Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

And you want to add tons of drugs all come with it's own risks to that? Are you sure about that? You are not 20 anymore. Mid 40 is a different body.
Tons of drugs - how uninformed can you be dude?

I need to get on GLP-1 meds to make sure I pull this off, and this time I'm not regaining the weight again ending up 80 kg overweight, so I'll need them afterward to keep it off as well ... I don't live in the same fantasy role-playing world as the rest of you.

That you have never tried to have an appetite that gets the best of you that's fine, but then why be so smart about it!

This is like ending up at some role-playing basement talking about girls to autistic nerds! ... Don't even get have gotten me to use actual time in here already!
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Respectfully, how do you currently cover the distance from your bed to fridge to couch / table? Are you bedridden?
No I'm not, I'm also walking some, I live on the 5th floor and I'm out and about every day, like the neerest supermarket is about 2.5 km away, and I seldom shop for more than 1 day at the time (or I'll simply eat it all).

But that's all, and even this is pushing my legs and feet to the max of what they can take.

I don't own a couch btw... I'll work 14 hours a day from an office chair.
I basically live in a 160 square meter office with a bedroom in it.
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You do understand the impact force with elliptical trainer is lower than walking, right?

All you need is to get to the gym and use it. Improve insulin sensitivity combined with smart dietary changes.

Thank you for your response.
I obviously know cardio equipment... though I mostly used to Row, Run, Bike, hike with a backpack and Swim ....

I think swimming would be better, but this time of year, the swimming gyms are closed here ...

I instinctively have this feeling that pumping away on an elliptical trainer is not a good idea ... but I actually might try it out due to you mentioning it.
Haven't stepped on a stepper for years though, it's mostly girls using them.

Personally cardio always made me hungrier not less as well (but I always felt it was important anyway) - at the level I was training at, for each 1000 kcals I burned I would have to eat like 1200-1500 kcals to make up for it... but perhaps these meds fixes that as well.

Anyways at 140 kg, walking at super fast speed walking speed still only burns around 300 kcals ... so it will def be the diet not the training that I wil use to

Cardio is so easy and fast to build, so I'm really not worrying about that in particular though! In 3-4 months any normal weight can achieve great cardio results... obviously the results disappear over night, but they also comes over night ... much, much, much more concerned about holding onto my muscle mass.

Thank you for suggesting it, will try it out I think!
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Was up to 320 lb with 46-48" waist. I understand how it feels to be obese. Take care of yourself.
Thank you man, that's very kind of you ...

I imagine my situation being different than most obese people, esp since I have gained all this weight this fast, and haven't been fat in my childhood, teens, 20s, or 30s - if anyone had asked me at 38 if I could ever end up beyond 108 kgs I would have laughed.

But ending up in this situation has certainly given me some empathy towards fat people... I've never been on a mission I haven't completed and I always somehow hold this view - but more now than ever, I realize these mechanisms leading you to either success or failure are biological and physiological.

When you have your entire "system" working with you, things are easy; when it all works against you, not so much.
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Reading and using your brain is not your strongest feature, is it?
This takes no effort for me at all.

And another 3 fucking useless off-topic posts, for what?
Talking about self-awareness I must have hit a nerve!
I wonder how many of you guys are using all your energy trying to disrupt and derail my thread into being about all your so-called knowledge of how to bodybuild - that believe your own bullshit!

The sad thing is (what I assume is) grown-up men; who think they have figured people and everything out without even being able to read or grasp what is written! ... There is nothing you have to say, that I can relate to in any ways, sry ... go watch rocky 3 again, and do some more mega doses of steroids to keep your muscles from fully disappearing, and then to to someone elses thread, telling them about how meds and subs is bad and how it's all about suffering unnecessary for years without anything much to show for it.

For a guy that is as you tries to frame me as, I sure have an easy time dealing with you 6-7 guys that is all fucked in your tiny heads!
If you where right about me, now what does it tell about yourself then!
(Though you are not, far from it!)

You guys talk about willpower, I doubt most of you have hardly been able to make yourself sit trough a college class.
Some serious narcissism going on here. All this coming from the guy who is controlled by his nervous system lol.
Lol, your guys entire life is trolling, I'm out as soon as you shut the fuck up!
I have repeated this more than 30 times by now, I'll do it one last time.


You still don't get that I have more knowledge about training, dieting, researching, and coaching than most if not everyone else in here... it's not to be arrogant, but stop projecting and get that I'm not you dude!!! ... How the fuck do you think I got bigger and leaner NATURALLY than anyone else, and stayed that way for a decade! That takes real knowledge, talent, and experience - anyone can get bigger on steroids, I have had enough training partners on steroids, to know how easy steroids make gaining muscle easy!

I've told you I have officially deadlifted 270 kgs, squatted 220, and benched 185 kg raw at 88 and 92 kg bodyweight (and have the photos and the numbers at the clubs to show for it), that might not be as impressive if you are blasted on steroids for years ... but it's in top 4% of natural lifters, I'll tell you that much - and being lean also works against you there, I did it at 8-10% bf DEXA.

The other dude might have a point that I have lost some muscle since April: , that's a concern ... though I'm still able to do 14 pullups with these 60 kgs of extra fat + a 30 kg weight west... and no, I can't put much weight on my feet, they are rupturing!

And sure I have definitely lost some mass ... but since it's not built on steroids, I'm sore it sticks with me a lot longer than it would for most guys in here.

As for knowledge about the drugs, well you sure know enough to have been taking them like a fucking idiot!

The chances that you will find yourself destroyed or at least unable to progress very long term is enormously high - even though you are beginning to do things smarter at this point!

It's simply only retards who think planning is a waste of time!
Esp when they plan to push things to the extreme!

I'm not going to use any of the GLP-1 drugs or other like the common fat person ... they titrate the drug till they are in 500-1000 kcal defict ... I'm going to take it next to a 900-1200 RFL diet (lean protein, 300 grams green vegs and 5 grams of fishoil) and nothing else, till I have lost enough to get back to the gym again!

You for sure would not be able to differance which of the GLP-1s would be best for that scenario: not even which one would give the most appetite and food noice supression, cure the impulse for cravings the most, not to add keep ones energy going.

I'm going to mix low doses of Tirz with low doses of Reta.
Now tell me where you found info on someone doing that in your research!
Well I got in contact with people in here actually doing that, but who will never participate on the forum in public due to you guys behavior.

As for suplementary compounds, I'll stick with adding 2 ui of HGH, but only when I have lost enough of weight initually, that I can actually train in the gym - that will be in 2 months, I'll probably wait till I have run the GLP's alone for 3 months.

Now if you guys had not been like you are, my thread would be of nothing but that ... but it's not.

Sure if I wanted to wait YEARS getting back to the gym and hence lose all my strength and muscle mass ... :rolleyes:

I'm not eating burgers though, right now I'm eating 3000 kcals of lean protein (meat, fish, skyr, cottage cheese, protein powder), vegs, and fruits a day ... basically... While I gained the fat, sure, you could add burgers, pizza, ice cream, whole plates of marabou, and pancakes on top of that... I've already stopped that before signing up in here though... but at no point has my appetite stopped screaming for those things, at no time does my brain not remind me of those foods... and not eating it is only keeping me at maintenance... while I'm drowning in food noice, my appetite is so insane I could literally eat an entire cow in one sitting - I would say if I stayed here long enough the weight would soon move up again! - But the point is: it's NOT dropping!

So much for all the myth of fat people just melting off fat if only they stop eating, it's almost as bad as those who think fat people can burn more than 300 kcals an hour speed walking.

At 140 kg (I'm 138 kg now), I know for a FACT (read in practice) that my maintenance is at 3080 kcals right now. And sure if I have the same activity level it would be around 2200 kcals when I get down to 100 kg, where as if I can get back to training and my old lifestyle instead it will be closer to 3800 kcals at 100 kg as well (actually rather spot on, based on my former logs), if I could train as I used to do.

Is it so hard for all you guys to grasp, that you can end up at a setpoint for your appetite and for cravings - that makes it so high that you can't stay 2000 kcals below for months, without these meds, that is designed by the worlds leading scientists in the topic due to that fact?! ...

As for walking also add to that there is a meter of snow EVERYWHERE in Denmark right now.
Seriously? You're not gonna stop your page long responses until everyone believes your bullshit? WOW
@drago-fan-boy-dude, you can’t even keep yourself from shooting posts after post off like a spamming machine-gun, you are in control of absolutely shit, least of all yourself! Can’t you at least control your CNS enough to keep it to one post at a time? …

This is my thread, so wtf are you talking about? and what are you still doing here? I’ll stop as soon as the cunt pack stops engaging ,,, I’ve told you 30 times already, but I poked your egos to spot on for you or the other 6 boy toys to be able to get yourself over it so you can run along…

Now go compensate for your lack of brains with some more tren, and put some higher megadoses of DNP in there, then at least you have an excuse for being this retarded.

The reason you think telling about myself is about narcissism is that you all (and here I’m taking to the pack of idiots not everyone else) are here to roleplay like @DECLAN wrote about was his reason to being here. It’s because you lack any status real life but only have it in here!

I’m sharing to keep people from drowning my thread in things that are fully irrelevant (to late due to guys like you), so they can limit themselves to contribute with what is useful to me and others in my situation… In favor to that, I wouldn’t have minded contributing back, but you guys ruined my motivation for that as well - you simply have zero comprehension skills and is as mature as 16 year old teenagers.

I’m not here to fucking play with you or to let you play with my prick dude.
And I’m def not here to hear what the likes of you have to say, there is hundreds of actual intelligent guys here, they are just not writing on the board because the little handful of pricks chase them off, by playing guru coaches on a forum about peds and bodybuilding on the fucking internet.

Now read that 3 times, instead of responding 9 times to it!
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@drago-fan-boy-dude, you can’t even keep yourself from shooting posts after post off like a spamming machine-gun, you are in control of absolutely shit, least of all yourself! Can’t you at least control your CNS enough to keep it to one post at a time? …

This is my thread, so wtf are you talking about? and what are you still doing here? I’ll stop as soon as the cunt pack stops engaging ,,, I’ve told you 30 times already, but I poked your egos to spot on for you or the other 6 boy toys to be able to get yourself over it so you can run along…

Now go compensate for your lack of brains with some more tren, and put some higher megadoses of DNP in there, then at least you have an excuse for being this retarded.

The reason you think telling about myself is about narcissism is that you all (and here I’m taking to the pack of idiots not everyone else) are here to roleplay like @DECLAN wrote about was his reason to being here. It’s because you lack any status real life but only have it in here!

I’m sharing to keep people from drowning my thread in things that are fully irrelevant (to late due to guys like you), so they can limit themselves to contribute with what is useful to me and others in my situation… In favor to that, I wouldn’t have minded contributing back, but you guys ruined my motivation for that as well - you simply have zero comprehension skills and is as mature as 16 year old teenagers.

I’m not here to fucking play with you or to let you play with my prick dude.
And I’m def not here to hear what the likes of you have to say, there is hundreds of actual intelligent guys here, they are just not writing on the board because the little handful of pricks chase them off, by playing guru coaches on a forum about peds and bodybuilding on the fucking internet.

Now read that 3 times, instead of responding 9 times to it!
Quit tagging me lol. Instead of posting in this worthless thread go take care of your mom and daughter and ensure they dont kill themselves.

And since english is not your first language I will need to point out the context in which I used role play. When I say role play, I meant I hope you are not serious when you aired your personal affairs in the forum just like us when we quip about using and ordering drugs in the open. If you remember most guys here are located in the US where these medications are scheduled.

Damn, I shouldn’t be explaining this like you are 5, but here we are. I am going back to my corner and enjoy my burger like a normal human being.
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Quit tagging me lol. Instead of posting in this worthless thread go take care of your mom and daughter and ensure they dont kill themselves.

And since english is not your first language I will need to point out the context in which I used role play. When I say role play, I meant I hope you are not serious when you aired your personal affairs in the forum just like us when we quip about using and ordering drugs in the open. If you remember most guys here are located in the US where these medications are scheduled.

Damn, I shouldn’t be explaining this like you are 5, but here we are. I am going back to my corner and enjoy my burger like a normal human being.
Dude, you chased me through threads and pages, so fuck you and stop crying about it when it's mirrored back at you. You had my respect for 30 minutes with what you wrote in that post (besides the role-playing part, which was pathetic) - but you just continued the same course shortly after! Just yesterday you wrote in this very thread 3 times!!! So just be glad if I'm not paying an employee to keep you tagged with this line and putting it in my signature for the next 30 years!

My mother and daughter are hospitalized at the moment, so I have plenty of fight left in me ...
You know everyone here is just role playing right? I hope you are too,

Buddy I literally thought you posted up a dick pic before I realized it was your leg, sit your water balloon ass down.
Not sure exactly what this tells about you bud. But sounds like either the internet, your side-occupation or being in the pussy-gang ruined you. :D
LOL everyone stop responding we need to stop this madness Tbh, i think this guy is like dickwangs little brother or someting lol @4Drago @CoachCabo @DECLAN @songsofpyramids @ShredSeason
Keep sir @readalot out of it, he seems like an actually nice and helpful guy!

Anyways gang, listen to your leader ... he is right - you should stop yourself on this one by now! - I can go on doing this forever, without having anything wasted by laughs on this!

All you have to do is to stay the fuck away from me, never mention me again, and you won't see me on this board at all! ... otherwise you are asking for it yourself ... I'm only getting started here, I can easily take of the the cotton gloves and give you an actual fist-i-cuf.

Enjoy your place, but remember this thread the next time you do the same to other new members, you know nothing about either.