Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

I know you love being retarded, but you keep on bringing this up, so I’ll respond: I am on HRT with my GLP. That’s it. 175 mg/week test p, 4iu gh. I have lost 46 pounds so far, 31 with these or less compounds. You loved what I was doing before I started training hard, I’m guessing you got resentful after that, since you need clen to “get your ass moving again”. Pathetic.
I liked and thought that you were doing RFL with a GLP-1, TRT, and small amounts of HGH, - because that's the situation I was interested in ... that would have been the smart way to rapid fat loss.

Instead, you are shifting GLP1s from month to month, titrating them too fast (why you have heart issues), and expecting results that is instant in Triz, but take higher doses in Reta. You were doing 600 mg DNP a day, jumping right out in 4ui gh (that's twice as much, try drying twice as fast on the interstate). ... and taking so many supplements that your kidneys will end up blasting, and on top of that consider adding oral GLP-1s.

You were talking so high levels of steroids you were talking about throwing in an ai, which would have crashed your estrogen levels.

You compare yourself with guys that have 50% more muscle mass than you in terms of drug amounts ... and think it's bodyweight not LBM that counts when it comes to tolerance.

But the absolute worst is thinking you can recover from hours of ped fuled exercise on 80 grams of protein... most of your loss will be muscle mass, and your steroids won't do shit to prevent that at that protein intake.

And I could go on ...

That you are adjusting your plan to be more sensible is obviously a good thing for you ... but still, it's not convincing me to follow "your approach" .. just as you talked about "your approach" to handling critique, well look as your postings: you have fully lost yourself.
You’re slacking today @DanishPanther, no novels for me to speed read through AM fasted cardio. Time moves slower without a retard by my side.

Your absolute best was on Saturday. This was you at your peak Coach Dane, your maximized genetic potential in action. The novels, the whining, the mental breakdowns, the replies, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever leave this bike. This was your magnum opus Coach Dane, your watershed moment, you claimed the title of Giga Retard and you defended that throne, it was beautiful.
You’re slacking today @DanishPanther, no novels for me to speed read through AM fasted cardio. Time moves slower without a retard by my side.

Your absolute best was on Saturday. This was you at your peak Coach Dane, your maximized genetic potential in action. The novels, the whining, the mental breakdowns, the replies, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever leave this bike. This was your magnum opus Coach Dane, your watershed moment, you claimed the title of Giga Retard and you defended that throne, it was beautiful.
Not able to control your autistic meltdown I see!
Well enjoy the throne autism-dude, it's all yours now. ;)

Good for you, that you can feel like a badass because you for once in your life biked for 45 minutes and believes you are burning 700 kcals by walking an hour, and twice as much lifting a little weight - because your Iwatch told you so on your DNP, Adderal, and Reta elevated heart rythms. :rolleyes:

ShredSeason said:
I am just sick of being fat. I don’t want this shit on my body for one more second. I want it gone. I want it to die. I want it to feel my insides burning on DNP. I want it to hurt. I want to suffer. I deserve this, for what I did to my body, for not having the self control to put down a fucking hamburger.

The only human limit you are going to explore is your own finity dude.

Now leave me and my thread alone and go create those results on 70 grams of low quality protein pr. day, while trying to copy Scruf who ate 240+ grams of high quality protein pr. day doing his thing...
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New premises:

If any of you are using GLP-1's and etc. is stacking them with other GLP-1's, or are using complimentary peds or meds:

I'm all ears in this thread.

Tell me:
What you are using:
Why you are using it:
And your experience using it:
If it's working out for you? what are your positive effects?
Are you having negative effects?

For everything else, fuck off to another dude and another thread!

If all you want to do is crap in it - to feel cool about yourself and frame yourself as total badass - like the lowest dudes at this place have been doing for the last 11 pages - then fuck off to another guy and another thread.
New premises:

If any of you are using GLP-1's and etc. is stacking them with other GLP-1's, or are using complimentary peds or meds:

I'm all ears in this thread.

Tell me:
What you are using:
Why you are using it:
And your experience using it:
If it's working out for you? what are your positive effects?
Are you having negative effects?

For everything else, fuck off to another dude and another thread!

If all you want to do is crap in it - to feel cool about yourself and frame yourself as total badass - like the lowest dudes at this place have been doing for the last 11 pages - then fuck off to another guy and another thread.
Tell me:
What you are using:
burgers, mostly
Why you are using it: It’s against nature laws for me to stop, simply
And your experience using it: Mostly positive, the carb comas drown out my otherwise miserable existence
If it's working out for you? what are your positive effects? I’d say it’s working pretty good, making some decent gains, mostly in the stomach
Are you having negative effects? Not really, my wife did leave me, but I’ll get her back once I’m back to 8% bodyfat
Tell me:
What you are using:
burgers, mostly
Why you are using it: It’s against nature laws for me to stop, simply
And your experience using it: Mostly positive, the carb comas drown out my otherwise miserable existence
If it's working out for you? what are your positive effects? I’d say it’s working pretty good, making some decent gains, mostly in the stomach
Are you having negative effects? Not really, my wife did leave me, but I’ll get her back once I’m back to 8% bodyfat
You must be proud of yourself
Consider changing your name to "autistic meltdown".
ShredSeason said:
I am just sick of being fat. I don’t want this shit on my body for one more second. I want it gone. I want it to die. I want it to feel my insides burning on DNP. I want it to hurt. I want to suffer. I deserve this, for what I did to my body, for not having the self control to put down a fucking hamburger.
you are seriously one of the most pathetic excuses for a human being I have ever encountered in all my years.

You know absolutely nothing about mental toughness. You realize a large majority of us on this forum are recovering drug addicts and alcoholics.

For instance just 2 weeks ago It was 11 years to the day since I DECIDED to stop injecting heroin into my arm.

And you’re gonna sit here and say that there’s no mental toughness in the world strong enough for you to stop eating snacks?

You wouldn’t know personal responsibility if it bit you in the fucking ass.

As one of the members above nailed it “enjoy the prison of a body you’ve built for yourself”

What a fucking joke you are.
Awesome job on quitting that heroin bro. If you have the willpower to do that, you can do anything.
New premises:

If any of you are using GLP-1's and etc. is stacking them with other GLP-1's, or are using complimentary peds or meds:

I'm all ears in this thread.

Tell me:
What you are using:
Why you are using it:
And your experience using it:
If it's working out for you? what are your positive effects?
Are you having negative effects?

For everything else, fuck off to another dude and another thread!

If all you want to do is crap in it - to feel cool about yourself and frame yourself as total badass - like the lowest dudes at this place have been doing for the last 11 pages - then fuck off to another guy and another thread.
I am using willpower. Try it.
I am using willpower. Try it.
Like any of you little cunt boys (and here I'm not talking to people at this place in general, but this tiny handful of wankers that sucks each other off) could pull off the cut I performed before realizing I need more than just willpower to handle my appetite this time, before going 6-9 months of being in a 2-3000 kcal deficit, again.

I can repeat this 900 more times, but your tiny brains seem unable to comprehend it... no comprendo... It's easy to lose 20 kg in 3 months the first time you do it, even going back down to 8-10 % in 6 months: but it becomes significantly harder when you regain 40 kg, and do it again ... when you regain 60 kg the third time and have big amounts of traumatic stress to deal with in your life as well, it's a different situation.

Any idiot can truck on the short term (esp when he uses mega doses of steroids as a crutch), it takes more brains to solve such a problem long term - not because you have some fat on your body for the first time in your life - it's long term the problems arrises.

You are like the guy who just ate an entire steak dinner, calling the guy who completed 6 weeks without eating or sleeping, pathetic, for not going another round.

Ohh and gaining 60 kg is also something different when you do it in 5 months and have bigger amounts of muscle mass beneath the fat than if you have been a fat little fuck boy your entire life.

At this weight I'm out of the gym, I would destroy myself if I went back there with this weight ... like literally tearing myself apart... even walking is difficult right now my feet is so swollen I can't even fit my shoes and my skins is bursting like clothing that are to small.. I need to lose 20 kg rapidly to fit my skin again and get back there training.

It's easy when you have the appetite of a teenage girl!
Now show me you can go a year without eating and then we can talk about how tough you all are!

Anyways, it's fucking idiotic anyways! Only wasp brains turn something like this into a macho competition! Or use it as an excuse to call other pathetic, because they feel like such losers in real life! You guys prick yourself in the ass with anything under the sun to be able to build just a tiny little amount of muscles - but the minute it comes to unbearable appetite and wanting to use a med to suppress it, a small voice in your tiny heads says “we gotta suffer” ...

But do play a tough guy on an anonymous forum on the internet... whatever makes you feel super badass and knowledgeable... just do it in someone else's thread.

Awesome job on quitting that heroin bro. If you have the willpower to do that, you can do anything.
Come on! apply your typical wasp-brain logic to his situation as well, as you right away did with me - and call him weak for being a quitter instead ... don't break character. Call him pathetic! Can't even keep taking heroine and deal with it, fucking pussy boy :D

And being able to do everything because you are a former junkie, let's take it easy here - get to show himself off in tiny panties to other men on a stage - sure - but let's not ask this guy to show us his university degrees, or how well he play the violine.
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Like any of you little cunt boys (and here I'm not talking to people at this place in general, but this tiny handful of wankers that sucks each other off) could pull off the cut I performed before realizing I need more than just willpower to handle my appetite this time, before going 6-9 months of being in a 2-3000 kcal deficit, again.

I can repeat this 900 more times, but your tiny brains seem unable to comprehend it... no comprendo... It's easy to lose 20 kg in 3 months the first time you do it, even going back down to 8-10 % in 6 months: but it becomes significantly harder when you regain 40 kg, and do it again ... when you regain 60 kg the third time and have big amounts of traumatic stress to deal with in your life as well, it's a different situation.

Any idiot can truck on the short term (esp when he uses mega doses of steroids as a crutch), it takes more brains to solve such a problem long term - not because you have some fat on your body for the first time in your life - it's long term the problems arrises.

You are like the guy who just ate an entire steak dinner, calling the guy who completed 6 weeks without eating or sleeping, pathetic, for not going another round.

Ohh and gaining 60 kg is also something different when you do it in 5 months and have bigger amounts of muscle mass beneath the fat than if you have been a fat little fuck boy your entire life.

At this weight I'm out of the gym, I would destroy myself if I went back there with this weight ... like literally tearing myself apart... even walking is difficult right now my feet is so swollen I can't even fit my shoes and my skins is bursting like clothing that are to small.. I need to lose 20 kg rapidly to fit my skin again and get back there training.

It's easy when you have the appetite of a teenage girl!
Now show me you can go a year without eating and then we can talk about how tough you all are!

Anyways, it's fucking idiotic anyways! Only wasp brains turn something like this into a macho competition! Or use it as an excuse to call other pathetic, because they feel like such losers in real life! You guys prick yourself in the ass with anything under the sun to be able to build just a tiny little amount of muscles - but the minute it comes to unbearable appetite and wanting to use a med to suppress it, a small voice in your tiny heads says “we gotta suffer” ...

But do play a tough guy on an anonymous forum on the internet... whatever makes you feel super badass and knowledgeable... just do it in someone else's thread.

Come on! apply your typical wasp-brain logic to his situation as well, as you right away did with me - and call him weak for being a quitter instead ... don't break character. Call him pathetic! Can't even keep taking heroine and deal with it, fucking pussy boy :D

And being able to do everything because you are a former junkie, let's take it easy here - get to show himself off in tiny panties to other men on a stage - sure - but let's not ask this guy to show us his university degrees, or how well he play the violine.
JUST IN on time for tonight’s lifts, this should be a fun one.
JUST IN before tonight’s lifts, this should be a fun one.
Well I'm always enjoying myself on you guys account :D

PS: For inspiration, you can look at my avatar, if you count the plates you might notice that it's yours truly deadlifting 270 kg raw, you can try to figure out how long time that is going to take you to achieve - and remember that I did it naturally!

PS: glad to see you followed my diet advice, though going all berserk about it first: I promise that will be the thing that saves you if anything can. Aim for 180-250 grams of protein, well perhaps even more since you are doing steroids if you want the effect for preserving LBM out of them - so your ass skin won't look like you are wearing pants that are 6 numbers to big when you are done... Studies show a 2/3 loss of LBM in rapid fat loss on a protein intake below 140 grams, and that's without accounting for the extra need your exercise adds (usually doubles it under conditions like these) day.

I would really aim for around 240 grams a day if I was you, but you might get away with 180 grams, you won't get away with 70.
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There, I fixed it for you.
Lol, I have said that all along myself so no need to fix it!

You are sure you don't mean too pathetic to handle it a third time without the support of GLA-1s?!

Like you were too pathetic not to handle your heroin addiction for years and years?! :D ... dude you are just about macho enough to get yourself killed or end up getting raped in prison!
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Well I'm always enjoying myself on you guys account :D

PS: For inspiration, you can look at my avatar, if you count the plates you might notice that it's yours truly deadlifting 270 kg raw, you can try to figure out how long time that is going to take you to achieve - and remember that I did it naturally!
That avatar proves one of your lies too. There is no such thing as a sf guy without lots of tattoos all over the arms and chest. Those are cook arms
That avatar proves one of your lies too. There is no such thing as a sf guy without lots of tattoos all over the arms and chest. Those are cook arms
Lol, see that's the dif between you and me ... my arms might be double the size of yours at 8%... but because I don't look like a prison bitch like you ...
Like you were too pathetic not to handle your heroin addiction for years and years?! :D ... dude you are just about macho enough to get yourself killed or end up getting raped in prison!
You’re out here making prison jokes while you’re still being raped by the Wendy’s drive thru.
You’re out here making prison jokes while you’re still being raped by the Wendy’s drive thru.
Dude I don’t even know what that is, never had eating habits like yours.
I mean food that made me gain 60 kg in 3 months, are the type you described you where trying to diet on a few weeks ago