Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

so danish panties also has his own fatloss thread?
does he insult everyone taking peds here as well?
No, like the other thread, only hypocrates like you Vern, who goes into others threads to lecture them about how peds are bad, while you drown yourself in so many steroids your brain have turned into a wasp-brain that feels the need to shoot aggressive posts of like a machine gun, because you feel someone is disrespecting you on the internet…

You see the diffrence between you and me, is that you are here to compensate for the lack of status you have in real life; where as I’m here exchanging and have constructive conversations with people I do like.

i knew that's what it was about all along
Well glad you finally found out what the thread is about.

Since post one, I have tried to ask people of their experiences of what compounds improves the experience of using GLP-1s.

That’s ALL the thread is about!

But guys like you are drowning the thread with:

“You are pathetic for asking about peds to help you out in your situation, just do it Naturally” (while you yourself are taking 9000 much worse things).

fuck, i can't even read one single post by danish panties... way too long and boring
Well as long ss you are constructive instead of acting like an idiot, I’ll gladly spell it out for you or give you the pixie book version, all you have to do is ask ;)

PS: if there is a mod in here, I would really like a clenup.
Bruh, you’re a month in on these stupid rants where you’re trying to puff up your ego while simultaneously it appears you haven’t lost a single pound or done anything to improve your life or health beyond these frankly bizarre anti-aas rants you go on that makes the entire community think you’re an obnoxious fat ass. It’s just fucking sad watching someone like you come up with every excuse under the sun for why it’s not your fault you’re too lazy to get your health under control and in your own hands.

A month in someone as obese as you should have had no problem dropping 5+ pounds a week by simply monitoring your caloric intake and a little god damn walking. You realize these rants are not improving your health in any way? Typing this stupid shit out isn’t proving anything to anyone, nor is burning any calories. Just go for some fucking walks and quit shoving food down your throat.

Quit whining like a little bitch and get to work.
@DanishPanther , I never talked about this, but my Tirzepatide sat in my room for 3 months before I started. Some sort of mental block, I guess part of me didn’t want to change, even a shitty life is comfortable once you’re used to it.

You have way more knowledge about GLP-1s than I did starting out. You’ve done enough research, it’s time to pull the trigger. One advice I have is to start moving around now, not even hard workouts, just get your body used to moving again, and start changing your eating habits while you wait for your order. Even if you gain weight eating a ton of healthy food, your life will be so much easier once you get your GLP and start losing.

I almost tore a ligament day 2 because I went too hard, and I’m still struggling to put together good eating habits beyond CICO “eat the same dogshit poison you’re feeding yourself just less of it.” I’m around 50 pounds down, but I would have been much better off if I took the advice I just gave you. You will be more prone to injury once you’re severely limiting calories. Start building good habits now to have a solid foundation.

As far as this bickering back and forth with all these people goes, I deeply encourage you to watch and internalize this video. It changed my life 12 years ago, and it will change yours too if you allow it to.

Nothing anyone says can affect you if you don’t allow it to. It’s always your choice. Everything in your life is your responsibility. You need to start thinking about what actually matters and what will actually get you closer to your goals. All this bickering with does nothing for you.

Think objectively. What will you accomplish if you changed their minds, if they understood you? What will that do for you? Nothing. Forget about trying to prove yourself right, it’s a waste of time. I want you to be selfish. Any interaction that doesn’t add value to your life is opportunity wasted. Period. If you can separate yourself from the ego and emotion, you’ll find that even people that are nasty often leave golden nuggets of value you can benefit from. I usually find it best to quietly take the advice/value those people provide and ignore the bullshit.

Talking about your past accomplishments or what you’re going to accomplish is a cheap way to gain self gratification without actually putting in the work. Listen to The War of Art while you’re going for your walks, that will change your life too. Never take pride in what you’ve done, and especially on what you’re going to do. You should only take pride in action, the present moment, what you’re doing right now. Anything else will sabotage you, giving you hits of dopamine you haven’t earned. It poisons your dreams, insidiously lulling you into a sense of pride that only current action should provide. Everything must be earned.
Talking about your past accomplishments or what you’re going to accomplish is a cheap way to gain self gratification without actually putting in the work. Listen to The War of Art while you’re going for your walks, that will change your life too. Never take pride in what you’ve done, and especially on what you’re going to do. You should only take pride in action, the present moment, what you’re doing right now. Anything else will sabotage you, giving you hits of dopamine you haven’t earned. It poisons your dreams, insidiously lulling you into a sense of pride that only current action should provide. Everything must be earned.
This is such solid fucking advice that will almost assuredly be ignored by op. I’ve literally not seen him do anything beyond try and talk about how “glamorous” his past was and how “successful” he was while simultaneously talking about how weak, ill, sad, and downtrodden he is. It’s sad, and belies a clear need to explore his psychological self and get to the root of his self-loathing.
@DanishPanther , I never talked about this, but my Tirzepatide sat in my room for 3 months before I started. Some sort of mental block, I guess part of me didn’t want to change, even a shitty life is comfortable once you’re used to it.

You have way more knowledge about GLP-1s than I did starting out. You’ve done enough research, it’s time to pull the trigger. One advice I have is to start moving around now, not even hard workouts, just get your body used to moving again, and start changing your eating habits while you wait for your order. Even if you gain weight eating a ton of healthy food, your life will be so much easier once you get your GLP and start losing.

I almost tore a ligament day 2 because I went too hard, and I’m still struggling to put together good eating habits beyond CICO “eat the same dogshit poison you’re feeding yourself just less of it.” I’m around 50 pounds down, but I would have been much better off if I took the advice I just gave you. You will be more prone to injury once you’re severely limiting calories. Start building good habits now to have a solid foundation.

As far as this bickering back and forth with all these people goes, I deeply encourage you to watch and internalize this video. It changed my life 12 years ago, and it will change yours too if you allow it to.

Nothing anyone says can affect you if you don’t allow it to. It’s always your choice. Everything in your life is your responsibility. You need to start thinking about what actually matters and what will actually get you closer to your goals. All this bickering with does nothing for you.

Think objectively. What will you accomplish if you changed their minds, if they understood you? What will that do for you? Nothing. Forget about trying to prove yourself right, it’s a waste of time. I want you to be selfish. Any interaction that doesn’t add value to your life is opportunity wasted. Period. If you can separate yourself from the ego and emotion, you’ll find that even people that are nasty often leave golden nuggets of value you can benefit from. I usually find it best to quietly take the advice/value those people provide and ignore the bullshit.

Talking about your past accomplishments or what you’re going to accomplish is a cheap way to gain self gratification without actually putting in the work. Listen to The War of Art while you’re going for your walks, that will change your life too. Never take pride in what you’ve done, and especially on what you’re going to do. You should only take pride in action, the present moment, what you’re doing right now. Anything else will sabotage you, giving you hits of dopamine you haven’t earned. It poisons your dreams, insidiously lulling you into a sense of pride that only current action should provide. Everything must be earned.
Well first of all thank you for your post, the first one in here that is intended constructive at least!

But listen mate, I get that, but I'm not in that situation.
I have struggled every single day to keep my weight down, without exceptions, but it's not a war I'm winning right now.

Just going into the war is what I have been doing all this time (for years), it's just not working anymore, I need to have a plan to take advantage of these meds to make sure I win. It's what they are developed for after all! (I already studied all there is about diet, training, and psychology).

As for the GLP-1, my approach is different than the way they are intended, I'm going to run them with the same RFL I did the last 3 times ... these compounds being the massive difference - and they are that massive of a difference, as you only have to quit taking yours for a month to experience.

Now a purchase is not a light thing on my end, these meds are expensive, and in my country hard to get access to: I have one chance here to buy the right stuff and make it work - or I will get set back another year - and I'm not in a situation like yours economically right now, where I can just buy everything and just try it out.

Also, I don't take the risks as lightly as you do, I don't want to end up worse than when I started - I have done that enough, by thinking I could do it without any med support already.

Specifically, I'm trying to figure out which one suppresses the appetite, cravings and food addiction enough at a 900 kcal intake that is - and what I can do to not get depleted of all energy as well.

In one end Sema is said to suppress and even cure it very affectively (it's not just the plate of chocolate, even ppl taking Adderal, stops), but the price seems to be no energy.

In the other we now have Reta, which probably won't suppress what I need it to, at the doses I can afford - but keeps the metabolism running smothly.

It's possible I need to combine them somehow.
Or combine one of them with something else.

On top of that, there are issues like loose skin and such ... how it will affect sleep ... recovery, and such - that also worries me allot!

I know my body at that level of kcal will do anything to pacify me, that's just how things work!

Also, I'm not using 6 years to get back into shape, I don't have that amount of time! - I have been fat like 5 years out of 44, I won't stay fat into my 50's.

As for the guys in here spamming the threads, thank you but these guys do not affect me at all, they are simply blocking me from the information I'm seeking ... I haven't used any energy or time on them, I wrote the posts back at them with my left hand while reading the newspaper - and found it fun giving them a little lesson while I was at it ... it has caused me nothing but laughing on their expense to be honest.

I will however watch the video you shared and read the book or listen to the audiobook, thank you so much for sharing.

The thing is I can very well see you mean it intentionally good, therefor I'm grateful ... most of these guys didn't ... they might claim to, but it's about something else to them.

So with all that being said, thank you for your post!
Last edited:
I had been running 3 x RFL living on 600 kcals pure chicken breast, green vegs and fishoil (and nothing else, without as much as a cheat meal) for 6 months each time, followed by a year maintenance period, but that eventually I ended up feeling like not being able to hold my breath for more than a year and a half at a time! And each of those times, I ended up 20 kg heavier than I had been before I started my diet!
Well, yah, you can’t maintain that forever. That’s an incredible deficit and an unforgiving cut. That said, if you can do that again, then do it!!! And then, when you feel you “can’t hold your breath” you can add in glp-1 to help you over that hump. You’ll have all the healthy habits already established and a routine you can continue to stick to. Then you’re using glp-1 as a tool, not a crutch.
my body is not built for this kind of weight
No one’s body is built for this kind of weight. Yet you’ve demonstrates (4 times apparently) that you can loose it for a period of 18 months, so do it again.
3. The thread was about GLP-1s and complimentary peds ... there is no advice on that. ONLY, go to therapy, you are just to weak, we hope you die in your fat body ... type of shit!
You are getting these types of reactions because you are fucking insufferable in your responses and demeanor. My first comment to you about your over the top complaining was met with a paragraphs long rant about everything from how I’m blasting 18iu of gh and grams of test, how I look at pictures of men in their underwear (wtf btw), how successful and achieved you are, followed by how ill and trapped you feel (which was the only part of your response that felt genuine). No shit that gets met with “okay, well enjoy your shit situation you made for yourself.” You just come off as a pompous dude fishing for excuses for your failures with that behavior.

Like others have said to you, if you dropped your narcissistic responses, quit whining, and actually took the fairly plentiful advice you’ve been given, than this whole forum would be in your corner.
My mother and daughter both suffer from Schizophrenia, and are committed to the idea of killing themselves together - and it's my full-time job besides everything else to keep them from doing so... It happens every 2 months or so because they are in denial of their sickness and won't take their meds ...
This sounds like a nightmare. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I personally know over a dozen people of have killed themselves and know how tragic that is for families and loved ones, especially parents. My only suggestion here would be you I strongly feel you need to cut your unstable mother out of your and your daughter’s life to protect her. In this situation I think you can only truly be a parent to one party, and it’s clear which party that should be. I’m surprised your therapist has not been pushing you to cut your toxic mother off to protect your child honestly,

Also, sorry to hear about your whore ex, got one too, is no fun.

to be honest, right now I can't see the difference between you and vern
That’s just cause you don’t want to hear what I’m telling you, which is that it is your fault your body is this way and only you can fix it. Whatever excuses you have are just that, excuses. Yes, things are hard for you, but focusing on that does absolutely nothing to improve your situation. Throwing in glp-1 without a healthy foundation, or even working to build a healthy foundation, is just a waste imo. You will simply relapse weight, or have to stay on drugs perpetually that have very little to no long term health studies.

Do what you’ve apparently done before, and get into that healthy routine, and then add in aids such as glp-1.

Also, you’re going to hate to hear this, but you should very likely get your test levels checked. At that weight, with your stress, and your lack of mobility, it would not be shocking if your test is in the gutter and estro over the moon. This would help explain your despair, lack of drive, and feelings of being trapped. There are non-aas interventions like hcg, hmg, and hgh that can help boost numbers into the normal to high normal range without the same level of systemic shutdown. Edit - you may also not want to hear this but it’s entirely possible with your lifestyle you’ve permanently damaged your adrenal system. You should see an endo for a workup assuming financial means. Diet, exercise, and supplements helped double my testosterone from when I was not as healthy, but I was far from where you are your levels may be far more damaged and harder to fix without direct intervention.

Edit - also, whoever suggested you get a coach to keep you accountable has given you the best suggestion out of everyone in your thread. You need someone to keep you accountable far more than you need drugs.

Edit edit - I moved this discussion from ShreadSeason’s thread to here because it’s about you.
In the other we now have Reta, which probably won't suppress what I need it to, at the doses I can afford - but keeps the metabolism running smothly.
Don’t reinvent the wheel here if you’re going to just jump in, nothing you’re doing is that special. Pick one glp-1 (I’d recommend tirz based on all the anecdotal reports) and stick with it following the cycle exactly as prescribed. You will see weight loss and food noise dissipation.
Tirz should definitely be your pick. If you're trying to be safe, going with Reta seems like a terrible idea with it still going through clinical trials. Tirz is great for weight loss and no energy issues on it.
Thank you for your post man.
Well it's not the trials that worry me though - these meds are way, WAY healthier than what anyone else in here takes (including hgh, and trt).

Reta is produced by Lilly and is just an improvement of Triz, and it went smoothly through the first 2 trials without a single bad case (very rare for meds) and it's way into the 3rd and last trial by now:

My concern is:
1) that many people on it say it does not suppress their cravings and appetite enough: that it works a lot less effectively on suppressing appetite, hunger, cravings, and such - and that's the main thing I need it for (to supress those biological signals as much as possible).

2) price, I'm not sure I can afford betting on the wrong med.

Now on the positive side:
1) people are still losing weight after 72 weeks in both the 8, 12,5 and 15 mg groups.
2) They are losing a lot more than people on Triz and Sema
3) There seem to be a lot fewer side effects and it seems even healthier (etc. frees the liver of all fat in less than 3 months completely).
4) People seem to have a lot more energy and a lot less metabolic slowdown.

I'm willing to run smaller risks, as there always will be with meds, but sure I'm trying to keep it safe.

If I knew Sema could suppress things enough, while I'll be doing 6 months of RFL, then I would definitely choose Sema.

That's why this thread was about people with experiences about that.

Triz, seems like the safer choice: but 1) Some also say Triz does not suppress appetite, cravings, food addiction, and so on enough compared to Sema. 2) it lacks many of the positives from Reta.

So I'm just not as sure on what's the right choice as you are ... but I'll choose within a day or two (need to get the thing ordered before the Chinese New Year). ...

Anyways, as you can see each has it's shortage.
The question then becomes if those shortages can be accounted for by other meds. <= This is basically what my goal with this thread was to find out, so I could place an order ASAP and get started on this thing... (I also had to look into laws, and sources, and risk of buying and stuff like that; not a minor thing where I live, so it was okay to use these few days on it extra).

Anyway, this was a helpful post, and more so an intended helpful post. So thank you very much man.
Well, yah, you can’t maintain that forever. That’s an incredible deficit and an unforgiving cut. That said, if you can do that again, then do it!!! And then, when you feel you “can’t hold your breath” you can add in glp-1 to help you over that hump. You’ll have all the healthy habits already established and a routine you can continue to stick to. Then you’re using glp-1 as a tool, not a crutch.

No one’s body is built for this kind of weight. Yet you’ve demonstrates (4 times apparently) that you can loose it for a period of 18 months, so do it again.

You are getting these types of reactions because you are fucking insufferable in your responses and demeanor. My first comment to you about your over the top complaining was met with a paragraphs long rant about everything from how I’m blasting 18iu of gh and grams of test, how I look at pictures of men in their underwear (wtf btw), how successful and achieved you are, followed by how ill and trapped you feel (which was the only part of your response that felt genuine). No shit that gets met with “okay, well enjoy your shit situation you made for yourself.” You just come off as a pompous dude fishing for excuses for your failures with that behavior.

Like others have said to you, if you dropped your narcissistic responses, quit whining, and actually took the fairly plentiful advice you’ve been given, than this whole forum would be in your corner.

This sounds like a nightmare. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I personally know over a dozen people of have killed themselves and know how tragic that is for families and loved ones, especially parents. My only suggestion here would be you I strongly feel you need to cut your unstable mother out of your and your daughter’s life to protect her. In this situation I think you can only truly be a parent to one party, and it’s clear which party that should be. I’m surprised your therapist has not been pushing you to cut your toxic mother off to protect your child honestly,

Also, sorry to hear about your whore ex, got one too, is no fun.

That’s just cause you don’t want to hear what I’m telling you, which is that it is your fault your body is this way and only you can fix it. Whatever excuses you have are just that, excuses. Yes, things are hard for you, but focusing on that does absolutely nothing to improve your situation. Throwing in glp-1 without a healthy foundation, or even working to build a healthy foundation, is just a waste imo. You will simply relapse weight, or have to stay on drugs perpetually that have very little to no long term health studies.

Do what you’ve apparently done before, and get into that healthy routine, and then add in aids such as glp-1.

Also, you’re going to hate to hear this, but you should very likely get your test levels checked. At that weight, with your stress, and your lack of mobility, it would not be shocking if your test is in the gutter and estro over the moon. This would help explain your despair, lack of drive, and feelings of being trapped. There are non-aas interventions like hcg, hmg, and hgh that can help boost numbers into the normal to high normal range without the same level of systemic shutdown. Edit - you may also not want to hear this but it’s entirely possible with your lifestyle you’ve permanently damaged your adrenal system. You should see an endo for a workup assuming financial means. Diet, exercise, and supplements helped double my testosterone from when I was not as healthy, but I was far from where you are your levels may be far more damaged and harder to fix without direct intervention.

Edit - also, whoever suggested you get a coach to keep you accountable has given you the best suggestion out of everyone in your thread. You need someone to keep you accountable far more than you need drugs.

Edit edit - I moved this discussion from ShreadSeason’s thread to here because it’s about you.
Thank you, man, I'll move my answer into this post as well.

If any mod can help clean up shreddeds thread I'll appreciate it, sadly my posts are locked at this point, so can't directly move them over here.
Well thank you for a mostly positive post ... I appreciate most you are saying here, man.

----- ANSWERING -----

But listen, it's you who frames it all like I'm whining, it's so funny to me because I have never whined in my entire life, not even a single time felt sorry for myself.

I'm looking for medical solutions, not pity. (That's also why I hate even having to tell these things to anyone in here, it's none of others' business).

It's when you guys say: "Why are you asking about GLP-1, you don't need that, just man up and do it without any peds", that I'm just trying to explain the mechanisms behind my situation to guys like you, who assume way, way, way too much man.

You call it excuses but it's just the facts...

As for my situation, that's again so easy to suggest:
If I cut off my mother she is dead within a week, and I'm very close to her, so that's not going to be the choice I'll ever make... and sure all psychologists are telling me I need to keep no contact with both my mom and daughter, that I can't save them if I die myself anyways so that I should just let them go and live my life - but that's never going to be the choice I'll make ... it's not a war I'm giving up on... and neither is getting back in shape, rebuilding my business, or getting my wife back - I'll rather die trying, and that's not a metaphor.

My wife is lovely, she just followed the advice of her therapists and psychologists.

The situation is what it is, and I can deal with it (lol, well I'll laugh writing that - but let's just say I will keep trying to deal with it)... but it's still affecting me biologically: it's traumatic and stressful nonetheless, and my biology is messed up and thinks it can cure it by forcing me to eat all kind of crap - when in fact, right now, the opposite is needed.

That's not whining either, that's just explaining how I experience it.

As for the weight, you have to realize that I went from 86kg to 98kg (did rfl + a year of maintenance) 108 kg(did rfl + a year of maintenance), to 118 kg(did rfl + a year of maintenance), to 128 kg to 142 kg(I'm standing here now), each jump happened within months not years after I could no longer maintain maintenance.

Also, you are not realising the built-up fatigue from being at it so hard, for so long: once is easy, twice is okay ... but over time this thing gets HARD dude. The physical and psychological excess gets a lot smaller over time.

I have gone from being able to train 5 hours a day (sometimes did), to having a struggle just going down the stairs and shopping for my groceries: I do walk every day, but my condition is not improving, just getting worse and worse, and each time it feels like my heart is about to stop and my lungs fall out.

So realistically I just don't have another round of living 6 months on 600 kcals in me, without these meds being used to support me in doing so simultaneously.

You can call me concluding that being an excuse, but I would call the opposite lack of feel for one's own limitations or realism. When I was 108 kg only having run RFL once, nothing would have been easier to tell the same to one at 140 kg, but it's a totally different situation.

Btw. I have never had problems with accountability - I have been a coach and had coaches before ... I wouldn't care about failing a coach, but I hate to fail myself.

The plan is very simple man:
1) I have to keep battling not gaining more weight for right now.
2) As soon as I have the GLP-1 meds, I need to start the RFL again, possibly staying on a maintenance dose of GLP-1 meds for life.
3) I'll add whatever is safe and cheap, that supports that goal, makes me less fatigued, improve

But I rather speak about that in my own thread than derail Shreddeds, he does not deserve us craping in his thread.

Anyways, mostly thank you for that post man.
And you very well know it was different from the rest you wrote.
Well thank you for a mostly positive post ... I appreciate most you are saying here, man.

But listen, it's you who frames it all like I'm whining, it's so funny to me because I have never whined in my entire life, not even a single time felt sorry for myself.

I'm looking for medical solutions, not pity. (That's also why I hate even having to tell these things to anyone in here, it's none of others' business).

It's when you guys say: "Why are you asking about GLP-1, you don't need that, just man up and do it without any peds", that I'm just trying to explain the mechanisms behind my situation to guys like you, who assume way, way, way too much man.

You call it excuses but it's just the facts...

As for my situation, that's again so easy to suggest:
If I cut off my mother she is dead within a week, and I'm very close to her, so that's not going to be the choice I'll ever make... and sure all psychologists are telling me I need to keep no contact with both my mom and daughter, that I can't save them if I die myself anyways so that I should just let them go and live my life - but that's never going to be the choice I'll make ... it's not a war I'm giving up on... and neither is getting back in shape, rebuilding my business, or getting my wife back - I'll rather die trying, and that's not a metaphor.

My wife is lovely, she just followed the advice of her therapists and psychologists.

The situation is what it is, and I can deal with it (lol, well I'll laugh writing that - but let's just say I will keep trying to deal with it)... but it's still affecting me biologically: it's traumatic and stressful nonetheless, and my biology is messed up and thinks it can cure it by forcing me to eat all kind of crap - when in fact, right now, the opposite is needed.

That's not whining either, that's just explaining how I experience it.

As for the weight, you have to realize that I went from 86kg to 98kg (did rfl + a year of maintance) 108 kg(did rfl + a year of maintance), to 118 kg(did rfl + a year of maintance), to 128 kg to 142 kg(I'm standing here now), each jump happened within months not years after I could no longer maintain maintenance.

Also, you are not realising the built-up fatigue for being at it so hard, for so long: once is easy, twice is okay ... but over time this thing gets HARD dude. The physical and psychological excess gets allot smaller over time.

I have gone from being able to train 5 hours a day (sometimes did), to having a struggle just going down the stairs and shopping my groceries: I do walk every day, but condition is not improving, just getting worse and worse, and each time it feels like my heart is about to stop and my lungs fall out.

So realistically I just don't have another round of living 6 months on 600 kcals in me, without these meds being used to support me in doing so simultaneously.

You can call me concluding that being an excuse, but I would call the opposite lack of feel for one's own limitations or realism. When I was 108 kg only having run RFL once, nothing would have been easier to tell the same to one at 140 kg, but it's a totally different situation.

Btw. I have never had problems with accountability - I have been a coach and had coaches before ... I wouldn't care about failing a coach, but I hate to fail myself.

The plan is very simple man:
1) I have to keep battling not gaining more weight for right now.
2) As soon as I have the GLP-1 meds, I need to start the RFL again, possibly staying on a maintenance dose of GLP-1 meds for life.
3) I'll add whatever is safe and cheap, that supports that goal, makes me less fatigued, improve

But I rather speak about that in my own thread than derail Shreddeds, he does not deserve us craping in his thread.

Anyways, mostly thank you for that post man.
And you very well know it was different from the rest you wrote.
The response was different from the rest is because you had been acting like a complete pompous asshole to people providing you solid and reasonable responses and support for your questions, it just wasn’t what you want to hear and responded with whining. I know you don’t want to call it whining, but I can go through this thread and find at least a half dozen clear examples, no contest necessary, of you blatantly whining. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, I hated to admit when I was a whiny bitch full of excuses after my divorce.

I’m going to hit you with some harsh truths that I feel you neee to hear. You’re not gonna like them:

- Listen to your fucking psychologists and psychiatrists. Being a martyr is not helping fucking anyone or anything. They’re telling you the truth, and no one can fix other people as you are trying and failing to do.

- Just fucking look at yourself and the wild shit you’re passing off as normal. You’re easily 150lbs+ overweight, apparently gained in the span of months (which is obviously psychologically driven) and you’re passing that off as a somewhat normal response to things! You’re literally engaged in passive suicidality!

- You’re literally in here crying about how miserable your life is, ignoring your doctors and mental health experts, and now you’re considering adding illicit drugs from overseas into the mix!? That’s just stupid with where you are at mentally and physically.

- You think you can help others who are actively suicidal while you’re passively suicidal? Get real with yourself. You are clearly not in an emotionally sound and stable place for yourself even, how can you expect to be a resource to others? You’re likely making things worse pretending you’re the hero here…

- Your wife isn’t coming back bro. She’s just not, and she can’t be the reason you’re trying to fix all of these things (which appears to be the case from your statement). She’s listened to her mental health care providers and knows you yourself are an agent of emotional discord in your family, watched you engage in passive suicidality, and implode your life (from the sounds of it). What fighting do you even feel you’re doing for her? Embrace reality, reject this delusion you’re holding onto.

Bro, you are going to die if you continue on this path. You cannot fix all these issues (mother/daughter/failed business/failed marriage/failing personal health) at once. You need to start somewhere, and if that starting point isn’t fixing your mental and physical health as your top priority then I worry you have just accepted your passive suicidality. Take care of yourself so you can care for others again,
Btw here is the background post:
@songsofpyramids well I'll gladly give you the benefit of doubt.

But let's be honest here about what happened in my thread:

I wrote that after I had gained some fat after a traumatic stress period: I had been running 3 x RFL living on 600 kcals pure chicken breast, green vegs and fishoil (and nothing else, without as much as a cheat meal) for 6 months each time, followed by a year maintenance period, but that eventually I ended up feeling like not being able to hold my breath for more than a year and a half at a time! And each of those times, I ended up 20 kg heavier than I had been before I started my diet!

At the current point I said I've gained 60 kg over these years, and I've become too burned out both from the dieting and traumatic stress I have to deal with in life (that you have no clue about what is), to just do the same a fourth time - that makes me want to use a GLP-1 to make success more likely.

My thread was about getting others' experiences with this, as well as with what other compounds could potentially be complementary to this.

I already told you that before this thing I lived at least 10 years between 7-8% bf, and was quite strong and big for someone that had never used 'any' peds (to be fully honest: I had used ECA a few times, and while training with one of the strongest men on earth, he made me take Dianabol for 10 days x 4 or so... and in my last run of RFL I used clenbuterol to keep me going and t4 mono therapy when my BMR slowed down).

So from this info that is all you have about me:

1) Fine, that you assume my issues are largely self-imposed mental blocks, and all my solutions lay in therapy. But you don't know anything about it ... my body is not built for this kind of weight, I have never been overweight in my life before. My skin feels like pants that are too small ... and shit like that ... all my mind does is think of kcals, sugar, fat and how to get it ... even when I have just eaten a kg of chicken and a kg of veg, my system is still screaming after crappy food ... like someone who is trying to quit smoking crave a cigarette (just worse I'm sure). ...

2. No one asked me, but I already get therapy due to some traumatic stressful things in my life, the problem is the source of that can't be removed.

My mother and daughter both suffer from Schizophrenia, and are committed to the idea of killing themselves together - and it's my full-time job besides everything else to keep them from doing so... It happens every 2 months or so because they are in denial of their sickness and won't take their meds ...

Never meant to share that, but it's so easy to think you have other people all figured out intellectually... and I've been to war, I'll take that over this situation every single day of the week: 27 times I have had to get my mother committed, sometimes for more than a year, and 9 times for my daughter - 7 times each for attempted suicide, where I found them being practically dead and had to get them brought back to life - even that my business went under 3 times due to a psychopath business partner and covid, or that my wife ran away with another man and she haven't seen our daughter or me in years since - is lightweight compared to this situation).

So I do go to therapy, and sure it's somehow helpful, but it's not the fix you are prescribing it as ...

And no I don't feel sry for myself at all, I'm not crying over it ... I'm trying to fucking get myself back to becoming strong enough to fix it.

3. The thread was about GLP-1s and complimentary peds ... there is no advice on that. ONLY, go to therapy, you are just to weak, we hope you die in your fat body ... type of shit! ... to be honest, right now I can't see the difference between you and vern, but perhaps you will show me a better side of yourself later on ... then fine ... Shredded seems to think you have to him earlier on anyways.

You should read this post about GLP-1's by TessaM btw, before assuming you know it all and have figured it all out, it very much describes the situation I'm bodily experiencing. And notice this is the foundation for Novas' entire research into these meds.

Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)
TessaM said:
Fundamentally, these drugs work by fooling the brain into thinking that the body's setpoint is down there v, not up here ^.

They're so effective because the body defends its setpoints vigorously: it does trickery to make you eat less and move more--even unconsciously--if you, say, had put on a few lbs over Christmas and overshoot your setpoint. It also does that the other way around, e.g. when you've lost 10% of your body weight on a diet and it thinks you need to refill empty coffers.

There is a significant evidence that the brain takes years or longer to re-adjust how it responds to nutrients based on a prior setpoint--i.e. appetite, sense of smell, and cravings all remain elevated after weight loss, because that prior high setpoint keeps being defended by the brain.

But then being overweight or obese does some sneaky things while you're fat that sabotage the process of resetting that point by maintaining a consistent weight.

E.g. the skeleton does a bunch of leptin signalling work; that bish doesn't turn over for about a decade. Being fat also trashes GH levels maybe-permanently, esp in women, which has an impact on daily energy levels (see also: aging). Exercise during weight loss turns out to lower RMR further than weight loss alone, and it doesn't bounce back even when checked 5 years later, so a cheat day is that much more derailing.

And a bunch more things, too, but you get the idea.

So once you get skinny, you need to not only have diet and exercise dialed in to a lower RMR than you had from before getting fat, but it may take years to get to the point where it feels to the brain like not being on an extreme diet all the time. Ugh.

Building muscle helps with some of this, of course, but not all of it. Suffice to say many skinny people who were fat for more than a few years are just not the same physiologically as people who never got fat in the first place.

For some it's likely it will take years for after reaching a goal weight for their body to adjust the new lower setpoint that it can defend as zealously as it defended the higher one. If ever, for some.

Hence the idea of "maintenance dose."

Statistically, it's 99% that lose this much weight (50+kgs) without an operation or these meds regain it all with vengeance within 5 years ... why use billions developing these meds, if we could just tell people to go to therapy.

You suffer from the same illusions as my daughter, she thinks she can just psychologically fix her condition - but it's physical in her brain, and takes meds to fix it... and so it is when you have been really fat just once, you have to stay lean for about 9 years before things in your brain physically normalize (and sure, once in a while there is an exception to everything, that's why we hear those speak the loudest).

Anyways, the LAST thing I want is to stand in the way of Shredded success or to spam his thread... I think besides the DNP (and perhaps the Adderal, not something I know much about) he is doing great... so I'm out of here.
You suffer from the same illusions as my daughter, she thinks she can just psychologically fix her condition - but it's physical in her brain, and takes meds to fix it...
No, I do not think it can all be fixed with therapy. Especially not extreme personality disorders like schizophrenia. However, you’re not schizophrenic, you’re simply fat and (very likely) suffering extreme depression. Hiding behind your daughter’s refusal to take meds as a defense of you taking illicit weight loss drugs is logically flawed.
Statistically, it's 99% that lose this much weight (50+kgs) without an operation or these meds regain it all with vengeance within 5 years
Bro, this statistic has been conceptually rejected since the late fucking 90s. 95% Regain Lost Weight. Or Do They? (Published 1999)
The response was different from the rest is because you had been acting like a complete pompous asshole to people providing you solid and reasonable responses and support for your questions, it just wasn’t what you want to hear and responded with whining.
No, I made fun back at people acting like complete pompous assholes - in a thread about what GLP-1 and what complementary meds to use in my situation?

For every actual constructed advice I thanked and gave ppl thumbs up.
But it was getting unbearable, reading the same thing repeated 80 times, just with the variant of just get a bike with a dildo attached and such.

So I poked a tiny bit back, and some of you guys could not take that.

Listen, the advice you mention there is fine and I appreciate the intent... but that's not the type of answer I was responding to when I made fun back at people.

Anyways you are right I'm not going to take most of that advice - and let my mother and daughter die, just to get lean - I'll fix things without doing that.

I specially made a thread about these meds.
Not about the other things, so would appreciate it if people would stay on topic.

I'm not here to get saved by someone random, I'm here to learn about these few meds and people's experiences with them.

So if anyone can just share their experiences with GLP-1's regarding appetite, hunger, cravings, and food addiction, and perhaps about complementary meds to support a person working hard to back into shape, I would appreciate it even more.
No, I do not think it can all be fixed with therapy. Especially not extreme personality disorders like schizophrenia. However, you’re not schizophrenic, you’re simply fat and (very likely) suffering extreme depression. Hiding behind your daughter’s refusal to take meds as a defense of you taking illicit weight loss drugs is logically flawed.

Bro, this statistic has been conceptually rejected since the late fucking 90s. 95% Regain Lost Weight. Or Do They? (Published 1999)
Man, I don't have any depression ... I'm physical, not mentally burned out ... and my body has reached a very bad condition on top of that ... something happened this last time when I hit 140 kg's, no matter what I do, my brain and body keep screaming for junk and more food 24/7 (there by not saying I'm caving in).; it's like getting into cold water and your brain starts screaming for you to get up, the mind starts to play all types of tricks to make you do so... as far as I understand Novo that's exactly what these meds are made to fix.

The conditions in my life that I mentioned sucks, sure they make me sad at times, but mostly I'm not letting them ... I'm focusing on what will help and what will not ... and being sad or depressed won't help anything.

I'm not hiding behind anyone, I'm explaining the cause of the physical stress I'm living with... it's not mental in that sense ... it's not about self-talk or anything like that dude.

If you have never tried it you won't be able to relate.
And you don't have to either.
It doesn't sound like you really understand depression lol, it's not something you just decide won't happen and put a smile on your face. People don't eat themselves into your situation without a mental component. The overeating 100% sounds like a coping mechanism for your situation.
Tirz should definitely be your pick. If you're trying to be safe, going with Reta seems like a terrible idea with it still going through clinical trials. Tirz is great for weight loss and no energy issues on it.
I’ve told him this so many times. Tirz. @DanishPanther order tirz. Tirzepatide. Do it. You’re not going to do Sema by itself, and Reta will fuck your bank account it’s not affordable for you. Tirz will suppress appetite more anyways. You shouldn’t even think about stacking right now, and you won’t need to with Tirz. If appetite is your main concern, Reta is not for you.

You’ve told us countless times this post is about complementary compounds. If that’s really the path you want to go down, Reta will fuck you over. Your heart is not going to be able support the other stuff you want to run. You know how high my risk tolerance is. Even I’m reworking my protocol because Reta is taxing my heart and causing insomnia. You won’t have the money for anything else with Reta anyways. You told me how many mg/week you could afford. It’s not enough man, I’m telling you right now, not for what you want it to do. Please just buy Tirzepatide, you already have the best source.