infinitylabs, tabs and raws are available in USA warehouse, legit product, the best price

I find it necessary to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding the vendor in question. In my view, their conduct and professionalism fall far short of the standards one should expect in any business relationship. I must emphasize that this vendor is not acceptable, and their unprofessional behavior is cause for serious concern.

This vendor is unacceptable. Dead thread.
So not only are stealing other peoples lab reports to scam, but your prices are outrageous compared to most other public raw sources here. You are the one that says "Dont do business with lazy people....we can give you the best price" when you yourself wont even take the time or money to send products in for testing. You want MORE than $1.50/g for tadalafil raw at 100g and more than $1.60/g for test c raw at 100g. Without any testing for either of them, and now at this point any testing you do show us will most likely be stolen. That is 2-3 times the price for 2 very staple products in this market and you missed the mark entirely, if there was something to say for your effort into harm reduction testing or acknowledgement of customer concerns you might have had a chance. After doing even the slightest amount of searching for "Infinity Labs" across other forums you are self admitted to hardly even knowing how crypto works. At this rate any customer that does even the slightest amount of due diligence on your brand will will run the fuck away.
LMAO he really tried the "no such thing as bad publicity" stunt. What a fucking clown. So bad at lying too, "Alex" lmao first name you thought of, reflexive bad lie, thats why the name is 4 letters and starts with "a" too easy to spot this shit. Infinity labs with an infinite supply of stupid.

So entertaining to read his fake 5 second made up story with cringe "barganing" state of his grief of being discovered as a fake.

What's really funny is the brief moment of arrogance immediately shattered after he hit his first brick wall of being found out "that's my report" Then it's "Alex's" report. Denial, realization, bargening. What a show lmao. IQ is definitely below 80.
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@Rido we love you brother, but are you sure your not Leo, bc that was some fine detective skills you displayed, and fast at that.

You should definitely become a defense attorney for labs that get busted, unless of course it’s Infinity, then point the to the public defenders office. Probably have to anyway from 0 sales after this punk made bitch advertising scam and can’t afford a real attorney.

Point being, normally I’m a civil bro but dude, people like you give humanity a bad rep.

@Rido thanks again for taking out the trash and. keeping this place clean.

@infinitylab your done …… tha fuck on
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Hey, dude. I was just wondering if anyone has told you that you were a piece of shit today, you piece of shit?
Look I don't know what happened with this hole test situation, but what I can say is this, and I have no ties to this Source in any fucking way. Have I dealt with them? Yes, but I haven't dealt with them in 6 to 8 months now. Anyway what I can say is, when I did do business with them they were completely legit, and professional with everything. as far as communication goes, to the product being tested (on my end. You name it. So I just felt like because they were always good to me I owe it to them to come on here, and seeing this and at least be honest, and say, this company is not a scammer trust me. Well you don't have to trust me, but I still wanted to say it.
Look I don't know what happened with this hole test situation, but what I can say is this, and I have no ties to this Source in any fucking way. Have I dealt with them? Yes, but I haven't dealt with them in 6 to 8 months now. Anyway what I can say is, when I did do business with them they were completely legit, and professional with everything. as far as communication goes, to the product being tested (on my end. You name it. So I just felt like because they were always good to me I owe it to them to come on here, and seeing this and at least be honest, and say, this company is not a scammer trust me. Well you don't have to trust me, but I still wanted to say it.
Thanks man …. Nobody gives a fuck !!! There’s a reason why they haven’t posted anything of anyone else for that matter hasn’t since they were caught. How are you and the source related ??? Brother / sister, Cousins, Mom and Dad ?
Look I don't know what happened with this hole test situation, but what I can say is this, and I have no ties to this Source in any fucking way. Have I dealt with them? Yes, but I haven't dealt with them in 6 to 8 months now. Anyway what I can say is, when I did do business with them they were completely legit, and professional with everything. as far as communication goes, to the product being tested (on my end. You name it. So I just felt like because they were always good to me I owe it to them to come on here, and seeing this and at least be honest, and say, this company is not a scammer trust me. Well you don't have to trust me, but I still wanted to say it.
Where did you buy from them? How did you find them?
Thanks man …. Nobody gives a fuck !!! There’s a reason why they haven’t posted anything of anyone else for that matter hasn’t since they were caught. How are you and the source related ??? Brother / sister, Cousins, Mom and Dad ?
LOL. Trust me when I tell you that I am not related in any way shape or form to this Source brother. I'm just stating my opinion, ( yes I know you don't give a fuck about my opinion) on my previous experiences with them. I also believe that whatever happened, they will get to the bottom of it, and they will be honest about it as they have always been honest with me. Even though it was usually stuff I didn't want to hear. Mainly the prices. Now I could be wrong, and if I am I'm sorry but that's what I think. Sorry..
Where did you buy from them? How did you find them?
Where did I buy from them? How did I find them? Brother unfortunately you're a new member, and I'm not going to hold your hand, and tell you how to find sources, but what I will tell you is that the internet is very easy to use, and if uesd halfway correctly you should be quite able to locate them on a few different forums.

Shit even a simple Google search should work
I also believe that whatever happened, they will get to the bottom of it, and they will be honest about it as they have always been honest with me.
Brother you're siding with a scammer that took a superdrol suspension lab report from my US store and edited it to pass off as their superdrol tablets, and that's just one of several incidents. If you haven't been scammed that simply makes them a selective scammer. He'll always have his cozy home over at ProMuscle to scam the community without interference; Brother
Where did I buy from them? How did I find them? Brother unfortunately you're a new member, and I'm not going to hold your hand, and tell you how to find sources, but what I will tell you is that the internet is very easy to use, and if uesd halfway correctly you should be quite able to locate them on a few different forums.

Shit even a simple Google search should work
I am not asking to be spoonfed a fucking source , this place is super easy to find a quality source with all the testing and reviews that are posted.

What I am wondering is how you found some random lab, that clearly has limited testing. Some of their tests are stolen and modified.

To me, whether they didnt screw you over and sent you proper products. It shows you have shit judgement based off of my reasons. So unfortunately "brother" I could care less with any source you would reccomend.

I would never buy from a source with limited testing and/or not do testing if my own.
Brother you're siding with a scammer that took a superdrol suspension lab report from my US store and edited it to pass off as their superdrol tablets, and that's just one of several incidents. If you haven't been scammed that simply makes them a selective scammer. He'll always have his cozy home over at ProMuscle to scam the community without interference; Brother
No brother. Listen by no means am I siding with them whatsoever. In fact if it's true that they stole your report knowingly, and nebermind posted it, then yes 100% they should be banned from this fucking forum. I've had my lab report stolen by other companies in the past, so I feel your pain if those were your reports brother. Yes please don't anybody take this the wrong way. I'm not siding with anybody. All I was saying is that I did business with them before, and they treated me right. Unfortunately that is all that I cannot cosign for. I wish I could come on here, and tell you that they are or are not scammers or like you said selective scammers, but i can't, and therefore i won't. I just hope to God they're not, but time will tell....

@Liska I've seen you on here for years and I know for a fact that you are a well respected member of this forum, so there is no way in hell I would ever side with any one or any company who just posted a stolen lab report over you. Just know that...
I am not asking to be spoonfed a fucking source , this place is super easy to find a quality source with all the testing and reviews that are posted.

What I am wondering is how you found some random lab, that clearly has limited testing. Some of their tests are stolen and modified.

To me, whether they didnt screw you over and sent you proper products. It shows you have shit judgement based off of my reasons. So unfortunately "brother" I could care less with any source you would reccomend.

I would never buy from a source with limited testing and/or not do testing if my own.
Lol unfortunately you are not somebody like Liska, and therefore I dont care to tell you anything about what you call a "random lab" (your obviously aren't in deep enough, or maybe you just have shit judgment, if you don't know where this company came from) or anything else for that matte. Don't get it fucked up though, I know exactly how to use my judgment and do my due diligence on a source before I purchase. Which is exactly why I have never, and we'll never be scammed. However it could also be because I'm beyond going to some forum in search of a new source. Anyway If you want any kind of answer, then you need to talk to me like a man is supposed to talk to another man. With respect. Until then don't even reply.

I know you're new, but I'm old school. So keep in mind these forums were originally made so that members could help each other out. Not so that some new member can come on talking down to another member. That doesn't help anybody. At all.
No brother. Listen by no means am I siding with them whatsoever. In fact if it's true that they stole your report knowingly, and nebermind posted it, then yes 100% they should be banned from this fucking forum. I've had my lab report stolen by other companies in the past, so I feel your pain if those were your reports brother.
Are you aware of this thread?