.)But you need tell me how to fix this and clean my name). Because you start this. Not me. So please again, either PM me with a solution or do so publicly. You start this. I just want clear my name and and show good quality and then move onto being allow to do my new source intro. It is 4:32am and I am still awake. When I wake up I will email all my customer have your test result and post them if they agree. Please check #12.) and respond either PM or public statement.
Imagine a source coming into another sources thread to make a fake claim and then not elaborate on it at all

I trust you that you recognize fake tests, but what makes these fake for us to know. You don't have to go into depth, but if your going to come and discredit them in an area that you potentially stand to monetarily benefit in and could very well have a conflict of interest , then yes you should be able to provide a bit of an explanation
While Jano isn't a source but offers a testing service, there's been cases where one source would enter another's thread to say something snarky without elaborating or offering proof.