Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Why are you not taking the semaglutude yet?
Well, first I had to study the damn thing (I'm not the type to just take stuff randomly), had to figure out the source things, and who to trust. Then in relation to making my order, the source was busted, luckily I didn't made it into paying because he was helping me out learning about the stuff ;)

In the meantime, I saw the new sources also had Tirz and Reta: so I had 3 substances to compare and had to choose from ... besides choosing the source... ordering to Denmark is already risky ... and it takes about a month to receive things from China here.
You guys do know you’re being bullshitted, right? Everyone’s been mercilessly clowning him all week and all he’s done is made excuses, there is no way he is just now mentioning that he’s been on a diet the entire time.

He’s well over 300 pounds, stop. I really hope none of you are taking this seriously and genuinely giving your advice. It’s a fictional story

This was written yesterday. Yesterday. Come on guys…
No, I said it's against nature law's for me to rapidly diet down 60 kg and keep them off naturally THIS time, because I'm still exhausted/affected/fuckedup from the last 3 times I tried to do that... and on top of that I have loads of stress in my life right now, keeping the food monster alive.

That you and a few other blind trying to lead the blind in the blind - never understood my situation - despite that, I have mentioned this exact thing 30 times - is your problem, who cares ... now fuck off my thread dude instead of constantly trying to derail me in my own threads and everywhere else I post.

But it shouldn't even matter, because this should not even be about me!
But about the meds and complimentary compounds!
It's you guys who keep making it personal, and eventually keep forcing me to show you how wrong you are in your silly little projections and assumptions about all these things.

You and your little gang, won't succeed in running me off the board, though you are trying all you can: that's my only motivation for keep typing. Otherwise, I had just stuck to making my studies long ago...

I've kept out of your threads since you asked me to, you don't want me to return in your own threads, do you?! Then stop yourself! And keep yourself out of mine!

You are really the last one to comment on my things or anything I do!

I was 308 when this thread started, and i have like 3x the muscle mass than you do ... I've never written anywhere that I haven't lost anything at all ... just letting you guys project and assume!

I don't care, this thread was never meant to be about me!
It was meant to be about the GLP-1 meds and complimentary compounds.
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I've been to war, and I've made it through the recruit phase in the Danish special forces
while training with one of the strongest men on earth, he made me take Dianabol for 10 days x 4 or so...
all my mind does is think of kcals, sugar, fat and how to get it ... even when I have just eaten a kg of chicken and a kg of veg, my system is still screaming after crappy food ...
I have been a coach
I’m not a coach
I had some elements causing traumatic stress I have to live with for as long as my mother and sister is alive:
I already get therapy due to some traumatic stressful things in my life…My mother and daughter both suffer from Schizophrenia, and are committed to the idea of killing themselves together - and it's my full-time job besides everything else to keep them from doing so
He can’t even keep his lies straight anymore
No lies dude, but looking like you, it's probably hard to imagine:
You look like someone who has used his entire life on nothing else but jerk off
(no reason you are so envious).


And let's all take a look at this selfjust prick and what makes HIM justified to take his autism into my thread and autistically relate to all my posts one by one and calling me pathetic:

You are fucking projecting man:

@ShredSeason wrote:
I am just sick of being fat. I don’t want this shit on my body for one more second. I want it gone. I want it to die. I want it to feel my insides burning on DNP. I want it to hurt. I want to suffer. I deserve this, for what I did to my body, for not having the self control to put down a fucking hamburger.

@ShredSeason wote:
never experienced noticeable gains due to extremely low T. I got on TRT a year and a half ago, started training again, finally started making awesome newbie gains, and I fucking loved lifting. After around 5 or 6 months, I didn’t have money for more test. I started gaining fat, getting depressed, lazy, shit fell the fuck apart. I got discouraged, stopped lifting, stopped doing anything positive for my life, and got more and more fat, all the way up to 368 fucking pounds at 6’0”.

@ShredSeason wote:
I doubt this would happen to any of y’all though. This was so much more than just getting overdoing my bulk. I fell apart and fell into a deep, dark hole with a shovel in hand to make sure I could keep digging myself deeper. Still, you never know which card is going to cause the entire house to collapse once it’s pulled. Those cheat meals can easily lead to looking in the mirror one day, seeing something you do not want to recognize, saying fuck it, and going off the rails.

@ShredSeason wrote:
Day 31
I ate a slice of pizza and a half serving ... Things are getting moderately tough, the extreme calorie restriction and constant fasting is catching up to me. ... ately, when I eat, it’s like my body is says “what the fuck bro, we need more than this!“ ... I am constantly physically hungry, but I don’t have an appetite. Thanks Tirzepatide.

Since the effects of this deprivation are starting to catch up to me ...

@ShredSeason wrote:
I’m scared shitless of my hands getting thicker. I play piano, trying to get to concert level in the next few years (brutally difficult btw). As pianists, we want long, slim fingers. I’m honestly planning on doing weekly measurements of my wrists and each of my fingers in multiple locations

And notice: he was ON the FULL medicine cabinet!
Think he is justified to relating to me in my thread ... lol
There is a reason why I want to study these meds and compunds before taking them dude - instead of just cocking the mucus of the insides of my intestines with 600 mg DNP ... and similar popping all these things like an autistic kid in a candy store.
Only just getting started, just keep coming at me bro, I can go all night if you keep it up ;)

Or my suggestion, stay the fuck away from me!
I don't want to give you my attention!

You stay out of my things and I stay out of yours!

And no I'm not fucking lying about anything!
You just lack the awareness to get what I'm even saying or the self-awareness to being able to reate to it!
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No lies dude, but looking like you, it's probably hard to imagine:
You look like someone who has used his entire life on nothing else but jerk off
(no reason you are so envious).

View attachment 275410

And let's all take a look at this selfjust prick and what makes HIM justified to take his autism into my thread and relate to my posts and call me pathetic:

You are fucking projecting man:

Relating to me in my thread ... lol

Only just getting started, just keep coming at me bro, I can go all night if you keep it up ;)
Hell yeah bro, I fucking love it. You won’t see me ashamed of one thing I’ve done in this forum. I am what I am, I do what I do. I don’t make up lies, everything about me is real. Suffering, success, failure, accomplishments, I love it all. I’m willing to take myself to death’s door to get what I want, you will never see me apologize for one thing.
I didn’t offer coaching. You asked what we would suggest if we were your coach.
I, and any decent coach, would not suggest ANY drugs to an obese man who doesn’t exercises.
If you truly were eating what you say you have been eating, you would have lost 15 kilos since you started this thread, easily. Only exercise necessary would be walking. And not to the donut shop.

Do you get American television? Watch “My 600lb Life”. You sound like damn near every person on that show.

I have been coaching and training people for damn near as long as you’ve been alive. If you think you are secial, the charade continues.

Dude, there are no lies, what I have told is the truth!
The lies happen in the way you interpret my words from your own pathetic world view!

I'll be off here as soon as I can get this thread locked, so you dont continue in it when I'm gone - so it won't matter... except I hate to be called a liar... esp. by a little prick like you.

You won't be able to relate to this, because your entire lifeworth, status, imaginative friends whatever is online at places like this, I was simply just here to study these meds ... before I was going on them.

You can't see the projections you are making?

You can't see your hypocrisy constantly going into my thread and derailing it, every single time I post?!

You can't see that your need to do that is about you, and have nothing to do about me!

I was the only one cheering on you before you turned a supporter into a trusted enemy! ... but that does not mean we have ever been alike or in the same situation!

Now stay the fuck out of my thread - if you keep derailing it, I'll do the same to yours ... just the law of the jungle, and you're not as tough as you think.

Attention seeking types.
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I didn’t offer coaching. You asked what we would suggest if we were your coach.
I, and any decent coach, would not suggest ANY drugs to an obese man who doesn’t exercises.
If you truly were eating what you say you have been eating, you would have lost 15 kilos since you started this thread, easily. Only exercise necessary would be walking. And not to the donut shop.

Do you get American television? Watch “My 600lb Life”. You sound like damn near every person on that show.

I have been coaching and training people for damn near as long as you’ve been alive. If you think you are secial, the charade continues.

Sry, you read that WRONG: I asked if you were to coach me in GLP-1's and complimentary substances: then which one would you suggest for me in my situation and why?!

You see I was trying to figure out which of the GLP-1s's the real coaches in here, those that have had hundreds of clients on these meds were using, how they were mixing them, and what compounds they were paring them with! --- both short-term and long-term!

It's not that hard to stay on topic!

But two handful of idiots that know nothing about these meds, or situations like mine: are dead set on disrupting my thead to be about them and their idiotic advice.

A handful of you guys simply do not manage to stay on-topic - but think they have to make it all about their advice about everything else than what the thread is about!

Right now I just hope to get this thread locked or deleted so I can get out of here! Hundreds of irrelevant posts, and only a few relevant ones earlier on.
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I guess I can just as well answer, since we won't get this thread back on topic ever it seems!

Well, the first time I ever felt off my training lifestyle was when covid hit in 2019, I'm born in 1980, and in the years before I had dealt with and escaped a psychopathic business partner, and experienced some rather nasty private stressing things - and I gained 20 kg - can't remember if it was over a 6 months period or how long ... When you have several traumatic events to take care off and work 14 hour days 7 days a week and shit just keep happening, - it simply sneaks up upon you.

The feeling I had was literally going to bed and waking up 20 kg heavier, I know that's not how it was, but that's how it FELT.

Well, then you go 6 months on 600-1200 kcals (it's like day one of starting to hold your breath), after the 6 months you go maintenance back then because I was training my maintenance was okay high around 2800 kcals and I kept that for a year.

Now you have been restraining yourself under pressure for a year and a half, and you lose yourself ... on top of the food I ate when being healthy, you order an extra pizza, eat a litre of ice cream... whatever makes the pain and the food noice just shut up... obviously it starts by you allowing yourself ONE binge day, turns into a binge weekend, a binge week, just one binge month and you will be at it again... easily you overeat by 5000 kcals a day (I'm sure I ate MORE) ... will according to your own calculations 70 days later you have gained 100lbs.

Now you get out of shape, training already becomes a bitch, walking is a pain but you manage ... you use 6 months again cuts down in weight you don't entirely get down there, but almost and get satisfied with your results (notice doing this the second time is a lot harder) ... so your force yourself to stay at maintenance for a year (it's lower this time around, let's say 2400 kcals) and your brain and nervous system now yells 10 times as loud for kcals and crap .... well eventually you cave again ... the exact same things happens, when you wake up from it you are a lot heavier ...

Well, I repeated this one-third time ... took me 60 kg of gain to stop myself this time! ... Had I been doing steroids, I would have looked like the Hulk. But naa ... in this state, real training is not possible, I do some pullups and some pushups, I can't really walk due to the state this weight puts my feet in ....

The problem is, at this point .. the food monster is yelling for you to eat yourself up to 100 kg of extra fat ...

It's hard for people who haven't tried it to imagine really.

Rather spot on how it happens with the donuts, gallon of milk, and MIO flavored water - I'm glad I never went for trashcans in those periods, dude that's intense! I only ended up ordering like 4000 kcals of pizza and 3000 kcal ice cream after dinner (ate it on top of what I had eaten while being on my maintenance diet).
Jesus dude, you're a living excuse. You need mental health treatment asap
Well, first I had to study the damn thing (I'm not the type to just take stuff randomly), had to figure out the source things, and who to trust. Then in relation to making my order, the source was busted, luckily I didn't made it into paying because he was helping me out learning about the stuff ;)

In the meantime, I saw the new sources also had Tirz and Reta: so I had 3 substances to compare and had to choose from ... besides choosing the source... ordering to Denmark is already risky ... and it takes about a month to receive things from China here.
You have to study it first!! Just in case it'll be bad or kill you? Just like engorging yourself to obesity? You're ridiculous
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The reason the OP can tirelessly write all these lengthy responses is from intense commitment and willpower.
Image what he tells himself all day long if he can make such lengthy responses to every Tom Dick and Harry.
He's been brainwashing himself for years with these crazy extensive excuses.
Imagine if he was smart enough to use the power of his mind to go the other direction...toward a healthy lifestyle.
People will not change unless they CHOOSE to do so. The dude is fucked until he can figure out this simple basic truth. But most won't. I see it everyday. People are always their worst enemy in these cases. Never willing to change because they can't admit that they can. So easy for us to see but impossible for him. It's sad actually.
The reason the OP can tirelessly write all these lengthy responses is from intense commitment and willpower.
Image what he tells himself all day long if he can make such lengthy responses to every Tom Dick and Harry.
He's been brainwashing himself for years with these crazy extensive excuses.
Imagine if he was smart enough to use the power of his mind to go the other direction...toward a healthy lifestyle.
People will not change unless they CHOOSE to do so. The dude is fucked until he can figure out this simple basic truth. But most won't. I see it everyday. People are always their worst enemy in these cases. Never willing to change because they can't admit that they can. So easy for us to see but impossible for him. It's sad actually.
Reading and using your brain is not your strongest feature, is it?
This takes no effort for me at all.

And another 3 fucking useless off-topic posts, for what?
Talking about self-awareness I must have hit a nerve!
I wonder how many of you guys are using all your energy trying to disrupt and derail my thread into being about all your so-called knowledge of how to bodybuild - that believe your own bullshit!

The sad thing is (what I assume is) grown-up men; who think they have figured people and everything out without even being able to read or grasp what is written! ... There is nothing you have to say, that I can relate to in any ways, sry ... go watch rocky 3 again, and do some more mega doses of steroids to keep your muscles from fully disappearing, and then to to someone elses thread, telling them about how meds and subs is bad and how it's all about suffering unnecessary for years without anything much to show for it.

For a guy that is as you tries to frame me as, I sure have an easy time dealing with you 6-7 guys that is all fucked in your tiny heads!
If you where right about me, now what does it tell about yourself then!
(Though you are not, far from it!)

You guys talk about willpower, I doubt most of you have hardly been able to make yourself sit trough a college class.
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You guys do know you’re being bullshitted, right? Everyone’s been mercilessly clowning him all week and all he’s done is made excuses, there is no way he is just now mentioning that he’s been on a diet the entire time.

He’s well over 300 pounds, stop. I really hope none of you are taking this seriously and genuinely giving your advice. It’s a fictional story

This was written yesterday. Yesterday. Come on guys…
Yes i know
Yes i know
lol, you are the bullshitters dude, I have been nothing but honest and direct, but it’s fully irrelevant to my thread! and I don’t care either way!

I’ve given up trying to use 20 years of natural bodybuilding and strength training (training with Flemming Guffi, Helio, George Olesen and the likes), or my 8 years as a research Assistent at the Copenhagen Muscle Center under Morten Zach and Per Aagaard, to contribute with anything to your guys or this place. As soon as you shut up, I’m permanently out of here,

It’s already insane I have had to use an ENTIRE thread having to explain my actual real life conditions in the hope of keeping tren and heroine adicts from derailing my thread lecturing me about losing weight naturally, theraphy and staying away from GLP-1 meds in the hope they can sell themselves as coaches to afford their own massive drug use,

I’m a veteran already. And does not give in easily, Good luck attracting any new members to this place the way you run everyone off that won’t let you compete on coaching them with worthless bullshit.
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Nice job deflecting and redirecting. Every fat person I have helped, blamed everyone and everything for predicament.
You follow suit in every way here.

I have experience with semaglutide. When it became a hot topic and people started asking me about it, I got some and tried it.
I used 0.25mg for the first week and repeated the following week. Then I quit. I simply could not eat properly on this it.
So IMO, it is not conducive to health nor bodybuilding. Look at every study. All of them site “xx% reduction in body mass” but don’t specify fat or muscle. Your body wastes away. Along with the slowing of gastric emptying, this stuff is not healthy.
These drugs do nothing that can’t be done with food and exercise alone.

I have fat friends who like you, have no self control. They started using both, as you put it “GLP-1” and the GLP-1 conjugated with GIP. The are losing weight, but look terrible.

No obese or sedentary person should be using any drugs to lose weight.

There’s your ”on topic” response.

Yes, I am a coach. But I AM NOT a drug coach. It’s one of the first things I state in response to prospective client queries. Nine out of ten don’t ever get back to me. The people who do, get great results without drugs.

You seriously need tonwatch “My 600lb Life”. Your position here is the embodiment of that show.
lol, you are the bullshitters dude, I have been nothing but honest and direct, but it’s fully irrelevant to my thread! and I don’t care either way!

I’ve given up trying to use 20 years of natural bodybuilding and strength training (training with Flemming Guffi, Helio, George Olesen and the likes), or my 8 years as a research Assistent at the Copenhagen Muscle Center under Morten Zach and Per Aagaard, to contribute with anything to your guys or this place. As soon as you shut up, I’m permanently out of here,

It’s already insane I have had to use an ENTIRE thread having to explain my actual real life conditions in the hope of keeping tren and heroine adicts from derailing my thread lecturing me about losing weight naturally, theraphy and staying away from GLP-1 meds in the hope they can sell themselves as coaches to afford their own massive drug use,

I’m a veteran already. And does not give in easily, Good luck attracting any new members to this place the way you run everyone off that won’t let you compete on coaching them with worthless bullshit.
We don't run everyone off. Shred is a new member too and we've all changed our tune because he's not a massive piece of shit know it all narcissist like you.

Stay fat. You're a pathological liar and severely mentally ill.
CoachCabo wrote:
Yes, I am a coach. But I AM NOT a drug coach.
Then why the FUCK do you feel the need to write long posts trying to derail a thread that is ABOUT people's experience with GLP-1 meds and complimentary compounds?!

And I don't have any problems with willpower - like the other so 7-9 or so, so-called "coaches" trying to invade this thread never understood either. You have a comprehension problem! Almost as big one as autist boy! Why would anyone ever use a coach that can't even read or grasp someone's situation? And I MEAN ever!!!!

It goes against the very first coaching principle, of starting by meeting people where they are, and diagnosing before you prescribe!

You are not a coach, you are another 'role player' as @DECLAN described himself and the types of you playing coaches on the internet while lacking any real-life skills or insights... now go play in another thread.

All of these off-topic posts you are trying to drown me in are not wanted in this thread! ... go get your ego boosted somewhere else!
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We don't run everyone off. Shred is a new member too and we've all changed our tune because he's not a massive piece of shit know it all narcissist like you.

Stay fat. You're a pathological liar and severely mentally ill.
Lol, that's only because he became my antagonist - and I hurt all of your fragile emotions, built on playing coaches and having status on an anonymous internet forum...

Before that, all you guys were going ape on him as well (he is just to autistic and stupid to even realize it).

Well the enemy of your enemies are your new friend, fair enough!
That's obviously why he positioned himself as such as well ... dreaming about being part of the 'wolf-pack', so his life can have ONLINE meaning.

Idiots always run in flocks as the sociologists say.

It's ridiculous though! I asked about experiences with GLP-1 medication!
And all of you where going ape about it: trying to turn the thread into whatever irrelevant stuff you could use to jerk yourself off with ...

While that dude where unable to lose weight for the first time in his life without wanting to risk death and much worse (on purpose) taking high doses of DNP, steroids, adderal, 30 metabolic supplements, and so on ... but as long as he wanks your egoes off that's fine ... just as if you look in the mirror you are not able yourself to get yourself to do shit without these meds... it's projections.

It's always the weak idiots running in flock ...
Really don't give a damn, rl I would have fisticuffed you all at once, with one hand tied behind my back ... and I'll do the same here if needed.

In a few days, I'm not here - I have been on my way out of here for weeks, just waiting for you little bitches to shut the fuck up - and run off - but you will stand behind as a total idiot in everyone's mind forever!
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