Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

You weren't fucking special forces dude. You are too fucking weak mentally. Go fucking tell lies to someone who doesn't know better. You were a fucking paper pusher at best. Always amusing when a moron lies about their military service.
Side note, anyone ever seen an obese former special forces dude? Nobody? They don't exist
This fat asses delusional stolen valor shit is just straight up disgusting. I’ve seen this asshole claim to be everything from sof, to a successful businessman, to a research scientist, to someone who was 8% body fat for decades. It’s just all very clearly bullshit. I’d bet he’s been obese his entire life.

In reality he’s just a morbidly obese fucking liar and loser too lazy and scared to take control of his life making up fanciful lies to make himself feel better.
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lol, if you were hitting anywhere near home, I'm sure I would feel sobbing about what you just wrote ...

But it's not dude, and you can pm me if you want me to prove it.
Not that I care... but it's not like my RL is a secret to anyone dude.

I'm also rather known in the training environment already, and have been since 1999 or so.

The fact is your tiny brain has a hard time getting that someone can be dieting and training for 4 x 1,5 years, the way you are advicing them to, and still end up fatter than they started - because their brain is set at a different point regarding cravings and hunger (and allot else) than yours are - and that no one ever beats their biology or systems as a hole naturally.

I mean it's not really controversial, every person who works professionally on the topic can tell you - these very meds are built on that science.
But keep up thinking you have figured it all out.

If anyone wants to talk about the meds/peds, and not everything else.
I'll happily talk with them, if not stop spamming my thread.

If you have private beef with me, we can take it over pm, you can add me on facebook or linkedin and we can take it over there.

PS: I'm not successful, but I used to be ... I've already told you so.
Talk about being limited in your imagination. "my brain can conquer everything", but that someone has trained before, been in the army, have a university degree (not to say two university degrees), work experience in the field of training research, and later on started their own business that they still struggle with at the age of 44 is outside of your belief Jesus!!! With the power of your guy's minds, you should at least be billionaires yourself by now... I mean, you "just do it", right?" ... that's your advice, "just do it" ... "just diet" "just train" "just become a billionaire" "just pull your penis till it's 2 meters long"... You don't need to game the systems, the biological ones, the cultural ones, with meds, or peds, strategies, plans, knowledge or anything else: Just follow your testosterone instincts, just train and diet and go out and make those billions ... or is it, in fact, you guys who are projecting ...

Starting to get the sense of some guys sitting there at home fantasizing about how you can do XYZ just by the power of your own will - while really just sitting at home while using all your time on an anonymous forum, without any intelligent tactics or application - we will see when you add me with a real profile on social media! - These accusations go both ways you see! So let's stop hiding on an anonymous forum.

Anyways, I really don't care more about this place at this point, I basically have the knowledge I need about these meds, I wanted to write a few post to Shredded to pay him back for his advice based on his experiences with these peds - but I'll be out of here executing my plans from now on ... and you guys will still be in here, relying on this place to feel worth a god damn.
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lol, if you were hitting anywhere near home, I'm sure I would feel sobbing about what you just wrote ...

But it's not dude, and you can pm me if you want me to prove it.
Not that I care... but it's not like my RL is a secret to anyone dude.

I'm also rather known in the training environment already, and have been since 1999 or so.

The fact is your tiny brain has a hard time getting that someone can be dieting and training for 4 x 1,5 years, the way you are advicing them to, and still end up fatter than they started - because their brain is set at a different point regarding cravings and hunger (and allot else) than yours are - and that no one ever beats their biology or systems as a hole naturally.

I mean it's not really controversial, every person who works professionally on the topic can tell you - these very meds are built on that science.
But keep up thinking you have figured it all out.

If anyone wants to talk about the meds/peds, and not everything else.
I'll happily talk with them, if not stop spamming my thread.

If you have private beef with me, we can take it over pm, you can add me on facebook or linkedin and we can take it over there.

PS: I'm not successful, but I used to be ... I've already told you so.
Talk about being limited in your imagination. "my brain can conquer everything", but that someone has trained before, been in the army, have a university degree (not to say two university degrees), work experience in the field of training research, and later on started their own business that they still struggle with at the age of 44 is outside of your belief Jesus!!! With the power of your guy's minds, you should at least be billionaires yourself by now... I mean, you "just do it", right?" ... that's your advice, "just do it" ... "just diet" "just train" "just become a billionaire" "just pull your penis till it's 2 meters long"... You don't need to game the systems, the biological ones, the cultural ones, with meds, or peds, strategies, plans, knowledge or anything else: Just follow your testosterone instincts, just train and diet and go out and make those billions ... or is it, in fact, you guys who are projecting ...

Starting to get the sense of some guys sitting there at home fantasizing about how you can do XYZ just by the power of your own will - while really just sitting at home while using all your time on an anonymous forum, without any intelligent tactics or application - we will see when you add me with a real profile on social media! - These accusations go both ways you see! So let's stop hiding on an anonymous forum.

Anyways, I really don't care more about this place at this point, I basically have the knowledge I need about these meds, I wanted to write a few post to Shredded to pay him back for his advice based on his experiences with these peds - but I'll be out of here executing my plans from now on ... and you guys will still be in here, relying on this place to feel worth a god damn.
No one believes you bruh. At this point I literally think everything you’ve said has been some delusional self-aggrandizing tale you’ve come up with to feel better about where you’re at in life. You’re absolutely lying about your military service, and it’s shameful. At best you pushed papers. You’re a parasite on this community with your personal lies and false attempts to paint yourself an expert in things you clearly only know via reading.

Have you lost a single pound? Been to the gym once? Gone on one long walk? Restricted your calories in any way? We all know the answer is no. So go buy your drugs you’re not ready for and enjoy rebounding your weight for time 5 (but I honestly doubt you were ever in shape).

Good luck bruh…
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Don't need anyone too believe anything, that's their business ;)
Enjoy the theraphy, hope it will help you get away from this board into the real world soon enough ... good luck with your own shit mate!
I will enjoy it. Just like I enjoy calling you out on your lies and bullshit in between sets at the gym first thing in the morning. Brings me joy. Just like, walking, moving around, having sex, not getting out of breath going upstairs, not feeling like my skin is too small, not hating myself in the mirror, not getting sick easy, not having my partner being disgusted by me, seeing my dick, and all the other things you can’t do in your physical state! XD All that will bring me joy while you’re making elaborate lies about how you were spec ops super soldier at 8% body fat that magically ended up past 300lbs due to the evils of the world! It’s definitely not your depression, binge eating, and obvious mental disorders holding you back but the universe and god man!!!

Enjoy weight rebound #5 with the added benefit of drug sides on your already frail body.
I will enjoy it. Just like I enjoy calling you out on your lies and bullshit in between sets at the gym first thing in the morning. Brings me joy. Just like, walking, moving around, having sex, not getting out of breath going upstairs, not feeling like my skin is too small, not hating myself in the mirror, not getting sick easy, not having my partner being disgusted by me, seeing my dick, and all the other things you can’t do in your physical state! XD All that will bring me joy while you’re making elaborate lies about how you were spec ops super soldier at 8% body fat that magically ended up past 300lbs due to the evils of the world! It’s definitely not your depression, binge eating, and obvious mental disorders holding you back but the universe and god man!!!

Enjoy weight rebound #5 with the added benefit of drug sides on your already frail body.
Avvv, I hit a nerve yet again I see ... Well that's just the conditions I'm in, and I'm fine about it! Despite all those things I still have a life of accomplishments to be proud of, and in 6 months I'll have most of it fixed already, - but you will still be you. :)

PS: Conditions in the world - that explain things and will make me stronger - I see no evil, and cry not foul - - that you are blind to see there is such a thing as conditions in this world, just mean you will be more effected by them than me... good luck with that.
Avvv, I hit a nerve yet again I see ... Well that's just the conditions I'm in, and I'm fine about it! Despite all those things I still have a life of accomplishments to be proud of, and in 6 months I'll have most of it fixed already, - but you will still be you. :)

PS: Conditions in the world - that explain things and will make me stronger - I see no evil, and cry not foul - - that you are blind to see there is such a thing as conditions in this world, just mean you will be more effected by them than me... good luck with that.
Lmfao! Oh yah man, you’re definitely fixing things! That’s why you’re like 350lbs, right? That’s why you’re crying about your wife leaving you, yah? That’s why you’re blaming your business partner for your failed business, mhm? That’s why the made up stories about being sof, huh?

Real fixed bro!!!!

You’re a liar and a fraud.
I will enjoy it. Just like I enjoy calling you out on your lies and bullshit in between sets at the gym first thing in the morning.
LMFAO so I’m not the only one that does this! I speed read his novels during cardio laughing my fucking ass off at people’s replies and how fucking pathetic he is, next thing I know 20 minutes has melted away.
LMFAO so I’m not the only one that does this! I speed read his novels during cardio laughing my fucking ass off at people’s replies and how fucking pathetic he is, next thing I know 20 minutes has melted away.
I'm glad I have a positive influence on you ...

As for pathetic lol, just lol :rolleyes: