Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Hey Guys,

What would you enhance yourself with, if you had been out of the gym since covid started and had become obese.
And wanted to get back into shape and moving again as fast as possible?

I'm 178 cm around 138 kg, mid 40s, and obese.
I also suffers from some stomach problems, have a little water in my body (feet is swollen), high end blood pressure.
I have constant cravings for snacks.
I don't feel ready to live on TRT yet, så AAS I think I would prefer to stay away from.

I would like my first goal to get lighter so it's easier to move around and regain more energy.

My own thought:
I think I'm already decided for Semaglutide to improve diet coherence, insulin sensitivity and prevent diabates 2.
Adding Cialis for better blood flow.
HGH, BCP-157 & TB 500: HGH for 6 months the other for 1 month, so improve recovery starting out, and hopefully heal some shit.
(Could also just be HGH alone, or just a month of BCP + TB, or even just BCP or TB alone).
Telmisartan for blood pressure so I can add in a little:
Clenbuterol to get my ass moving again.

Then sometimes I think just use the Semaglutide, perhaps add Viagra, and once in a while do clen, would be enough!


Let's say you where my coach and had to get me back into the gym and being active again as fast as possible.
What would you enhance me with?

Economy is a factor

Thank you
The fastest way to health, getting jacked while sustaining longevity is to do nothing but cardio everyday, in increasing amounts of LENGTH; not intensity, for a year. And nothing else.

Walk 15 minutes twice a day for a month
Up it to 30 minutes twice a day for two months
Then go to 60 minutes a day (morning/evening) with adding 15 minutes at moderate pace, on a treadmill. That you'll do until you die.

After a year look at supplementation.

Being 40 isn't being 60 but, you're old. So, you keep all cause mortality at bay by also including hanging from overhead bars, for two minutes a day, every day. Work up to it. It's not as easy as you think, but this sort of task has been shown to help prevent injury in the form of having enough strength to brace yourself from a fall, etc...

You'll be amazed at how much fat you'll lose just following that protocol.
Good luck fat ass! Send pics this week and then again next year.
I also have to say after reading through this thread, I can't believe there's so many negative assholes commenting. What is the matter with people? Jesus fucking christ. Log out.
The fastest way to health, getting jacked while sustaining longevity is to do nothing but cardio everyday, in increasing amounts of LENGTH; not intensity, for a year. And nothing else.

Walk 15 minutes twice a day for a month
Up it to 30 minutes twice a day for two months
Then go to 60 minutes a day (morning/evening) with adding 15 minutes at moderate pace, on a treadmill. That you'll do until you die.

After a year look at supplementation.

Being 40 isn't being 60 but, you're old. So, you keep all cause mortality at bay by also including hanging from overhead bars, for two minutes a day, every day. Work up to it. It's not as easy as you think, but this sort of task has been shown to help prevent injury in the form of having enough strength to brace yourself from a fall, etc...

You'll be amazed at how much fat you'll lose just following that protocol.
Good luck fat ass! Send pics this week and then again next year.
Thank you for your post man!

I'm not sure I trust this advice FULLY in my situation, or rather I have a hard time believing it to be enough or that it will work fast enough ... if you get what I mean.

I know many that is jacked and in great shape in old age, they all lift heavy weights - those I know that runs allot and do tons of real cardio is sort of in crappy condition actually.

But not sure I consider walking cardio, and it all sounds well intended, so I really appreciate it, thank you... and I love the way you wrote it ... that makes it very valuable in itself.

Also, some of it IS very useful... now reading the details again, with twice a day: I WILL try to progress my daily walking this way, by following your advice: back into 2 x 60 minutes a day, by following your programming - though to be honest I had more in thought to force it trough for a few months with stimulants and using peptides or hgh to aid recovery - then keep doing it til the body was forced to adapt) ... then obviously keep doing it but without the stimulants (well perhaps coffee and teacrine on bad days).

Also notice that untill august last year, I walked 2 hours every single day as part of loosing weight ... I'm bound to my chair while working, but I'm not the laying on the sofa type of guy - normally - I have been since june perhaps.
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Like you, my work consists of sitting at a computer 12 hours a day.
That's why I have a treadmill in my home office.

However, I'm curious to learn how much weight you dropped after walking 2 hours a day. 2 hours a day of walking should result in significant weight loss.
Man that's great to meet someone in the same work situation!
I'll put a follow on you for that reason alone!

Well I think as I remember it, while Covid started and was at its worst I was fucked business-wise, because all my bigger clients bankrupted over night: before that I was a lot more active, but still had had some years before that not training as well due to focus on work and re-building my business, I had just had a horrible psychopathic business partner for 3-4 years that screwed me over: that was hard to recover from... and when I was just about to, well covid hit (I used to be insanely active and training a shit ton before all that) ... but after those Covid complications, I ended up at 108 kg, and decided quickly to do something about it.

At 108 kg, this was not a problem I have to say, I was heavy and it was tough, and sure I had days eating more than the diet said I should ... but I reached a decent weight in like 4 month, and then keept it there year round just by staying at maintance and walking... never got back into the gym though ...

Perhaps due to the lower weight and strict dieting my maintenance was rather low even with 2 hours of daily walking ... think I was floating around a maintance of only 2600 kcals a day...

Then the next problem hit, and I "woke up" at 118 kg ... decided to do something about it ... but I had a hard time to get my ass moving this time, was to burned out after the first I suspect ... it was such a pain for the first month where I tried... so I took some weeks at 20 mcg clenbuterol a day ... it basically made me shake and feel miserable untill I performed my walk, then I would feel great and fine after... so that built a great walking habit ... sometimes I even walked like 3-4 hours before I felt good again ... I didn't take it for that long but at that time it was working rather well for me... also started t4 because of slowdown to that system ... and did that in total for 6 months, then I maintained that weight for more 6 months without drugs afterwood ... again I was hit by a very low maintance, despite keep walking the 2 hours each day... perhaps I was at 2800 kcals this time.

Then around august last year everything went to shit, and I woke up around 135 in may basically... and I have tried to do something about it ever since: but it feels alot, like ALOT more troubled this time.

As for walking I seem to remember calculating a difference around 300 kcal an hour between the days I walked and the days I didn't, so 2 hours of walking was in itself around 600 kcal... but it also tended to increase my appetite ... esp at the heavier weights I guess... for some walking is said to blunt appetite, if so it should be efficient.

Hope that gives you somekind of sense of it.
I personally think the sweet spot might be walking an hour a day, and having 2 short cardio days (talking really short, getting your pulse up for at least 10 minutes preferable 20) and 3 lifting days... but my body won't fit into that now, I have to do something to make it fit first.

But you can see how hard that is to evaluate in the stuation though.
I was in 10 x better shapewqddw now

PS: I hope I framed my last post positively enough, it was meant gratefully anyways, just so you know!
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What's genuinely funny is our shared, bad business experiences. And our motivation to overcome those. That's really the best thing I've read and experienced all day today. So, thanks for confirming that good, smart people, get screwed over, everywhere in the world.

Sounds like hypothyroidism. Having a thyroid panel is my recommendation, along with pretty much every basic blood analysis you can get.

Everyone is different but what stands out beyond the presumably innocuous fluctuation of 22lbs 'overnight', is that at a weight of 118kg (260lbs), you were consuming "just" 2800 cals and this weight appears to be your heaviest. I eat 3800 a day at half your weight. BUT... I could kick your ass. :)

Just remember that once that thyroid issue is dialed in, go back to that cardio routine and then add lifting, with zero AAS for a year. No drugs of any kind. Establish a baseline.

2 hours a day of cardio is simply not practical but an hour a day will do wonders, once your hormones are dialed in.
What's genuinely funny is our shared, bad business experiences. And our motivation to overcome those. That's really the best thing I've read and experienced all day today. So, thanks for confirming that good, smart people, get screwed over, everywhere in the world.

Sounds like hypothyroidism. Having a thyroid panel is my recommendation, along with pretty much every basic blood analysis you can get.

Everyone is different but what stands out beyond the presumably innocuous fluctuation of 22lbs 'overnight', is that at a weight of 118kg (260lbs), you were consuming "just" 2800 cals and this weight appears to be your heaviest. I eat 3800 a day at half your weight. BUT... I could kick your ass. :)

Just remember that once that thyroid issue is dialed in, go back to that cardio routine and then add lifting, with zero AAS for a year. No drugs of any kind. Establish a baseline.

2 hours a day of cardio is simply not practical but an hour a day will do wonders, once your hormones are dialed in.
Thank you mate ... and true, that is genuinely funny.

My heaviest is now, I'm 135 kg probably perhaps even 140 kg.
I wish I was back at 118 already, then the walking would be easier.

Just to make it clear, the pattern is:
1. hard diet,
2. then maintenance
3. then eventually the binging and loosing control and consciousness over my intake for months. This is always set off by traumatic events, and trying to southe that.
4. then regaining conscious awareness of my intake later on.

I'm sure it would happen even faster if I had kept dieting, but even living at maintenance and walking in patterns was not enough to stop it.

This period most important here was:
1. from 108 kg to below 100 kg, back to 118 kg.
2. from 118 kg, back below 108 kg, back to 135 kg.

Leaving me in the worst condition I have ever been at.

Before that I had never been above 108 kgs.

Perhaps it could be typothyroidism - I don't know that much about it: but it really hit me with a vengence 6 months after using t4 for several months only at hrt doses - those 6 months I where on maintenance though without t4, I did maintain my weight and keept walking though... it feelt more like accumulated stress and trauma though ...
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Jesus another fool repeating the same thing and not getting what the thread is about! ... there is something about this place and guys with way too much testosterone in their tiny little brains!

Obviously, as stated 20 times already: I have already done all that, not for months or years, but always!

If you think the conscious parts of your little over testosterone-affected brain is ohh so powerful that it can beat your brain biology and nervous system over time, then please stay out of my threads... its a waste of my f... time!

As stated like 5 times in the thread, just the last 4 years, I have lost 18-22 kg 3 times, walked 40 km a day: and done it all by the book: then the automatic nervous system takes over: and you wake up weighing 10 kg more than when you started ... eventually your systems are burned out.

You should look into the forces of the nervous system, and get just 1% of how the brain actually works.

Also look at the studies 3% that is put into professional dieting and training succeeds in situations like these, 97% fails ... where if you fiddle just a little with these newest gl-1 meds, the success rate becomes 90%+ all will lose more than 15% of their bodyweight (without being instructed specificially about chaning diet or training), and more than 50% will lose twice that.

And I'm not aiming to just use the meds to lose weight: I'm going to use it to get back into my old training and diet habit and lifestyle...

I don't pitty myself your fool! I pitty you! I'm looking to educate myself about meds and peds related to my problem! I have never in my entire life felt sry for myself ... f... idiot!
That's the best excuse I've heard to date. Your nervous system has taken control of your body.

I sleep walk to the frig all the time when I'm bulking or just not worried about weight. But for some reason when I cut/diet the sleep walking stops. Maybe you and your nervous system need to sit down and have a nice long talk.
That's the best excuse I've heard to date. Your nervous system has taken control of your body.

I sleep walk to the frig all the time when I'm bulking or just not worried about weight. But for some reason when I cut/diet the sleep walking stops. Maybe you and your nervous system need to sit down and have a nice long talk.
It’s the closest metaphorical way to explain it; it means systems override your will, it increases focus and thinking onto foods and removes your focus and awareness on it.

Now in a healthy system, they are so balanced this never happens, like you don’t pass out over holding your breath unless, you actually hold your breath long enough for your brain to fear you will get damaged by it: if that happens, it shuts your consciousness off and takes over.

Same way: If you are in a fisticuff with me, or you find out you have a rattlesnake in your pants, you won’t be thinking of your diet or next set of squats…

But obviously, a testosterone-affected bee brain like yours thinks it's always in control! Though all science shows less than 1% of your thoughts are controlled by your conscious ego.

But obviously your thoughts, and hereby I mean you only, are not controled by biology: when you jack yourself up with testosterone, you don’t think more horny thoughts about women when you are shut down, you think the same .., if you get a lap dance by a hot woman with huge tits or a man with a big beard it does not affect your thoughts or drives, it’s just a matter of what you chooses to think off in the situation… If it’s been a month since you last ate or you just ate does not affect your thoughts about food,,, because you choose those yourself … if I cut off your balls or if you are jacked up would not affect your thinking… when you drink alcohol and thereby an effect on your dopamine levels, this does not change your mood or the thoughts you have... such things are only for men not tough enough … because it's just psychology brooo, and you are a tough guy who is totally in control of your own thought biology .., you don’t even have an automatic nervous system, you control your own blood pressure with your thoughts, your own heart rythm …you are also conscious of how you use your language, you know why you think of a women as being “hot” even though she has the same temperature as everyone else; nothing is in control of you except yourself, least of all your subconsciousness... or so you think.

Or alternatively, you could grasp how our biology affects our thinking and grasp that thinking is not some magical religious thing that comes out of nothing.

The nervous system controls everyones body ... obviously, that's what it's there for.
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Some of you guys want to pretend you have some kind of superior willpower, and is ohh so tough, - but you can't even keep your negative shit out of my thread.

There is a reason you FEEL like being an asshole in this thread, it got nothing to do with rationality or your thinking :)
im starting to doubt you were ever in the military if you think will powers not real and just biological process based on hormones and health. will power decides winners and losers despite environment and genetics. even a hypo gonadal man will triumph over a regular guy who has no drive and a losers mentality. happens everyday... you really need to fix that mentality and build will first or it doesnt matter what drugs you use. you could start blasting test and still fail. when that happens you would come up with a new excuse: ah well i didnt manage estrogen right or maybe this is a thyroid problem yapyapyap same shit always. how old are you are you really over 50?? how do you not know this
Thank you for this ...

I'm sure Semaglutide will help me lower my kcal intake, and avoid ending up binging and lossing control of my brain... but I also fear it will make it harder for me to recover... so I'm still considering something like HGH or BCP-157 to aid recovery, when i start on it.

I guess if there is no better thing to keep me moving the days I'm crawling out of bed with no energy, clen could be an option (its worked for me once before) though someone else have since this thread suggested me to try with teacrine and coffein combined instead.

Is also looking into Telmisartan and Metformin for the bloodpressure and edems.

And lastly Still looking for options to heal my gut (I'm forced to take ppi's right now), improve my imunesystem (because I have HPV, and low kcal intake also fucked up the imunesystem fully) ...

But you are right, those 3 I could get a plan to work with.
Basically using Semaglutide to keep kcal low.
Viagra to lower blood pressure.
And Clen the days I have problems recovering or is to low energy to move.

My test levels have been very high naturally always, last time I got it checked was a year and a half ago, very difficult (or very expensive) to get that done here ... this is one of the main reasons I don't feel ready for TRT yet - I hope to wait with that untill my 50's or 60's.

Though I very well know about testosterones' massive effect on the brain in terms of motivating action instead of thinking and emotion (classic Hubberman stuff).
If your hormones are already in order then the only way forward is to get that caloric deficit and maintaining it long term. That's the name of the game, as you know. You can throw hgh on top of it if you really want to but it's not going to change the game the way semaglutide does. You'll start feeling better in general the lighter you get, and if you exercise you'll feel even better. Have you talked to a doctor about why you're having edema? If it's your heart it could explain why you have no energy.
If your hormones are already in order then the only way forward is to get that caloric deficit and maintaining it long term. That's the name of the game, as you know. You can throw hgh on top of it if you really want to but it's not going to change the game the way semaglutide does. You'll start feeling better in general the lighter you get, and if you exercise you'll feel even better. Have you talked to a doctor about why you're having edema? If it's your heart it could explain why you have no energy.
Thank you mate, and a good useful post btw.

Absolutely, the main problem as I have tried to explain is 1) short term being able to sustain a big kcal defict to loose lots of weights fast, so things like walking, moving around and training becomes easier again ... I won't use two years on this phase, if I can do it in 3 months on semaglutide. 2) next phase will be a habit focused kcal deficit and lifting 3) keeping that cource at maintance.

My main plan for this is semaglutide (if I can get it sourced).

The next issue is overall recovery, if I can enhance this it will just makes everything much, much easier ... laying in bed a week after a long walk makes things harder than they should be... and a big kcal deficit does not exactly improve recovery.

I have mostly tried to look into hgh, mostly for improving recovery (that was very much what I hoped would be the type of thing people would talk about in this thread) for recovery ... but I'm in doubt if it's worth it, both money-wise and in terms of results vs. side effects ... I would run 2 ui every morning fasted if I did it ... but perhaps the effect would be to big on my blood pressure right now... but some have also mentioned peptides like bpc-157 perhaps was better for this part.

Then there is my gut (gerd, I have to take PPI's if I forget a single day, I'm at the hospital the day after) - perhaps something like bpc-157 would help here, so would lossing weight I'm sure.

Lastly there is my immune system, since I suffer from a terrible case of HPV, and a big kcal deficit limits the immune system as well... meaning when I started to cut this time at first, I began to grow worts (yes also there).

"You'll start feeling better in general the lighter you get, and if you exercise you'll feel even better"

No doubt that this is the overall plan.

My doctor is hopeless sadly, Denmark is a much more conservative place when it comes to these things than the US or UK. Also because I got tested for everything before my last weight loss at 118 kg a year and a half ago or whenever it was, and there everything was flawless (even though I was obese at that weight as well) ... I'll try working her over again in January, but so far she has rejected even putting me on Telmisartan for the high blood pressure... she just says: "I have known you and your history for a long time, try to take a vacation and I'm sure you will lose 30 kg and go back to perfect health, I'm not worried" ... I'm also a calm type by nature, in this case, it does not work in my favor... most would panic in my condition right now.

Thank you again for your post.
so my obvious question is why did you let yourself get so big? i know you said the fake covid thing. but truth be told i know tons of people who used this time to get shredded. So i dont see how people got so damn fat. I feel like you all wanted to be fat the whole damn time and jjust decided HEY! i have an actual excuse to get fat now because the govt said its a pandemic., but again seems like you got ahold of it and have alot of health issues which i circle back to, Then why let yourself get obese??? Obeseity doesnt help improve any parts of life. Not even in business does being a fat piece of shit help. OHHH also congratulations on using the search bar and finding the GLP thread GOOD JOB!!!
so my obvious question is why did you let yourself get so big? i know you said the fake covid thing. but truth be told i know tons of people who used this time to get shredded. So i dont see how people got so damn fat. I feel like you all wanted to be fat the whole damn time and jjust decided HEY! i have an actual excuse to get fat now because the govt said its a pandemic., but again seems like you got ahold of it and have alot of health issues which i circle back to, Then why let yourself get obese??? Obeseity doesnt help improve any parts of life. Not even in business does being a fat piece of shit help. OHHH also congratulations on using the search bar and finding the GLP thread GOOD JOB!!!
I'm about to punch you in the mouth.
im starting to doubt you were ever in the military if you think will powers not real and just biological process based on hormones and health. will power decides winners and losers despite environment and genetics. even a hypo gonadal man will triumph over a regular guy who has no drive and a losers mentality. happens everyday... you really need to fix that mentality and build will first or it doesnt matter what drugs you use. you could start blasting test and still fail. when that happens you would come up with a new excuse: ah well i didnt manage estrogen right or maybe this is a thyroid problem yapyapyap same shit always. how old are you are you really over 50?? how do you not know this
You have seen too many Ramboo movies (don't get me wrong Ramboo and Rocky is great fiction, but there is zero realism) ... at least in Denmark the unit I was in downright selected people for their sense of realism and intelligence, and macho attitudes like yours where considered fully useless.

Just imagine thinking you can withstand torture and information indefinitely, instead of knowing exactly how long you can actually last and what to do when you eventually spill your guts (because ALL humans eventually will)... or imagine participating in prolonged engagement with sustained fire and being offered stimulants to get the upper advantage, and you refuse because you think you can maximize your brain biology with your psychological thoughts alone.

It has nothing to do with having no drive or loser mentality, or whatever you want to project onto me.

The few macho special force units around the world are the poorest (except the French legion perhaps), whereas the Danish Jærgerkorps (The Jaeger Corps), are among the best to finish our operations.

What separates you and me is not our ability to maximize our performance; it's just education and realism about how you work as a human. I'm sure I have outperformed you in every way naturally in the past btw.

And I still work for military organizations owning my own consulting agency, though I had a break from it when I took my master's degree in biomedical engineering and worked 5 years at the muscle center in Copenhagen.

None of this changes or explains my current situation... so it's barely relevant for the thread.
It’s the closest metaphorical way to explain it; it means systems override your will, it increases focus and thinking onto foods and removes your focus and awareness on it.

Now in a healthy system, they are so balanced this never happens, like you don’t pass out over holding your breath unless, you actually hold your breath long enough for your brain to fear you will get damaged by it: if that happens, it shuts your consciousness off and takes over.

Same way: If you are in a fisticuff with me, or you find out you have a rattlesnake in your pants, you won’t be thinking of your diet or next set of squats…

But obviously, a testosterone-affected bee brain like yours thinks it's always in control! Though all science shows less than 1% of your thoughts are controlled by your conscious ego.

But obviously your thoughts, and hereby I mean you only, are not controled by biology: when you jack yourself up with testosterone, you don’t think more horny thoughts about women when you are shut down, you think the same .., if you get a lap dance by a hot woman with huge tits or a man with a big beard it does not affect your thoughts or drives, it’s just a matter of what you chooses to think off in the situation… If it’s been a month since you last ate or you just ate does not affect your thoughts about food,,, because you choose those yourself … if I cut off your balls or if you are jacked up would not affect your thinking… when you drink alcohol and thereby an effect on your dopamine levels, this does not change your mood or the thoughts you have... such things are only for men not tough enough … because it's just psychology brooo, and you are a tough guy who is totally in control of your own thought biology .., you don’t even have an automatic nervous system, you control your own blood pressure with your thoughts, your own heart rythm …you are also conscious of how you use your language, you know why you think of a women as being “hot” even though she has the same temperature as everyone else; nothing is in control of you except yourself, least of all your subconsciousness... or so you think.

Or alternatively, you could grasp how our biology affects our thinking and grasp that thinking is not some magical religious thing that comes out of nothing.

The nervous system controls everyones body ... obviously, that's what it's there for.
I don't even take the time to read your book long responses. You're a narcissist that thinks they know all the answers, when in reality you know only excuses. You need help. Help so you stop using food as your escape from reality. You have an go get help.
I don't even take the time to read your book long responses. You're a narcissist that thinks they know all the answers, when in reality you know only excuses. You need help. Help so you stop using food as your escape from reality. You have an go get help.
I don't think I know all the answers, I know everything there is to know about diet and training: but I know close to nothing about peds and meds, which is why that's what my thread is about - and what I'm trying to edcuate myself about!

That your answer to me trying to know more about these substances is: "Just man up bro, and then in 5 years do lots of test and dbol, dbol is good" is not useful advice!!! ... And telling you so does not make me a narcissist, your answers just makes you an idiot!

And I'm 110% grounded in reality dude... and sure I do have an addiction of overeating to soothe a traumatized nervous system (that over time is acumulating and screaming lauder and lauder after foods, and can't be shut up as easily as your or a healthy system can); that's what being obese often is; and that's what I have been saying myself all along ...

If I wanted to escape I would choose different tools than a gl-1 antagonist :rolleyes: ... Why do you think gl-1 antagonists are shown to even cure cocaine addiction? ... losing my weight 'your way', has over the years become too much of a developing struggle - it hasn't helped or fixed the problem it has made it worse - and I'm not going to keep repeating the same pattern - so not using the tools and meds available that is even healthy to use for someone in my situation - and try to "just man up" or "just change your psychology (as in my thinking)" - would be idiotic fantasy!

And no one else is coming to help me, I have to figure out how to help myself ... preferably before I get old ... I would like to still have some mid-way life left to live ... I'm way to young to stop banging yet.

It's you that are far away from reality and living mentally inside a Rocky movie - instead of showing the ability to put yourself in other's place!

Now stop writing in threads that you neither have the experience or the knowledge to be helpful in ... or at least constrain yourself to be funny or whatever ...

*Reading lesson over*.

Enjoy! :)
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I don't think I know all the answers, I know everything there is to know about diet and training: but I know close to nothing about peds and meds, which is why that's what my thread is about - and what I'm trying to edcuate myself about!

That your answer to me trying to know more about these substances is: "Just man up bro, and then in 5 years do lots of test and dbol, dbol is good" is not useful advice!!! ... And telling you so does not make me a narcissist, your answers just makes you an idiot!

And I'm 110% grounded in reality dude... and sure I do have an addiction of overeating to soothe a traumatized nervous system (that over time is acumulating and screaming lauder and lauder after foods, and can't be shut up as easily as your or a healthy system can); that's what being obese often is; and that's what I have been saying myself all along ...

If I wanted to escape I would choose different tools than a gl-1 antagonist :rolleyes: ... Why do you think gl-1 antagonists are shown to even cure cocaine addiction? ... losing my weight 'your way', has over the years become too much of a developing struggle - it hasn't helped or fixed the problem it has made it worse - and I'm not going to keep repeating the same pattern - so not using the tools and meds available that is even healthy to use for someone in my situation - and try to "just man up" or "just change your psychology (as in my thinking)" - would be idiotic fantasy!

And no one else is coming to help me, I have to figure out how to help myself ... preferably before I get old ... I would like to still have some mid-way life left to live ... I'm way to young to stop banging yet.

It's you that are far away from reality and living mentally inside a Rocky movie - instead of showing the ability to put yourself in other's place!

Now stop writing in threads that you neither have the experience or the knowledge to be helpful in ... or at least constrain yourself to be funny or whatever ...

*Reading lesson over*.

Enjoy! :)
Dude, you can't even keep track of who you're responding to.
Let me explain it to you. Shut up, stop typing and get moving. Stop shoving crap in your mouth because it feels good and you have a 1000 excuses to just go ahead an engorge yourself. DONE! Ya it's called suffering. Learn to suffer from a little deprivation of what ever food you love to engorge with. You're addicted to food and it's you're crutch. End story!